Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 69: The Immortal Palace

The jury members of the holographic projection competition are professionals invited from various countries, and the personnel distribution is very even, which ensures that the judging group will not be obviously biased towards teams from a certain country.

As an international competition, its cruelty has been fully revealed during the pre-trial.

There were hundreds of teams from all over the world who signed up for the competition, but 90% of them were eliminated in the pre-judgment alone, and only forty-eight teams were able to qualify for the preliminary round.

Of course, this world always speaks with strength, and you are sad, it only shows that you are not strong enough.

Zhao Xu and the others were quite proud. The pre-match review was not difficult for them at all. Sun Hao took people to the exhibition center and killed the judges in seconds.

After the pre-judgment, the venue of the exhibition center was quickly rearranged and divided into 48 exhibition areas. The competition committee gave each team three days to arrange their own exhibition areas.

Three days later, the 1st International Holographic Projection Contest finally officially started under the eyes of everyone. On the day of the preliminary competition, a large number of tourists flooded into the convention and exhibition center.

These tourists come from all over the world, and the tickets in their hands are also evaluation votes. After viewing the works in each exhibition area, they will vote for their favorite team.

At the same time, the judging panel composed of experts also began to conduct professional reviews on each team one by one, and cast their own votes.

The preliminary round only lasts for one week, and the twelve teams with the most votes will be eligible to enter the semi-finals.

At this time, the exhibition hall was crowded with people, and exclamations came one after another from everywhere.

"God, is this real? I can't believe my eyes!"

"They are simply amazing, I have never seen such realistic 3D projections!"

"Look at this polar bear, omg it jumped at me, I can't believe it's fake, it's so scary!"

The forty-eight teams in the exhibition hall almost represent the top level of holographic projection in the world. The works they produced make all visitors feel extremely shocked. I don’t know who to vote for?

Zhao Xu's work is called "The Immortal Palace in the World". On the booth, there are rolling hills surrounded by clouds and mist. Among the clear water and green mountains, white cranes are flying freely with their wings stretched.

On the top of the majestic mountain, there is a beautiful palace, just like the legendary heavenly palace, majestic and majestic, but still ethereal. If you look carefully, you can see people walking around in the palace.

I have to admit that such a perfect work is one of the best even in the entire exhibition hall, so every visitor who passed by couldn't help admiring "The Immortal Palace". cast his vote.

But at the booth, Zhao Xu and Sun Hao frowned.

"Shady, this is definitely a shady!" Sun Hao was extremely indignant: "Xuzi, this is definitely suppressing us, you must not let them succeed, act quickly!"

There is no absolutely fair competition in the world. No matter how good the judging system is, unspoken rules and shady things cannot be completely eliminated, just like this preliminary competition.

Perhaps during the pre-trial, the people brought by Sun Hao performed too well, which made some people feel the pressure, so they secretly moved some hands and feet.

Originally, Zhao Xu's booth was in the middle.

But when the distribution results came out, it was replaced by the current corner position, and Zhao Xu's original booth had already been occupied by a Japanese team.

Needless to say, the flow of people in the corner is definitely not comparable to that in the middle, and what is even more annoying is that the Japanese team happened to be the same Japanese company that rejected Xie Zhenyu's cooperation.

Seeing that Zhao Xu didn't speak, Sun Hao became anxious: "I said Xuzi, why are you hesitating? Now our tourist evaluation votes are already lower than the Japanese, so it's useless to go on like this!"

Suddenly, a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks passed by the booth, looked at "The Immortal Palace" pretendingly, and said with a friendly smile: "Zhao Xujun, your work is really excellent, such a good work, even if it is placed in a corner, it will be a piece of cake." It is very popular, unlike us, even if it is placed in the middle, the results are only a little better than yours, haha, this is also thanks to the generosity of you Chinese, who actually gave us the good position!"

This man was called Yamada Shoji, and he was the captain of the Japanese team. Zhao Xu and the others had already found out that this guy was behind the scenes and took away their position.

Yamada Shoji appeared at this time, obviously to show off.

Zhao Xu sneered: "Shoji Yamada, you got too complacent, thinking you could win with a little trickery? Hmph, any conspiracy can only be kneeling and licking in the face of absolute strength. You watch carefully, I will wait Just use absolute strength to slap your face like peach blossoms!"

"Without shame, when it comes to holographic projection technology, in today's world, we are only slightly inferior to the Americans, and don't forget, this is Japan from beginning to end. If you want to win on our territory, you are dreaming!" Yamada Shoji With an ugly face, he turned and left with a flick of his hand.

"What did that guy say?" Sun Hao asked, puffing his cheeks.

Since Zhao Xu and Yamada Shoji spoke in English, Sun Hao couldn't understand a word, but as long as he thought about it, he could guess that Yamada Shoji had absolutely nothing good to say.

Zhao Xu curled his lips: "Don't worry about what he said, hmph, what's wrong with the location, I'll let them see what real strength is. Brother Hao, tell everyone to tear down the ceiling of the booth!"

"Okay!" Sun Hao suddenly became excited, and immediately began to call on the team members to do it.

The tourists in front of the booth were admiring "Asgard Beyond the World", but suddenly the image disappeared, and everyone immediately started discussing it.

At this time, Zhao Xu took the microphone and walked to the booth: "Everyone, don't worry, I will answer any questions you have!"

A blonde beauty immediately asked loudly: "Sir, why did you suddenly stop the exhibition? Could it be that there is a problem with your equipment, or have you already surrendered?"

"Admit defeat? Of course it's impossible!"

Zhao Xu waved his hands with a smile, and talked eloquently: "As you can see, our staff is tearing down the roof, don't be surprised, this is because we want to show you a better and more perfect work, so that everyone feels worthy This line!"

"A better work?" The other person was full of disbelief: "Sir, are you bragging? I think your "Asgard of the World" has reached the top level in the world. I can hardly believe it. Can come up with better works!"

"There is nothing impossible in this world. Science and technology are always improving. If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

Zhao Xu looked around and happened to see Yamada Masaji in the distance, so he smiled lightly and said, "Hehe, my principle has always been to follow other people's path and leave others nowhere to go!"


Everyone laughed and discussed, and some people followed Zhao Xu's gaze and looked at Masaji Yamada, only to see that guy's face was ugly, turning blue and white at times.

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