Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 548: The Arrival of Nanobiology

After climbing up the window, the nano-creatures were located in the front part, and suddenly they formed a group of two or three, hugging each molecule with their tiny claws, and began to move to the side.

Soon, they opened a "huge" hole in the middle, allowing them to pass through easily. Of course, this "huge" is only for them, and the diameter is actually only nearly a hundred nanometers.

The nano-creatures began to drill in through the hole quickly. In the villa, a stream of black water flowed from the frame of the window, and then flowed along the window sill and wall to the ground without making any sound.

After a while, all the nano-creatures entered the villa, and they gathered on the ground to form a pool of black water. Suddenly, the black water began to rush towards the bedroom.

On the bed in the bedroom, Zhao Xu and the two women's limbs were entangled, and they were in a deep sleep. They didn't notice at all that a stream of black water had come in from under the door, and then they climbed onto the bed and quickly approached the three of Zhao Xu .

They didn't directly touch the bodies of the three, and they seemed to know very well that it would wake them up.

After getting close to the three people, they suddenly split into three strands, and then one by one the nano-creatures began to stack Arhats. Immediately, three black silk threads rose from the bed, and then bent out of an arched arc, piercing towards the nostrils of the three people. .

This group of nano-creatures actually wanted to rely on their small size and directly penetrate the three people's nostrils into their bodies. They didn't need to think about it, and they definitely didn't want to check the three people's bodies with good intentions.

The crisis is approaching, just when the nano-creatures are about to succeed.

Suddenly, a white light shot out from between Zhao Xu's eyebrows, instantly bouncing away all the nano-creatures, and then turned into a little white turtle in the air.

At the same time, the sleeping Zhao Xu also woke up, sat up from the bed in an instant, and then a thick blue manufacturing energy enveloped the entire room, and his consciousness was also mixed in the manufacturing energy, which could be clearly seen to the existence of all nano-organisms.

Immediately afterwards, the two women were also awakened. Chu Zixin looked at the black water on the ground and cried out in horror: "What are these things and how did they get in?"

The Holy Spirit flew around twice in mid-air, and said with a smile, "If my guess is correct, they should be what we are looking for, super-elemental creatures. Hehe, I didn't expect the evolution of this super-element to be nano-organisms?"

"Are you sure? They are really super elemental life?" Qin Yinxue asked with a slight frown.

Zhao Xu nodded: "It shouldn't be wrong,

I can feel that the manufacturing power has no effect on them! "

The super element is the alien energy needed to upgrade the original energy, so it is normal that it cannot exert influence.

At this moment, the countless nano-creatures on the ground gathered again, and a stream of black water bulged from the middle, and soon condensed into a black face more than two meters high, and then the face opened its mouth, emitting bursts of "buzzing" hum" sound.

"They are talking. It's such a strange language. It seems to be composed of information instructions one by one. Wait a minute, I need to analyze it before I can understand it!" The Holy Spirit said, and white light began to flash on his body.

Seeing that Zhao Xu and the others didn't respond for a long time with black faces, they seemed to be angry, so the "buzz buzz" sound became louder and louder, as if a human being was angry and cursing.

At this time, the white light all over the holy spirit finally stopped flashing, and he said amusedly: "Zhao Xu, these guys are asking where you came from and why you have a spaceship of a rock giant, and they say you are an outsider, you must Get off this planet right now, or they'll kill you!"

"Outsiders?" Zhao Xu snorted, "For this planet, they seem to be outsiders themselves. Holy Spirit, they should be considered electronic intelligence in essence. Are you sure about invading their thoughts?"

The Holy Spirit shook his head: "It's unlikely. Although they are essentially electronic intelligence, their evolutionary form is rather strange. You should be able to see that they are tiny individuals, each with independent thinking ability, but they They are closely connected with each other, as if forming a whole, possessing a general consciousness. This is a very strange kind of life. Before I figured out their operating mechanism, once I forcibly invaded, the only The result is to make them collapse, and no information can be obtained!"

"Well, I originally wanted you to invade them and obtain some information about another kind of intelligent life, but now it seems that is not possible!"

Zhao Xu rubbed his chin and was about to continue to say something, but suddenly, a loud roar came from outside the villa, and then the whole villa began to tremble violently.

"What's going on?" Qin Yinxue and Chu Zixin were shocked and asked quickly.

At the same time, the big black faces gathered by the nano-creatures seemed to become very excited.

"Damn it, it's their companions coming!" The Holy Spirit yelled, and as soon as his words fell, the whole villa shook again, and then began to sink.

"No, let's rush out!" Zhao Xu's complexion changed, and the original energy surged. In an instant, three sets of Iron Man armor had been worn on himself and the two women. At the same time, the top of the villa suddenly cracked open. A huge mouth.

The next moment, the armor was activated, and blue flames spewed out from under the three people's feet. They rushed out of the opening in an instant and flew into the sky. At the same time, the holy spirit also turned into a white light and rushed out.

They came to the sky, lowered their heads and looked down, and saw that the ground where the villa was located had collapsed into a huge pothole, and the villa was sinking into the pothole.


The huge vibration and roar resounded through the sky, and the pothole was like a huge mouth, swallowing the entire villa in an instant.

With Zhao Xu's eyesight, he could clearly see that after the villa sank into the pothole, it was surrounded by streams of black water, which were all nano-creatures.

I saw the nano-organisms in groups of two or three, and quickly began to move the molecules that make up the villa. In an instant, the whole villa was decomposed and ceased to exist.

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded: "The efficiency of this group of guys is too high. If the demolition team on the earth asks them to demolish, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

Qin Yinxue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, no matter what time it was, this guy was still in the mood to joke.

After the nano-creatures disassembled the villa, they suddenly began to rush out of the pothole. I saw a black stream surging rapidly, and then gathered outside the pothole, and gathered into a huge black giant in the blink of an eye.

This giant is no less than thirty meters tall, with countless edges and corners all over its body. Apart from being black all over, it looks exactly like a rock giant.

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