Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 536: Conception of the Hanging City

Hearing this, Xu Shicheng immediately suppressed the excitement in his heart, and turned around and said: "Everyone, get ready, and enter each other according to the order we previously planned. Remember, don't mess up, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted in unison, looking extremely excited.

"Okay, let's get started, convoy No. 1 is the first to go in!" Xu Shicheng waved his hand, and suddenly, the row of vehicles at the front was on fire, and then pulled a piece of construction equipment, slowly drove up to the platform, and then submerged In the vortex of space.

"Uncle Xu, let's go in too!" Zhao Xu said.

"Okay, okay, let's go!" Xu Shicheng nodded excitedly, and then followed Zhao Xu to the high platform.

The moment he stepped into the vortex of space, Xu Shicheng immediately felt the world spinning, and he subconsciously closed his eyes to prevent himself from getting dizzy.

Not long after, Xu Shicheng suddenly felt that he was stepping on the ground again, exclamations came from his ears, and he could smell the fragrance of flowers in his breath, as well as the fresh air that could not be found on earth.

"Uncle Xu, we're here, open your eyes!"

Zhao Xu's voice sounded in his ears, and Xu Shicheng slowly opened his eyes when he heard the words. Suddenly, a refreshing picture scroll appeared in front of him.

This is a vast grassland. As far as the eye can see, there are hills and hills that rise and fall, and fresh grass grows everywhere, making everyone feel like they are submerged in a green ocean.

"It's so beautiful!" Xu Shicheng exclaimed.

He turned his head to look in other directions, only to realize that the location he was in was actually the edge of the grassland. Just to the left, there was actually a vast and dense forest. Listening carefully, he could even hear the chirping of birds and beasts. It was faintly coming from the forest.

Looking up and looking further away, he saw a long clear river there, separating the entire forest from the middle. Refreshing water vapor hits the face.

Xu Shicheng shook his head and sighed: "This is really unbelievable! It's hard to imagine that this is the crimson desolate planet? Xiaoxu, how did you do it?"

He was so excited that he even changed his name to Zhao Xu.

"Hehe, to be able to make Uncle Xu appreciate it, it seems that my hard work in the past two years has not been in vain!" Zhao Xu said jokingly.

"You kid doesn't learn well,

Knowing that my old man's heart is about to jump out, you're still kidding me! "

Xu Shicheng smiled wryly and shook his head: "To be honest, when I heard you say that Mars transformation has been completed, I actually couldn't believe it. After all, how could such a large and desolate planet be transformed in just three years?" Is it suitable for human habitation? But now, when I see everything in front of me, I realize that I still underestimated your ability!"

He sighed and took two steps forward, looking into the distance happily: "Look at everything here, the mountains and rivers, the vegetation, the birds, animals, fish and insects, in my opinion, this is not just the completion of the transformation of Mars, you It completely transformed Mars into a fairyland, and I almost couldn't bear to let humans immigrate here, because it would definitely cause damage to the environment here!"

Zhao Xu said with a smile: "That's inevitable, but you can rest assured, Uncle Xu, human beings are already very aware of environmental protection, and various technologies have reached new heights. Considering the protection of the environment, it may still cause some damage, but it will definitely not become what the earth is now!"

"Although that's what you said, but to be honest, it would be a pity to destroy such a beautiful environment even a little bit!" Xu Shicheng turned his head and asked: "By the way, Xiao Xu, is the kind of suspended city you mentioned? Isn't it really possible?"

"Of course no problem. I've been thinking about this for a long time!" Zhao Xu replied confidently.

The so-called suspended city is a city that uses anti-gravity devices to suspend in the air. This kind of city was thought of by Zhao Xu when he was building a floating nuclear reactor to melt the ice in the north and south poles, but there will be no large nuclear reactor installed on it. Instead, various buildings are built for human habitation.

The volume of Mars is much smaller than that of the Earth, and the surface area of ​​course cannot be compared with that of the Earth. After the vast ocean is now formed, the remaining land area is also not comparable to that of the Earth.

Of course, although the land area of ​​Mars is small, it is actually no problem to live in more than seven billion people, at most the population density is higher.

But what are the consequences of that?

There is no doubt that the existence of a large-density population will cause great damage to the local ecological environment. According to scientists' estimates, if more than 7 billion people are all crowded on the land of Mars, within a few years, they will be wiped out. The vegetation and ecological environment of Mars have been completely destroyed.

So what is the solution?

First of all, Zhao Xu ordered all the construction companies that came this time to build buildings with dozens or even hundreds of floors, so that they could accommodate the largest number of people with the smallest land area.

As for those garden villas, or even manors with a huge area, Zhao Xu strictly ordered that they were never allowed to be built.

Of course, this decision did not cause some people's dissatisfaction, but for those rich people or powerful people who came to intervene, Zhao Xu directly had an attitude, going back where they came from. What he is thinking about now is how to let human beings survive, regardless of whether those people can enjoy life?

In addition to working hard on the architectural form, another way for Zhao Xu was to build a large number of hanging cities.

These floating cities will not occupy the land area, but will float above the ocean. Each floating city can house hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. In this way, only three or four thousand floating cities need to be built. It can accommodate half of the human population.

This account is really a good deal, and for the construction of the Hanging City, Zhao Xu is very confident that it can guarantee safety, because since more than a year ago, the Holy Spirit has already started designing the model of the Hanging City, each of which Every detail was thought out by him.

Think about it, the Holy Spirit used to design the model, it only took a few hours, but this time it took more than a year, and the countless careful calculations can definitely guarantee the safety of the hanging city.

Zhao Xu also carefully studied the hanging city designed by the holy spirit. He found that the holy spirit chose the rock giant for the main structure of the hanging city, and made a super god alloy.

This Super God Alloy can resist dark energy, and its sturdiness is beyond imagination. Zhao Xu is confident that even if the hanging city built with Super God Alloy falls from the sky, it will never cause too much damage .

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