Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 513 Exposure

After a night of silence, the sky was getting brighter, and people finally started a new day of work. Everything was as calm as usual, and it seemed that today's time would pass without any waves as usual.

But at this moment, a piece of news was suddenly uploaded to the Internet, and then it quickly spread to the entire Internet like a virus infection.

Soon, the headlines of major portal websites were dominated by this news.

In a certain company, after get off work at noon, the employees stretched their bodies, and then rushed to the restaurant for dinner with each other.

Mobile phones can access the Internet these days, so when everyone eats, many people like to play with their mobile phones.


Suddenly, a female white-collar worker exclaimed: "Everyone, look at Penguin News, there is a big news, my God, how is this possible?"

"What's the big news?"

"Quickly, turn on the news and see, is there another celebrity who has come out?"

"Quack, it turns out that the expensive circle is really messed up. Hey, it's not about celebrities. This... Damn, it's real or fake. Are you going to play me?"

"Not only Penguin News, but other websites also have this news. My God, the Internet has turned upside down now!"

The entire restaurant was like a frying pan, shouting and cursing one after another, everyone was furious because of a piece of news, and some even slapped the table and scolded mothers in anger.

What was described in this news was exactly the fact that the federal president, Kilo, secretly resold the strengthening potion for his own selfish desires, earning huge profits.

Not only in this company, but at this moment, all the people in the world who have access to the Internet have already heard the news, and then the official website of the federal government was immediately bombarded by countless comments.

Everyone is cursing, it is a great shame that the dignified president actually did such a thing, the prestige of the federal government plummeted immediately, and the popular support rate also dropped sharply, and this situation is still getting worse.

Following the Internet, other media were not to be outdone, and soon began to report on this matter, and all of them were headlines on the front page. Same.

So more and more people know about it, and everyone is condemning the federal government,

For a while, the officials of the federal government were overwhelmed.

But the matter didn't end there. After Kilo's incident was brought to the headlines, pieces of news continued to emerge from the Internet and major media like mushrooms after rain.

These messages are a detailed description of the Kilo incident, which actually includes all the details of the sale of enhanced potions, as well as the list of people who participated in this incident, including many other executives of the federal government and powerful figures from various countries in the world.

These pieces of news, like a bolt from the blue, caused an uproar in the whole world.

Anyone with a bit of a brain can guess that there is someone behind this incident, otherwise the incident would not spread so fast, but knowing that it is the same thing, no one can stop it.

Because everything in the report is factual, there is no falsehood, and those who fueled the flames acted too quickly. By the time the federal government reacted, it was already too late.

The news has already snowballed on the Internet and major media. This matter will become more and more troublesome, and no one can stop it.

Want to delete news?

This is a ridiculous idea. Who can delete all the news in the world's media and the Internet, and now the matter has been known to most of the public. If you delete the news again, it is simply trying to cover up and kill yourself!

People in the federal government were helpless and could only watch things get worse.

Some people have already started spontaneous demonstrations in the streets, demanding that President Kilo and all other powerful figures who participated in this matter be severely punished.

But at this time, President Kilo had disappeared without a trace, and even if the federal government wanted to punish him severely, he couldn't find anyone.

They could only announce through the media that they would try their best to track down Kilo, but the people didn't buy it, and the parade teams all over the place grew stronger and stronger.

The prestige of the federal government is deteriorating, and the public support rate has dropped from 80% at the beginning to 40%, and this decline has not stopped.

In a few days, the human world has fallen into great chaos because of this world.

And at this moment, a statement suddenly appeared on the Internet.

In an inconspicuous corner: Someone commented on the corruption and inaction of the federal government, which caused the human world to fall into chaos. He proposed to dissolve the federal government and restore the previous situation where all countries stood side by side.

No one knows where this comment came from, and who sent it. It didn't attract everyone's attention at first, but the strange thing is that this comment has been clicked hundreds of millions of times in just two days , quickly reached the top of the list of major search sites.

Countless people have seen this comment, and not everyone is able to remain rational, especially now that the Kilo incident has just happened, and human trust in the federal government has plummeted, so this comment has actually won many supporters.

Now that the doomsday crisis is coming at any time, the integration of human beings has become a trend.

However, this statement that ran counter to the mainstream view was recognized by some people because of the anger of many people, and then some media even invited so-called experts to discuss it for the purpose of gaining attention. Expanded the influence of speech.

The situation seemed to be out of control all of a sudden. As the public's opposition became more and more intense, the federal government was almost on the verge of collapse, and the situation was in jeopardy.

Things like public opinion are usually used by politicians to play with, but once public opinion has formed, it will become unstoppable, and anyone who wants to manipulate it will be destroyed.

In the House of Representatives, the representatives of various countries were desperately discussing the solution, but unfortunately, even if they slapped the table and stared, there was still nothing they could do.

"Damn it, who is behind this matter? What are the intelligence agencies doing? Haven't they found out who is behind the scenes?" A gray-haired congressman slapped the table angrily.

"The intelligence agencies are a bunch of trash. Instead of counting on them, it's better to think about how to change public opinion!"

"Reverse public opinion? How to reverse it, who can do it?"

"The most important thing now is to find Kilo as soon as possible and bring him back for trial, so as to calm the anger of the people!"

"But where is Kylo, ​​who knows?"

"Didn't we capture some of Kilo's accomplices? Why don't we try those accomplices publicly now to cool down the public's mood?"

"I'm afraid it won't have much effect. Now the public's attention is on Kilo. As long as Kilo doesn't show up, it's useless to judge anyone. And do you think the person behind the scenes will let us solve this matter easily?"

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