In the real universe, a street in Chang'an City is full of people and traffic, and everything seems to be orderly.

Suddenly, a high-pitched female voice yelled from a distance: "Catch a thief, someone robbed my purse!"

Pedestrians on the road were startled and turned their heads to look. The next moment, they saw two swift figures galloping towards him from a distance.

It was a man and a woman. The man in front looked stern, holding a white lady's shoulder bag tightly in his hand. It seemed that he was a robber.

The woman behind was dressed in a white-collar suit and high heels, obviously the owner of the purse.

The speed of these two people is very fast, it can be said that they are flying like lightning, even the cars on the road can't compare with them, but the passers-by around them are not surprised by this situation, and they don't seem to care at all.

In fact, this is not surprising. More than a year ago, after Zhao Xu took care of President Kilo and further integrated human power, the promotion of enhanced potions quickly spread to the entire human world as if on a rocket.

Today, everyone in the world has been strengthened. It can be said that people walking on the streets are considered superhumans, but when everyone has great power, it is not surprising.

However, although everyone has received strengthening, due to individual differences, the strength of each person's strength after strengthening is different. For example, although the woman who was robbed of her purse runs very fast, she obviously cannot keep up with her. Robbers compared.

So after chasing for a while, the woman lost track of the robber, and could only stamp her feet in rage, helpless.

At the same time, after the robber got rid of the woman, he got into a deserted alley: "Huh, what a stupid woman, you still want to catch up with me? It's just a dream, I don't know my grandson Is it called Scud?"

He sneered disdainfully, snorted and opened the purse to check the contents: "Tsk tsk, this white-collar woman is rich, and the wallets she uses are all made of crocodile leather. Look at this... I just went, it turned out to be the newest wallet from Dream Company." The Vientiane Type III mobile phone produced costs tens of thousands of yuan. It’s really extravagant. Hehe, what is this, a pad? Damn, this woman’s aunt is here, and she ran so fast just now, it’s really strong Son!"

The robber muttered and looked through the leather bag and was very satisfied. These things could make him a lot of money if they were sold, so he hummed happily and prepared to leave.

But just when he turned around and wanted to walk out of the alley, suddenly, a coquettish violet flower appeared at his feet silently.

"This is?"

The robber was puzzled,

He thinks he has good eyesight, and he clearly remembered that when he ran in just now, there were no violet flowers here, but now...

He had a bad premonition, so he immediately accelerated his speed and wanted to leave, but suddenly, the violet flower split like a ghost, one turned into two, two turned into four, four turned into eight... In the blink of an eye, it was covered with flowers. The ground in the alley ahead blocked his way.

Countless violet stems and leaves rubbed against each other, making a rustling sound, which made one's scalp tingle.

"What's going on here?" The robber was stunned. Everything in front of him was so unimaginable that he thought he was dreaming: "Isn't he bewitched? No, I have to leave immediately, this place is too weird!"

He turned around and wanted to escape from the other side, but what he saw was also a coquettish purple, and the strange blossoming violets were shocking.

After covering the ground, these violets quickly spread to the walls on both sides, and the entire alley was completely submerged in an instant. The robber felt as if he had fallen into a sea of ​​violets.

"Who is it, who are you, why are you playing tricks on me?" The robber screamed in horror, but no one responded at all.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, boldly stepped forward and wanted to step on Violet to leave, but the moment he moved, the scene in the entire alley changed instantly.

I saw that the alleys full of violets turned into a vast grassland in the blink of an eye. There are countless animals running on the grassland, kangaroos, zebras, lions, everything seems so real.

The robber was dumbfounded, his mouth was open enough to stuff two eggs in, and he didn't even know when his saliva flowed down: "See...Damn it, it really is a damned thing, what the hell is going on, who am I to provoke whom? gone?"

He was so frightened that he was about to cry, he plopped down on the ground, and howled, "Grandpa ghost, grandma ghost, please let me go, I'm a good person, I have never done anything bad in my life, and I went There is an eighty-year-old mother and an eight-year-old child waiting to be fed, if I die, the whole family will be over!"

Suddenly, a childish voice resounded on the grassland: "You liar, you snatched that auntie's purse just now, and you have the face to say that you are a good person, how shy!"

"What's the situation, kid?" The robber froze for a moment, "You...are you a human or a ghost?"

"Of course it's human, stupid guy, hurry up and hand over that aunt's purse, or you'll just stay here forever!" The immature voice sounded again.

"Is it really a child?" The fear in the robber's heart immediately eased a lot. No matter what time it is, children are the most unsuspecting.

He stood up, looked around suspiciously, and tried to walk into the depths of the grassland, but within two steps, he bumped into a transparent wall with a "bang", causing his forehead to hurt.

"Oops!" He screamed, kicked forward angrily, and suddenly felt that he had kicked against a wall.

The front is obviously a prairie, how could it be a wall?

The robber suddenly realized something in his heart, he raised his hand and slowly moved forward, and he really touched a wall made of turned heads: "Damn it, this prairie is really just an illusion, I was deceived, where is the little boy?" You bastard, how dare you tease your uncle Sun?"

"Hehe, did you finally find out? Sigh, there's no more fun now!"

A childish voice came, and as soon as her words fell, the surrounding prairie disappeared and changed back to the original alley.

The robber was vigilant and looked back and forth carefully. At this moment, a little girl who looked like a porcelain doll came in from the alley.

This little girl was about two or three years old. She was extremely delicate, with big watery eyes, a pretty little nose, and a pink and lovely face. She was a beauty at first sight.

"What a cute little girl, Quack, what's your name?" The robber was relieved when he saw the little girl. He didn't think the little girl would pose any threat. At most, she had the ability to create illusions, so there was nothing to be afraid of. .

"My name is Zhao Xiaomeng, and adults call me Mengmeng!" The little girl replied with a childish voice.

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