Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 525: 0 Jun 1 Shot

Earth Federation Government Headquarters Building, Global Monitoring Center.

This is the federal government, a recently established agency that has the right to supervise satellites launched by all countries in the world. The existence of this agency also represents a further step in the federal government's control over countries.

At this time, in the lobby of the monitoring center, the employees were busy as usual, and on the large screen on one wall, the real-time images sent back by satellites from various countries were being displayed.

Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded throughout the monitoring center, and the employees almost instinctively looked at the big screen:

"What's going on, what happened?"

"I don't know, the warning signal is from the third satellite!"

"Look, what is that?"

"Oh my god, spaceships, so many spaceships, where did this come from, aliens attacked the earth?"

The employees screamed in fear, and saw on the big screen that in the distant space, hundreds of huge spaceships were flying towards the earth.

"Hurry up, report to Councilor Xu immediately, we are really in trouble!" The supervisor of the monitoring center immediately ordered.

As the situation was reported, soon, Xu Shicheng led a group of senior federal officials to arrive.

"What's going on?" Xu Shicheng asked solemnly.

"Five minutes ago, the No. 3 satellite detected that there are more than 600 spaceships approaching the earth. Their intentions are unknown, but there is a high possibility of a threat of force!" the supervisor of the monitoring center replied.

"Have you tried to contact the other party, we have to at least find out who they are?"

"We sent contact information to the other party according to the procedure, but the other party did not respond. Councilor Xu, do you think these are really aliens?"

"It's still uncertain now, alas, what a troubled time!" Xu Shicheng shook his head with a wry smile: "By the way, where did the spaceship come from?"

"According to calculations, they should have flown in a straight line from the direction of the moon!"

"Moon?" Xu Shicheng said in surprise: "Then it's not aliens. If I guess correctly, these are probably the spaceships of rock giants!"

"not good,

They are attacking! "An exclamation came suddenly, and Xu Shicheng and others immediately looked at the big screen.

After the hundreds of spaceships approached, the launch tube at the bow suddenly lit up, and then a series of white particle beams shot out, instantly destroying some of the artificial satellites surrounding the earth.

Xu Shicheng and the others were stunned. Although the scenes of interstellar wars had been described countless times in the movies, they saw it with their own eyes today, and they realized that the real situation is always more frightening than the movies.

Suddenly, a staff member said loudly: "Sir, the other party has sent a contact signal, is it connected?"

Xu Shicheng pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Connect immediately!"

"Yes, sir!" The staff immediately operated on the keyboard, and suddenly, one of the screens on the big screen showed a scene inside the spaceship.

I saw that it was a huge cockpit, and a rock giant was sitting in the driver's seat, looking at everyone coldly: "Humble human, the attack just now was just a warning, notify Zhao Xu immediately, let him come out to receive Die, or our next attack will fall directly on the earth!"

Everyone's heart sank, they had seen the attack just now, the power of those thousands of particle beams was too powerful, if it really fell on the earth, how many people would die!

There was a drop of cold sweat on Xu Shicheng's forehead. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao Xu is not here now, so please give us some time, we will contact him as soon as possible!"

Facing the threat of hundreds of spaceships, although Xu Shicheng was extremely angry, he had to lower his posture. After all, he could not let human beings be hurt because of his impulse.

"Are you trying to stall for time?"

The rock giant laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, we know that Zhao Xu is in the parallel universe, and we also know that he can see everything that happens here. You'd better look forward to him coming out as soon as possible, otherwise you'll be waiting to die, ha ha, I don’t know if he will dare to come out in the face of our fleet? But it’s okay, if he dares not come out, then watch us destroy his clan!”

Everyone's hearts sank, and deep fear surged in their hearts.

Xu Shicheng's mood at this moment is extremely complicated. He not only hopes that Zhao Xu will appear as soon as possible to turn the tide, but also hopes that Zhao Xu will never appear, because facing hundreds of spaceships, he really can't think of what Zhao Xu can do. Confrontation, if Zhao Xu really died because of this, there would really be no hope for mankind.

Hundreds of spaceships are getting closer and closer, and finally all of them are suspended in the outer space of the earth.

At this time, the rock giant on the screen snorted coldly: "It seems that Zhao Xu, that humble bug, really dare not come out. If so, you humans are ready to die!"

As soon as his words fell, the launch tubes of those hundreds of spaceships lit up again, and the next moment, beams of bright white particles shot out like a torrential rain.

Xu Shicheng and others gasped as they looked at the screen.

Dead silence enveloped the entire monitoring center hall, and everyone looked at the screen in horror, watching the thousands of particle beams getting closer and closer to the earth, and then shot into the atmosphere and flew towards the ground quickly.

These particle beams were aimed at Chang'an City where the scientific research base of the prosperous Tang Dynasty was located. At this time, the residents of Chang'an City were startled and looked up one after another. They saw thousands of white lights falling like a meteor shower in the originally dark night sky. All were illuminated as bright as day.

A feeling of despair pervades everyone's heart, they are powerless to resist, they can only watch death getting closer and closer to them.

The intense fear made everyone's hands and feet cold, and some timid ones even cried, constantly begging for someone to save them.

At this moment, a huge spatial vortex suddenly appeared in the sky above Chang'an City.

People stared wide-eyed, looking at the space vortex in disbelief, and suddenly, a gigantic creature slowly flew out of the vortex.

This is actually a giant spaceship with a length of three to four kilometers. It appeared in a very ingenious position, just blocking the thousands of particle beams falling from the sky.

Suddenly, red light flickered around the giant spaceship, instantly forming an incomparably huge energy shield, and the next moment, it was hit by thousands of particle beams.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Horrific impacts and explosions resounded through the sky. Thousands of particle beams splashed layers upon layers of waves on the energy shield, but they couldn't break the shield at all.

On the ground, people looked at all this dumbfounded, they couldn't believe it, they muttered to themselves, and finally all gathered into one ecstatic cry: "Haha, we are saved!"

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