"Three months!"

Cameron answered with certainty: "Because this incident was too sudden, and American holographic projection equipment companies have never produced theater version projectors before, they must make necessary modifications to their products. Until three months later, the theater chain will hold a bidding meeting, and the best product will be selected at that time!"

"Haha, that's great. Not only American companies can participate in the bidding meeting, right?" Zhao Xu smiled confidently: "Then I believe that we will still be the winners then!"

"Yes, companies from all countries can participate in the bidding meeting, but my dear Zhao, can you really make it in time to participate in the bidding meeting? As far as I know, you seem to have not even put in place the production line. It will take three months, so..."

Cameron obviously does not have much confidence.

"Oh, dear Mr. Cameron, you have to have a little confidence in me. The Chinese are always able to create miracles, aren't they?" Zhao Xu's tone was still full of confidence.

"Well, I look forward to the miracle you bring..."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xu immediately drove to the company, called a meeting and told everyone what Cameron said.

Xie Zhenyu frowned: "Xiao Xu, what Cameron said is good, not to mention that the design of our assembly line has not been completed, even if it is completed, it will take at least three months to hand it over to the manufacturer for manufacturing!"

Their original plan was to hand over the design drawings to Zhou Hongtao, and then let his father's Zhongzhou Industrial Group process it, but now it seems that it is too late.

"Yes, brother, even if my dad and the others rush to work, the construction period can only be shortened by more than half a month at most, not to mention that even if it is processed on the assembly line, we still need to debug and let the workers familiarize themselves with the machine. It will take half a year!"

Zhou Hongtao is also full of helplessness. If the problem of the assembly line is not resolved, he will not be able to participate in the bidding meeting at all, because you have to prove your mass production ability to others, otherwise you will not be able to produce it after they place an order, which is considered a breach of contract.

Moreover, it is impossible to get away with this aspect, because the US will definitely send people to the country to inspect, and people will know whether you have production capacity by then.

"It's such a pity that such a good opportunity can only be missed!" Sun Hao rubbed his fat face in great distress,

No wonder everyone is depressed. The order from the American theater chain is of extraordinary significance. To a certain extent, it actually opens up the global market.

Because American movies actually represent the wind vane of world movies to a certain extent. For example, in recent years, watching Americans make huge profits in special effects blockbusters, other countries will follow suit.

The same is true for theater chains. As long as Zhao Xu and the others can win orders from American theater chains, it will definitely have a certain impact on global theater chains. When other countries buy projectors, they will definitely consider Dream Company first.

But now it seems that they can only give up this great opportunity.

There was silence in the office. Zhao Xu rested his chin in consideration for a while, and suddenly asked an old man sitting next to him, "Li Gong, how is the design of our assembly line?"

This old man is the top engineer of the laboratory and the general director of the pipeline design.

"We have completely cracked the air projection technology and the intelligent image stitching technology. Half a month ago, we had already started the design of the assembly line.

Everyone has worked very hard, so more than half of it has been completed now. If everyone works extra days, the rest should be completed within this month! "

The old man pondered for a while and said, "But Xiao Xu, Mr. Xie is right. Even if the design of the assembly line is completed, it will take a long time for the machine to be ordered, not to mention that we still have to debug it. I'm afraid..."

"It's okay, let everyone work hard during this time, and complete the design of the assembly line as soon as possible. I require that every part of the assembly line have detailed drawings and data. As for the order of the machine, I will handle it!"

Zhao Xu looked at Zhou Hongtao again: "What's the problem with the factory building, Hong Tao, you must solve this matter as soon as possible. If the machine is shipped back, I hope to be able to assemble it in the factory building immediately!"

"The problem of the factory building has been solved. I directly asked someone to buy a bankrupt factory. Their production workshop can be used by us with a little modification!"

Zhou Hongtao frowned and said puzzledly: "Brother, you can really solve the problem of the machine. I calculated the time just now. If we want to catch up with the bidding meeting in the United States, we must order back to the production line within one and a half months." !"

"Xuzi, you can really get the machine back within a month and a half, what are you going to do?" Sun Hao's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No problem, don't worry, as long as you do your job well, I guarantee you will be able to attend the bidding fair in time!" Seeing that the crowd still didn't believe it, Zhao Xu said, "You also know that I have some connections abroad, and they should It can solve our problems!"

Everyone suddenly thought that what Zhao Xu was talking about was the mysterious research institute. In their opinion, maybe that research institute had some advanced technology that could complete the assembly line manufacturing in the shortest time.

The research institute is of course non-existent. In fact, Zhao Xu suddenly figured out one thing. The ability to create raw energy may not be able to manufacture the entire assembly line, but can't it be possible to manufacture each part of the assembly line separately?

That's why he asked the laboratory to produce detailed drawings and data for each part, and he had to manufacture the assembly line based on these.

Everyone had expectations in their hearts, so next, everyone performed their duties. Zhou Hongtao hired a large number of people and began to speed up the transformation of the factory building. The researchers in the laboratory worked overtime and finally completed the assembly line after more than a week. the design of.

On the day the design was completed, Zhao Xu took all the drawings and disappeared from everyone's sight. No one knew where Zhao Xu was going, but everyone guessed that Zhao Xu must have gone to that mysterious research institute.

Everyone's waiting didn't last long. In the early morning three days later, a logistics company's truck suddenly drove into the dream come true technology company.

The employees of the company were very curious and gathered around one after another. They saw that the truck was loaded with three machine parts that looked like support frames.

"What is this?"

"Could this be the newly purchased equipment of our company?"

"No way, I've never seen such a device, it's strange!"

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from behind the crowd: "Everyone, get out of the way, people from the technical department are here!"

Everyone retreated to both sides, and saw a white-haired old man leading a group of young researchers through the crowd and quickly walked to the truck.

"Li Gong, what are these three things?" Someone asked curiously.

An old researcher at the head replied with a smile: "These are the three parts of the pipeline we designed!"

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