Zhao Xu asked a group of staff to move the equipment and go directly to the laboratory of the technical department, and then he went to the conference room to prepare for the meeting.

Just when he walked to the door, the meeting room, which was full of voices, suddenly fell silent. He felt a little strange, so he opened the door lightly: "Crack!"

Suddenly the whole meeting room burst into deafening applause: "Papa..."

Zhao Xu was taken aback. He didn't understand what happened?

It felt like he had tried it before, but being applauded by a group of top researchers was the first time he encountered it.

Especially when he saw those gray-haired old researchers all looking excited, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

Although he possesses unique superpowers in the world, when it comes to the ability to research technology, these talents are truly genuine.

"That's not okay!" Zhao Xu muttered to himself.

He has always believed that there must be principles when walking in the rivers and lakes, so he once set two rules for himself, and they have been used endlessly.

First, when there is no benefit, never slap a swollen face to pretend to be fat, because in his opinion, it is an idiotic act, and it is a typical thankless effort;

Second, we must give due respect to those who are capable, because only in this way can we learn from each other.

And these researchers in front of him, in Zhao Xu's view, are capable people, so he will never act like a bigot in front of these people.

More importantly, his next plan must be integrated into these researchers.

But who has ever seen a high-ranking person who can get along well with other people?


Anyway, if he saw those people with empty noses, he would either ignore them or shoot them to death!

"Authority? Shit, the most important thing is to get the benefits!" Zhao Xu muttered in his heart, and he had already walked to the conference table: "I think everyone misunderstood me!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what this meant?

Zhao Xu smiled slightly: "Looking at everyone's appearance just now, I know that you must have been misled by the media just like the outsiders, thinking that the new holographic projector was developed by me, right?"

"Of course, if you say that there are only one or two media outlets, you can still be suspicious, but if all media outlets say that, how can it be false?" A younger researcher laughed.

"Hehe, in fact, what the media reported was also told by our company. As for the real situation, how could they know!"

Zhao Xu sat down, waved his hands and said, "Actually, the reason why we don't tell the truth to the outside world is to hide the real source of our technology, but you are different. We will all be our own people in the future, and there are many old seniors here. , How dare I pretend to be an expert in front of you, I am afraid I will be exposed by you without even saying a few words about technology!"

"Haha, Mr. Zhao, you are really humorous!" Hearing Zhao Xu's low profile words, everyone couldn't help but smile.

An old researcher with white hair asked: "Then Mr. Zhao, who is the real researcher of these technologies?"

"The old man calls me Zhao Xu, or Xiao Xu!" Zhao Xu shook his head modestly: "Actually, this is exactly what I want to tell you today!"

He pondered for a while: "Actually, by chance, I once

I met a group of pure scientists abroad. They gathered together because of their like-mindedness, studied science with great concentration, and achieved many advanced results! I was lucky enough to get their appreciation, so I had the opportunity to buy their research results! "

"But it is precisely because they all conduct research out of interest, and they all regard money as dung, so they never thought of commercializing the results. Of course, they have never studied how to make the results mass-produced!"

"So this problem needs us to solve now, and this is also the purpose of my hiring everyone to come to the company!"

Zhao Xu looked at everyone solemnly: "I brought you a batch of new projectors and 3D simulation compilers. In the next period of time, I hope that everyone can research and crack these devices and find them. To figure out their principles and manufacturing process, and then design the production line, do you think you are sure?"

Everyone looked at each other, and the old researcher asked strangely: "Xiao Xu, since you have already bought the results, don't those people give you the technical information?"

Zhao Xu blinked, and said with a wry smile on purpose: "You also know that people who are really capable will have a weird temper. Those scientists told me that if you want to use their results to make money, you have to be capable. They asked me to I have to find someone myself, crack their technology, and design the assembly line myself, if I can’t do it, they won’t cooperate with me in the future!”

"There are such strange people in the world?" A young researcher laughed.

"Is it funny? I think it's normal. This is the real scientist. They devote themselves to research but treat money as dung. Xiaoxu is right. People with skills will inevitably have weird tempers, and if it weren't for this, they would have given away the results a long time ago." After it was announced to the public, how could it be our Chinese turn to take advantage of this!"

The old researcher took it for granted, and looked at Zhao Xu: "Xiao Xu, don't worry, since we have ready-made equipment, we will be able to study the principles clearly, hehe, in fact, we can crack the most advanced technology in the world today. It is also an opportunity to learn a lot!"

"Yeah, Xiaoxu, we can definitely design an assembly line!" Another senior researcher's eyes were extremely firm: "We may not be able to research such an advanced technology, but we can crack it, hehe, we are experts!"

"That's good!" Zhao Xu nodded with a smile, very proud of his ability to fool people.

Next, the researchers started a vigorous technical cracking campaign.

Everyone is engaged in research. For them, being able to see new advanced technologies is a great happiness, so everyone has worked very hard on research, almost to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep.

It's like a foodie seeing delicious food. Once you stick in it, it's hard to pull it out.

But even if you are making technological breakthroughs, you have to do it bit by bit, after all, you can't eat too much.

So the equipment that Zhao Xu brought this time only included air projection technology, intelligent video stitching technology, and a 3D simulation compiler.

As for the rest of the photon force field transmission and the intelligent monitoring system, he is planning to talk about it later.

In addition, during this period, Zhao Xu did not sit idle, but actively participated in the research.

His twenty years of reading books are not in vain. When it comes to the breadth and complexity of knowledge, he thinks he can't lose to anyone here.

But the key point is that although he has done some small experiments before, he has never entered a laboratory, let alone practiced the knowledge he has mastered.

To put it simply, he only has a theoretical basis, but no practical experience.

So this time he summoned the researchers, first to crack the technology, and second, to learn from these researchers and practice what he has mastered.

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