Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 568: Before the Great War

The solar system, a valley on Mars, the new residence of Shengtang Scientific Research Base is here.

At this time, in the president's office of the base, the more mature and attractive Qin Yinxue was sitting behind the desk processing documents.

Suddenly, the office door was opened, and a beautiful little girl ran in bouncingly: "Mom, I'm here, do you miss me?"

This little girl is Zhao Xu's daughter, Zhao Xiaomeng. It has been ten years since Zhao Xu left, and Xiaomeng has grown into a beautiful thirteen-year-old girl.

Qin Yinxue looked up at her daughter, and said with a faint smile, "You little annoying person, who would miss you!"

"I hate it, mom, can you show me some face?" Mengmeng stomped her feet coquettishly, then ran over to put her arms around Qin Yinxue's arm and acted coquettishly.

"Okay, you little girl, why do you have the heart to find your mother today, don't you want to go out and play with your classmates?"

"People miss you!"

"Hmph, don't be cunning, I don't know you yet?" Qin Yinxue's face straightened, and she asked with authority: "Say, did you get into trouble again, which classmate did you bully again this time?"

"Mom's face is the scariest!" Mengmeng stuck out her little tongue and muttered in a low voice.

Qin Yinxue asked with a half-smile, "Hehe, my dear girl, what are you talking about?"

"No, I didn't say anything, she just..." Mengmeng blinked her big eyes, and changed the subject in a hurry: "Actually, I have something I want to ask of you."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that the students think the Shengtang Scientific Research Base is very mysterious and cool, so they want to visit it and learn more."

"That can't be done. The Shengtang scientific research base is full of top secrets. How can I let you visit it casually."

"Mom, don't be so stingy, I'm just showing a few classmates, there will be absolutely no problems." Mengmeng pouted, holding her mother's arm with two small hands, dangling and acting like a baby.

Qin Yinxue was unmoved: "Okay, little girl, don't think about it, but today my mother is happy, so I can promise you something else. Didn't you say last time that you want to go to Aunt Amanda's place?" , playing with her mermaid daughters? Mommy will take you there now, okay?"

Mengmeng cried out in surprise when she heard it: "Really,

Hee hee, mother is the best, so let's go now? "

"Okay, let's go." Qin Yinxue smiled slightly, got up to tidy up, and was about to leave, but at this moment, a middle-aged man in a white coat ran into the office in a panic.

"Li Xian, what happened, why are you in such a panic?" Qin Yinxue asked with a frown.

"Qin... President Qin, it's not good, the Titan God King has changed, it seems that he is about to wake up again!"

"What? Come on, let's go to the original Universe Observation Center!" Qin Yinxue was shocked and rushed out of the office. Xiao Mengmeng also realized the seriousness of the situation, and followed behind silently instead of being mischievous.

Ever since the Titan God King absorbed the moon and landed on the earth ten years ago, he began to sleep for a long time again. If he really wakes up this time, it means that he has accumulated enough energy to be able to fight against the parallel universe. Send out an impact, and then mankind will fall into a real crisis.

Not long after, Qin Yinxue arrived at the original universe observation center, and saw that it was a huge empty room, and in the center of the room, there was a space turbulent group more than ten meters high.

This space turbulence group is a new technology product developed by scientists who concentrated all their cutting-edge forces in eight years. It represents the highest technology of mankind today, and can observe the movements of the original universe earth in the parallel universe.

I saw that in the space turbulence at this moment, the earth in the original universe has become riddled with holes, and huge tree roots are entangled in the earth's stratum, which looks frightening.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Observation Center was tense. Hundreds of scientists in white coats were busy one after another. When they saw Qin Yinxue walking in, they just nodded, and then continued to perform their duties without any delay. Dare to relax.

Qin Yinxue walked up to an old scientist with white hair, and asked with a serious face, "Mr. Zhou, how is the situation?"

"not too good."

Old Zhou frowned, and replied: "Just now we detected that the energy fluctuations of the original universe and the earth suddenly become thousands of times more active than before, and they are still increasing continuously. In addition, there is a consciousness fluctuation in the earth that has also begun to Intensified, I speculate that this should be a sign of the awakening of the Titan God King."

"Mr. Zhou, how long do you think we have?"

"We roughly calculated just now that there is still at most one month before the entire earth will completely collapse. I am afraid that it will be time for the Titan God King to really wake up!"

Mr. Zhou seemed worried: "Boss Qin, to be honest, although our human science and technology have developed rapidly in recent years, and we have produced many powerful weapons, I am afraid that we are still a mantis in the face of the Titan God King. If Mr. Zhao Xu can't Come back in time, we... alas!"

Qin Yinxue frowned tightly, hoping silently in her heart: "It's been ten years, I don't know where you are now, do we still have a chance to meet?"

Suddenly, she felt her hand being pulled, so she lowered her head, only to realize that it was her daughter Mengmeng.

At this moment, Mengmeng's little face was full of worry and longing: "Mom, don't worry, Dad will definitely come back to save us!"

Qin Yinxue pursed her lips, and gently stroked her daughter's head: "Yes, Mengmeng is right, Dad will definitely come back to save us!"

She raised her head and regained her composure: "Immediately pass this news on to the high-level federation, let them activate the highest alert, and start charging all space weapons on standby. In addition, also pass the news to Apollo and the others. By this time, they will even Ten thousand people are unwilling, and must do their best, the Titan God King wakes up, no one can get away with it!"

Following Qin Yinxue's order, a feeling of gunpowder spread throughout Mars in a short period of time. People knew that the last moment had finally arrived.

The high-level federal government quickly mobilized all the troops, and space warships began to lift off, ready to go to outer space at any time. Some of these warships were left by Zhao Xu, originally belonged to the rock giants, and some were made by humans over the years.

In addition to space battleships, humans have also manufactured many super space weapons with great lethality over the years, and now they have begun to charge and are ready to launch at any time.

The whole of Mars has been plunged into a stormy atmosphere.

But just like what Zhou Lao said to Qin Yinxue earlier, although human beings have many powerful weapons, they may still be powerless in the end when facing the Titan God King who can swallow the entire earth.

So many people were looking forward to Zhao Xu being able to come back in time to save mankind from danger again.

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