Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 51 Two-Wing Jetpack

The case of Meng Yugui has attracted the attention of the Fuyun City police.

Including Yang Yuerong, all the people who bought Meng Yugui's property were asked by the police for questioning.

However, after checking and checking, these people used legitimate methods. Even though Yang Yuerong got the most property, there was still no evidence of a crime.

In the end, the police finally focused on Li Gui and the "high man" who appeared at the end.

Of course, the police would not believe such a thing as a ghost. They believed that everything was done by the so-called "superior" who was pretending to be a ghost, and that this person was the mastermind behind everything.

From the mouths of Meng Yugui's gangsters, it can also be confirmed that it was at the instigation of this "superior" that Meng Yugui sold all his properties in a short period of time.

However, when the police launched a search, they did not find the slightest trace of the "expert", as if this person had never existed in the world.

In the eyes of the police, this is definitely a shocking scam. Some people once suspected that Yang Yuerong might have conspired with that "expert man", but unfortunately, the police found that the two had never had any contact at all.

As the mastermind behind this incident, Zhao Xu's life during this time has been extremely leisurely. There is no way, this guy picked himself too clean. Who would doubt someone who didn't get any benefits at all?

Of course, there is no benefit at all on the surface!

Yang Yuerong was very resentful about this, she had been questioned by the police, but the mastermind had nothing to do, this really made people feel unbalanced.

So she decided to punish Zhao Xu and vowed not to let this guy sleep for half a month.

But she really didn't expect that this guy didn't know when, he was assigned a key to her house, and the next night, he groped in the door and got into her bed.

As a result, the lonely man and the widow, with nothing to worry about, she was tossed half to death again, and the so-called punishment, of course, ended without a problem.

For the next period of time, Zhao Xu took his father home, and would spare time every day to play chess and chat with his father, or to go shopping and grocery shopping with his mother, and live a happy life Incomparable.

But the good times are coming to an end. After more than half a month, Zhao Xu was finally kicked out of the house by his parents. In the words of the elders, young people should aim everywhere. Dongjiang is busy with his career.

So Zhao Xu looked up to the sky with a long sigh under the menacing eyes of the elders, and left Fuyun City in despair.

After returning to Dongjiang City, Zhao Xu settled down and began to study the production of original energy again. He felt that although Iron Man's armor was too high-tech and could not be produced now, he could definitely make something else first.

For example, first create something that can fly into the sky, and be able to fly freely like a bird. This is the dream of all human beings. Just thinking about it makes me excited. If I can really fly into the sky, how cool would it be?

So Zhao Xu thought about the movies he had seen, and finally set his goal on "Captain America 2".

In this movie, although Captain America is the main character, it has to be said that the most brilliant and impressive thing for Zhao Xu is the black Falcon.

When the falcon was flying freely in the sky with its two-winged jetpack on its back, Zhao Xu was really excited and envious, so he planned to make a double-winged jetpack now.

However, there are two problems,

Flying is not walking on the ground. It is not that you can fly directly in the sky by making a jetpack with two wings. Various flying skills are a big problem.

Like how does the body keep its balance, or how does it turn in the sky?

These are not things that can be grasped by patting his thighs. If Zhao Xu flies into the sky recklessly now, he will definitely fall headfirst to the ground.

In addition to flying skills, there is a second problem, and that is inner fear.

Don't talk about flying fast with a two-wing jetpack, even if it's a relatively low-level skydiving, it doesn't mean you dare to jump just by jumping.

Think about standing at a height of thousands of meters, looking at the crowd at your feet like ants. Excitement is certain, but more of it must be fear, especially for the first time, if you dare to jump down without thinking about anything, then Not brave, but foolishly bold.

So Zhao Xu decided to start by overcoming the psychological fear of heights. Fortunately, there is a skydiving club in Dongjiang City, which can be trained for only money.

The next day, Zhao Xu went to the club to sign up. After half a month of training, Zhao Xu followed the coach and made his first skydive.

The most exciting part of skydiving is actually just jumping off, before opening the parachute.

The peak pleasure of the wind whistling in his ears and his body falling rapidly in the air made Zhao Xu's heart beat faster when he tried it for the first time, and he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

Fortunately, there was always a coach to guide him at that time, otherwise Zhao Xu might have patronized the exciting yelling and forgot to open the parachute in time. This is indeed an extreme sport that can make people's blood boil.

After the first attempt, Zhao Xu fell in love with skydiving. He continued to follow the parachutists in the club to take off on high mountains all over the country, and the club also organized everyone to try a few times on the plane.

With constant practice, Zhao Xu's skydiving skills became more and more proficient, and of course, his fear of heights gradually disappeared.

However, in order to control the two-winged jetpack, it is not enough to just overcome psychological fear, and skydiving is just a kind of free fall from top to bottom. Zhao Xu must also adapt to horizontal flight and how to change flight in the air like an airplane direction.

So he joined the hang gliding club again. Hang gliding, also known as delta wing, is a flying sport that originated in France.

The hang glider has a simple structure and is not difficult to learn. It uses air resistance and lift to allow people to glide in the air.

Hang gliding is obviously more fun than skydiving.

When taking off, just find a suitable hillside, and then run down the hillside against the wind for a certain distance. When the hang glider and the air move relative to each other, there is enough resistance and lift applied to the hang glider, and the whole person can fly into the sky .

There are also two types of hang glider, powered and unpowered. Zhao Xu has learned and tried both.

While learning skydiving and hang gliding, Zhao Xu had already built a model of a two-wing jetpack with the original energy spar.

The scientific and technological content of the two-wing jetpack is obviously much higher than that of the spider web launcher and gecko gloves. It only took a few seconds to build the models of the latter two with the original energy spar, but now it took a whole lot of time to build the jetpack. It took ten minutes to complete, and the gap between them is really amazing.

The model was built successfully, and everything was ready. The only thing that was missing was the flying skills, so Zhao Xu seized almost every bit of time and kept flying the hang glider.

As time passed, his flying skills became more and more proficient, and his desire to fly with a biplane jetpack became more and more eager.

Finally, five months later, Zhao Xu climbed up a cliff nearly a thousand meters above sea level by himself, preparing for his first attempt at a biplane jet pack.

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