Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 572 Shocking Return

Just when people are endlessly desperate.

Suddenly, there was a roar that shook the sky, and this roar woke up all the desperate people, who looked up to the sea in shock.

There, layer after layer of space rippled, and then a huge white turtle crawled out abruptly.

The tortoise turned his head to look at the huge waves on the sea surface, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes. He didn't launch any attack, but just lay down his huge body on the seashore, like a huge wall piercing the sky, separating the ocean and the earth. The city is directly cut off.

The next moment, one after another of monstrous huge waves had already hit, but the huge waves that terrified countless people were not even qualified to tickle the turtle, so they were all blocked back.

People were dumbfounded, and a kind of ecstasy for the rest of their lives instantly filled their hearts.

At the same time, in the original universe monitoring center, Qin Yinxue, Xu Shicheng and others were also dumbfounded, looking at the huge turtle that almost occupied their entire field of vision on the screen.

"The holy spirit... is it the holy spirit?" Even with Xu Shicheng's calmness, he couldn't help but stammer at this moment,

"Yes, it's the Holy Spirit, he's back, he's finally back!" Qin Yinxue wept with joy, and nodded vigorously.

Immediately, the entire monitoring center erupted into shouts of joy. Everyone seemed to have found their backbone. They were no longer lost or desperate.

At this moment, they just want to express their excitement in the most enthusiastic way.

On the sea, the Holy Spirit stood up again, looked up at the tree roots in the sky, and shouted: "King Titan, stop here, you have no chance to attack humans!"

Only half of the Titan God King's body has entered the atmosphere, while the other half is still in space. On his dense canopy, countless branches suddenly entangled to form a huge face.

He used a pair of green eyes to see through the atmosphere and saw the Holy Spirit on the ground: "Hahahaha, you are not ashamed, do you think you can stop me? Little thing, I know you, you are the one next to Zhao Xu Intelligent life, since you are back, he should be here too, where is he?"

The holy spirit blinked and teased, "He is indeed back, but are you sure you want to see him? Hehe, don't blame me for not reminding you, that guy has been annoyed at you for a long time, and will definitely beat you to pieces when he comes out pile!"

"Hahahaha, you really only talk big words,

He is just a humble human being. Now that my strength has increased greatly, even if he has some special abilities, he is definitely not my opponent. But since he hasn't appeared yet, I will kill you and the human beings here first. Die! "

As he said that, the tree roots covering the entire sky suddenly spread and twisted towards the bottom like huge tentacles. Thousands of them directly attacked the Holy Spirit, while the other tree roots did not attack the Holy Spirit at all. They mercilessly moved towards the cities on Mars, and fiercely drew them away.

People screamed in horror again. If these huge tree roots stretching across the sky were really pumped to the ground, all cities would definitely be destroyed in an instant, and of course the humans living inside would not be spared.

Fear and despair filled the entire Mars again, and the holy spirit was taken aback, and quickly yelled, "Zhao Xu, what are you dawdling about? If you don't make a move, Master Bengui won't play with you anymore!"

This roar almost shook the entire Mars, and the terrified people fell silent instantly. They clearly heard the word "Zhao Xu" in the roar.

"Could it be that Mr. Zhao Xu is back?"


"It should be true, hey... look at what that is?"

People suddenly looked up at the sky, all dumbfounded, as if they saw something incredible.

In the thick cloud layer, countless tree roots were dancing ferociously, but at this moment, a huge monster suddenly pushed through the cloud layer and stretched down overwhelmingly.

It was actually a palm, a huge palm that seemed to cover the entire sky.

I saw the huge palm flipping slightly, and the entire atmosphere of Mars was stirred up by gusts of wind, and then the palm grasped lightly, and grabbed countless tree roots in the hand.

At this time, in the monitoring center, Qin Yinxue, Xu Shicheng and others were staring at the big screen with dumbfounded expressions, as if they had seen a ghost.

" this Zhao Xu?"

"It should be?"

"Well, how did he get so, um, so big?"

Everyone's tongues were tied up, and what was displayed on the big screen was still the scene of Mars' outer space: only half of the huge body of the Titan God King was still in outer space, and the other half was protruding into the atmosphere to wreak havoc.

But what really shocked everyone was that a bigger giant appeared next to the Titan God King. This giant was Zhao Xu, who had been away for ten years.

If King Titan is a car, then Zhao Xu at this moment is a heavy truck, and his size is actually several times larger than King Titan.

He is like a god in the legend, with his feet in the space, and then his hands are like washing hands in a washbasin, reaching into the atmosphere of Mars in an understatement.

I saw that his right hand grasped lightly in the atmosphere, and he grabbed the countless tree roots of the Titan God King in his hand, while his left hand pinched the tree trunk of the Titan God King with five fingers.

In the end, he roared wildly: "Get up!", and then suddenly with both hands, he pulled the Titan King out of the atmosphere of Mars. Pull up the weeping willow upside down."

But obviously, the current "weeping willow" is too big, so when it is pulled out, it looks even more shocking. Just seeing it on the screen can make people have a heart attack.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xu yelled again: "Haha, King Titan, you are nothing more than that, get the hell out of here!"

Before he finished speaking, he raised his hands, lifted the Titan God King above his head, and then threw it fiercely into space.


The huge body of the Titan God King rolled in space, flying millions of kilometers before barely stopping.

He stabilized the tree, and the branches on the canopy reconstructed a huge face, and then looked at Zhao Xu, who was standing next to Mars, a million kilometers away, in disbelief: "No, that's impossible, You are just a humble human being, how can you have such terrifying power? My God, I have absorbed the earth and the moon, how could I not be as powerful as you?"

On the ground of Mars, the Holy Spirit curled his lips in disdain: "What do you mean by absorbing the earth? It's just a planet. This guy absorbed a neutron star, which is equivalent to the existence of eight suns. You can pull it out at will." Hair is thicker than yours!"

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