Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 77: 3D Emulation Compiler

As the hour hand pointed to nine o'clock, one hundred and twenty holographic projectors were turned on at the same time.

In an instant, the sky above the stadium, which was originally extremely bright, suddenly fell into darkness, as if the sun hanging high in the sky was instantly swallowed up.

At this moment, the world became extremely silent, and everyone's eyes widened instantly, wanting to see clearly what happened.

Suddenly, Qin Yinxue exclaimed in disbelief: "This is... you guys..."

Qin Yinxue was not the only one who screamed, at this moment, more than 80,000 people in the audience screamed simultaneously.

"What's going on, why did it suddenly turn black?"

"God, why can't I see anything?"

"What about the light? How could there be no light at all?"

"Look, what's that?"

Silence and coldness coexist, everyone feels as if they have come to another world, this is a boundless void, there is no up and down, no past and present.

If it were not possible to hear the shouts of other people, everyone might think that in the world, only you are left alone, but even so, a palpitating sense of loneliness still surges.

Just when everyone felt more and more uneasy, suddenly, a light spot lit up in the distance of the void.

That spot of light is very strange, it looks extremely small, but for some reason, everyone has a feeling that the spot of light is infinite, and they also feel that there seems to be endless energy contained in the spot of light, which may explode at any time come out.

At this moment, many people have already guessed, what exactly is everything they see in front of them?

At this time, Zhao Xu's voice suddenly sounded, and in this weird void, his voice seemed to become erratic: "I think many people have already guessed what it is, yes, this is what we simulated, the universe The scene before birth!"

"Big Bang cosmology believes that the universe was formed by an extremely dense singularity that exploded and expanded 15 billion years ago. Many of us have seen the formation of a simulated universe in a planetarium, but I dare For sure, everyone has never seen such a real image!"

"To all the guests present today, I can assure you that this trip is worthwhile, because the breakthrough of holographic projection technology has given us all a chance to experience the formation of the real universe, so now, I hope everyone can take a deep breath and get rid of distracting thoughts in your mind , focus on everything in front of you, let us all witness this miraculous moment!"

The corners of Qin Yinxue's ruddy lips curled up slightly, and he had to admit that Zhao Xu had great potential to become an orator. At this moment, under his very encouraging words, everyone took a deep breath and slowly Relaxed my state of mind.

The singularity in the void became brighter and brighter. Suddenly, a mass of energy burst out from the singularity and spread rapidly to the surroundings. The void could not transmit sound, but everyone could feel it, as if a majestic force collided with it. In the heart, many people even subconsciously stopped breathing.

Suddenly, the energy mass stagnated, then rapidly collapsed, and soon returned to the singularity, but a larger force gathered in the singularity to the limit.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a second, or hundreds of millions of years.

Suddenly, the singularity exploded again, and a bright ray of light turned into a shock wave, quickly spreading toward the endless void, followed by countless energy spots, which also quickly shot out in all directions.

this moment,

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at everything in disbelief: "The Big Bang? Is this the real formation of the universe?"

But before everyone had time to think about it, those laser spots had already approached rapidly. At this time, everyone realized that the so-called light spots were actually burning stars.

A female audience stared dumbfounded, and suddenly a star flew towards it rapidly. The female audience screamed "ah", and quickly raised her hands to resist.

Everything in front of her was so real that the female audience had already forgotten that if it was a real star flying, she would have already been reduced to ashes, so what's the use of resisting with both hands?

Not only one female audience felt the same way, everyone was stunned by this almost real scene, and many even thought they were really in the universe.

I don't know how long it took, the Big Bang finally ended, and the flying stars turned into countless beautiful nebulae.

"How do you feel?" Zhao Xu's voice sounded again.

Everyone woke up like a dream and realized that they were still in the real world. They couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief before discussing.

"Oh my God, it's so good, it's almost real!"

"The star flew here just now and thought it was real, it scared me to death!"

"What are stars, you know what I saw just now, black holes, I feel like I was almost sucked in!"

"You're dazzled, black holes are invisible, but it's so cool, I actually got into a wormhole just now, time tunnel, it's amazing!"

"How did the Chinese do it? The amount of money needed to produce a holographic projection of this level is probably astronomical. They are crazy to invest so much in order to win the game?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"It is true that a lot of funds have been invested, but it is far less exaggerated than everyone thinks!"

Zhao Xu seemed to know what everyone was thinking, and the voice came at the right time: "Actually, what you are seeing now is just an ordinary video of the Big Bang that we downloaded from the Internet, but after editing with our special compiler, it becomes What everyone sees now!"

"Compiler? What compiler?" Many people were stunned for a moment and asked quickly.

Zhao Xu's voice was a little smug: "It's a 3D simulation compiler we newly developed. It can convert ordinary video into a format suitable for holographic projection!"

"What?" Many people almost jumped up in shock. It might not be a big deal to ordinary people, but to those who understand the holographic projection industry, Zhao Xu's words were simply astonishing.

Generally speaking, it may be better to shoot a real holographic projection, after all, there are real objects.

However, for some things that do not exist in reality or cannot be photographed, they must be constructed and simulated by computer. This is like making a realistic 3D animation. Almost every second is piled up with gold, and the price is quite high. expensive.

But the three-dimensional simulation compiler that Zhao Xu mentioned was simply a subversion of all this.

Because as long as there is such a thing, the image can be produced by ordinary methods, and then compiled, which greatly reduces the capital investment.

The reduction in cost is of course accompanied by the accelerated development of the holographic projection industry, which is excellent news for most people.

But things have two sides. For holographic projection companies, this is not necessarily good news.

Since they didn't have a 3D rendering compiler, there was no way to reduce the cost.

It is conceivable that if Zhao Xu also started a holographic projection company, how much impact would his company have on the industry given the serious cost asymmetry?

So at this moment, many people have already moved their minds.

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