Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 71 What is Surprise

A week passed in a hurry, and the preliminary round of the holographic projection competition finally came to an end.

Who is the most concerned about this week's preliminaries? That must be the non-Chinese team.

In fact, before the game, no one was optimistic about the Chinese team. After all, China's holographic projection technology has always been in the middle of the world.

But who would have thought that the technical prowess shown by Zhao Xu and others in the preliminary round would have knocked out teams from other countries by seven or eight blocks. Even the Americans, who have always been dominated by technology, were not as good as they were. It was really shocking.

This allowed the Chinese to stand out in the preliminary competition, and the news about the Chinese team and "The Immortal Palace" spread all over the world overnight.

At the beginning, only some holographic projection enthusiasts paid attention to these news, but with the continuous bombardment of the media and people's word of mouth, what happened in the holographic projection competition was like a virus, and more people Hear and see.

As a result, people's interest was aroused, and more and more people came to Tokyo, Japan, just to watch the legendary "The Immortal Palace".

Among them, the most excited and enthusiastic ones are the Chinese. The news that Zhao Xu and others are leading the way in the holographic projection competition has been sent back to China. This is like in the World Cup. It is somewhat subverting the world view of Chinese people, so countless Chinese people have also used Tokyo.

The result of this is that the number of Chinese votes is increasing. According to statistics, within a week of the preliminary round, there were about 2 million people who visited the venue, and one-third of them voted for China. team.

That is to say, the Chinese team won more than 600,000 votes, while the other 47 teams could only share the remaining 1.3 million votes, with an average of less than 30,000 votes per team. The difference of ten to one is really shocking.

After the preliminary round, people from each team were interviewed by the media.

When it comes to the issue of the Chinese people thriving, although everyone is very magnanimous, whether it is the expression or the tone, it can make people feel a sour taste. It is obvious that the achievements of the Chinese people have aroused The envy of all.

Zhao Xu is very proud of this. The old ancestor said it well, it is a mediocrity not to be envied!

Among all the people interviewed, the one with the most obvious taste of jealousy is Yamada Shoji.

On TV Tokyo, the host with a baby face asked with a sweet smile: "Mr. Yamada Shoji, what do you think of the Chinese team's performance in the preliminary round?"

"Oh, the Chinese performed well this time. I never thought that their holographic projection technology would be so advanced, but..."

Yamada Shoji twitched the corners of his mouth, expressing some kind of disdain: "The ancestors of the Chinese are known as the masters of strategy, but Mr. Zhao Xu obviously did not get the excellent inheritance from their ancestors. Everyone knows that good things should be left at the end, but Zhao Xu But Xu showed the most advanced technology in the preliminary round. I don't know what he will do in the semi-finals and finals. Should we still let everyone see the set of the preliminary round? That is too boring!"

Just the next day, TV Tokyo interviewed Zhao Xu again.

The baby-faced host still smiled sweetly: "Mr. Zhao Xu, what do you think of Mr. Yamada Shoji's evaluation of you?"

"Shoji Yamada was only partially right. The ancestors of the Chinese created a great civilization. How can it be covered only by strategy? The thoughts, qualities, etc. of our sages,

They are all stars in the history of human civilization, and they will shine forever, besides..."

Zhao Xu rubbed his chin and said playfully, "Who said I've already brought out the best things? Surprises are always interesting when they are revealed gradually, ha ha, but I still want to thank Mr. Yamada Shoji for breaking us down like this Heart!"

What, the Chinese have more advanced technology?

Zhao Xu's interview this time was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, and his jaw dropped again.

The air holographic projection, as well as the perfect intelligent processing system, have surpassed the world's top technology by a lot, but Zhao Xu actually said that they have more advanced technology?

"God, what the hell are the Chinese going to do, let us live!"

The other teams originally gathered enough energy to win a round in the semi-finals, but now they are dumbfounded. If the Chinese dominate again, then what is the meaning of this game to them?

So all the teams wished they could turn into moon night werewolves and tear that guy who was talking nonsense on TV to pieces.

But no matter what other competition teams think, the Chinese have already started to set up their semi-final booths.

At the same time, for the judges and tourists, Zhao Xu's words once again filled their hearts with anticipation. Everyone wanted to see what shocking things the Chinese could come up with.

Three days later, the rematch finally kicked off with great anticipation.

On the first day of the semi-finals, countless tourists poured into the exhibition hall, ignoring the resentful gazes of other teams, and gathered in front of the China booth,

At the same time, the judging panel also changed the order of judging, and came to the Chinese booth first.

Under the expectation of everyone, the Chinese released "The Immortal Palace" again, and suddenly the magnificent mountains and white cloud palace once again appeared in the sky above the exhibition hall.

Although it is not the first time to watch it, the audience is still addicted to it.

But everyone was wondering, what about the surprise that Zhao Xu said? Could it be that Yamada Shoji was right and Zhao Xu was still the same as in the preliminary round?

"This is deception!" Many people are already dissatisfied.

Yamada Shoji stood in the distance, arms crossed and sneered. He didn't think Zhao Xu could come up with more advanced technology at all.

Just when everyone started to talk about it, Zhao Xu suddenly walked up to the booth and explained the technology to everyone again. This scene was exactly the same as the preliminary round.

Everyone's dissatisfaction became more and more intense, and even the judges of the jury group frowned, but Zhao Xu ignored it and continued to explain on his own.

Finally, after a while, everyone's dissatisfaction erupted, and they questioned Zhao Xu one after another: "What's going on, what surprise did you say?"

"Don't the Chinese only cheat people?"

"It's ridiculous, what else are you explaining? I admit that your technology is very advanced, but what I want to see now is the surprise!"

Countless people started yelling, and the exhibition hall was suddenly in a commotion. Members of other teams stood in the distance and sneered, hoping that the Chinese would make a big somersault.

Amidst countless voices of questioning, Zhao Xu smiled inexplicably: "The surprise has already appeared, haven't everyone seen it yet? Hehe, it seems that our technology is really successful!"


"Where is the surprise?"

"How is it possible, why didn't I see it?"

Everyone was amazed and looked over the booth carefully, but still didn't see where the so-called surprise was: "This guy is not playing tricks, is he?"

"Hehe, don't you all see something strange about me?" Zhao Xu pointed to himself with a smile.

Everyone was puzzled: "You?"

"Nothing strange?"

"Are you trying to say that you are handsome? I don't think so!"

Zhao Xu's face was full of black lines, and he coughed: "Since you still can't see it, I'll reveal the answer for you. Please look carefully and don't blink!"

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