Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 529: Biological Transformation 1

After leaving mars, Zhao Xu went to earth.

It is not the earth in the real universe, but the parallel universe, the earth where the Great Shang Dynasty is located. Because he wants to build a complete biological chain for Mars, he must use the earth as a template.

However, in the earth in the real universe, because of the damage caused by the rapid development of human beings over the years, the biological chain has been missing and is no longer perfect. If it continues, I believe that in a few hundred years, the earth's biological chain will collapse. At that time, even if there were no rock giants, human beings would probably perish.

Compared with the real universe, the earth in the parallel universe has no large-scale industrial development, so the environment and biological chain are still in a perfect state, and there are even many lives that have become extinct in the real universe.

Zhao Xu's purpose was to scan the vegetation, animals, microorganisms, etc. on the earth, and then copy them to Mars.

So in the next few months, he traveled to every corner of the earth, constantly using the original energy to scan every inch of the earth, every inch of air and ocean.

It can be said that Zhao Xu did not let go of the plants growing on the ground, running animals, various microorganisms floating in the air, or fish and seaweed swimming in the ocean.

After several months of hard work, Zhao Xu built a large number of animal and plant models in the original energy spar. He was very confident that he could use these models to build a complete earth environment.

However, the matter did not end there. Although all kinds of animals, plants, and microorganisms have been scanned, they cannot be copied directly to Mars.

Because of the large environment of Mars, although it is approaching completion, the time is still too short after all, and many places are quite different from the earth, such as soil composition and ocean environment.

So what Zhao Xu has to do next is to use the original energy to make some necessary modifications to all the biological models in the original energy spar, so that they can adapt to the Martian environment to the greatest extent.

So after completing all the biological scans in a few months, Zhao Xu returned to the real universe, gathered all the scientists from the Shengtang scientific research base, together with Holy Spirit and himself, and began to make various designs and adjustments on the biological models. remodel.

In fact, this kind of transformation is simple to say, it has only one purpose, that is to enhance the environmental adaptability of various organisms.

To some extent, this kind of transformation is the same as strengthening the human body with strengthening medicine, but the strengthening effect is far from comparable to that of humans.

After gathering the wisdom of many top human scientists,

Coupled with the extremely powerful super artificial intelligence of the Holy Spirit, the progress of the transformation of the biological model can be said to be gratifying.

Time passed day by day, and about half a year later, the transformation of various biological models was finally completed, and at the same time, the composition of the atmosphere on Mars was also approaching perfection, and the vast ocean was finally completed...

In the parallel world, after more than a year of transformation, the environment of Mars has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Seen from space, it can be seen that only a small part of the original completely crimson land of Mars remains, and most of it has been replaced by a vast blue ocean.

And above the crimson continent and the blue ocean, there are countless white clouds floating, and these clouds are constantly changing shapes.

Of course, if the eyesight is good enough, you can still see rivers on the red continent, some of which can stretch for thousands of miles, making people think of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River on Earth.

It can be said that Mars at this time is seen from space, except that there is no green vegetation on the red continent, the other parts are almost exactly the same as the earth.

At this moment, by the seaside of one of the main roads on Mars, a space vortex suddenly emerged, and then Zhao Xu's figure walked out of it.

Suddenly, the space vortex turned into a little white turtle and landed on Zhao Xu's shoulder.

The oncoming sea breeze was blowing slowly, making people feel refreshed. Zhao Xu took a deep breath and said happily, "Holy Spirit, we are about to succeed. Now the composition of the atmosphere on Mars is very close to that of the earth, which should be enough for us to As long as the transformed animals and plants survive, as long as a complete biological chain is constructed, this place will become another 'Earth'!"

"It's very fulfilling, right? In fact, what you're doing now is, to some extent, no different from creating the world!"

The holy spirit was obviously also very excited, and his little paws stepped on Zhao Xu's shoulders, urging: "Okay, there will be time to sigh, now let's start the next step as soon as possible, I can't wait to see, Mars is full of life look like it!"

"Okay, let's start, hehe, I'm actually looking forward to it more than you!" Zhao Xu smiled and suddenly flew up to the South Pole.

Before actually starting to build a biological chain, he must first take back tens of thousands of nuclear reactors at the North and South Poles. Now the ocean area on Mars is large enough. If the ice at the North and South Poles continues to melt, the ocean will eventually submerge all the continents , that is not what he wants to see.

In addition, all the equipment systems used to produce various gases in the atmosphere must also be withdrawn. Now that the atmosphere has been completed, those equipments are useless. In the future, we must rely on the power of nature itself to make final adjustments to the atmosphere. up.

After all, man-made is too deliberate, and there will be more or less flaws. Only by allowing the environment to evolve naturally can all flaws be eliminated and a perfect ecological environment formed.

It took about half a month for all the equipment to be taken back. It can also be seen from this that creation is always more difficult than destruction. You must know that it took Zhao Xu more than half a year to manufacture these equipment. But now it only took half a month to destroy it.

After destroying all the equipment, Zhao Xu finally began to transform the biological environment of Mars.

He first chose the ocean. To some extent, the ocean is actually the basis of the entire planet's biological environment. According to the theory of evolution, the starting point for the formation of the planet's biological environment is the ocean.

The initial form of life is a non-cellular form. After a long period of evolution, it gradually evolved a simple cell structure, that is, prokaryotes.

Due to the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere at the beginning of the earth, the first prokaryotic organisms were anaerobic, which means that their survival did not require oxygen. After continuous evolution, the first batch of oxygen-evolving organisms were formed—— - Cyanobacteria, which are capable of photosynthesis to produce oxygen for the atmosphere.

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