Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 101 The Secret of Quotation

With the start of the bidding meeting, major equipment companies came to the stage one by one to introduce their products to everyone. In order to win the final victory, everyone tried their best.

Lowering the price, introducing the advantages of the product, belittling the products of other companies, and providing the theater chain with the most economical theater renovation plan, all kinds of means and various favorable conditions are proposed in order to get the theater chain businessmen's approval.

Among the major equipment companies, the best performer is the US-based Xuanying Holographic Projection Equipment Company. They have always represented the pinnacle of the world's holographic projection technology, and they did not disappoint everyone this time.

With advanced technology, they installed an environmental simulation system for their projection equipment. This system is like a 5D movie, which can simulate environmental effects such as wind, rain, thunder, electricity, snowflakes, flames, fog, etc. .

It allows the audience to achieve the most realistic environmental experience from the aspects of vision, hearing, smell and so on. For example, when magma appears in the movie, this system can simulate the environment, allowing the audience to truly experience a scorching heat. a feeling of.

The only pity is that this system does not have dynamic seats for 5D movies, because there are too many seats in movie theaters. If it is modified, it will be a huge investment. I believe that no theater company will be willing to accept it.

But even so, the technology of Xuanying Holographic Projection Equipment Co., Ltd. is beyond the reach of other companies, and the result of the tender seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Some people could not help but look at Zhao Xu and the others, but unfortunately they found that Zhao Xu and the others were still calm and did not seem to feel threatened by the technology of Xuanying company.

At this moment, everyone had a question in their hearts: "Are the Chinese people putting on a show, or do they really have some powerful cards in their hands? But their quotations are too high, and there is no hope of winning the bid!" "

As time passed, it was finally the turn of Dream Come True Technology Company to introduce its products. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell into a kind of silence, and everyone turned their attention to Zhao Xu and the others.

Some gazes were filled with anticipation, but more of them were sneers and sarcasm. In their view, with Dream Company's offer, it was absolutely impossible to bid successfully.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Xu tidied up his clothes a little, and Shi Shi ran onto the podium: "Ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone, next, I will represent Dream Come True Technology Company to introduce our product……"

"Sorry, Mr. Zhao Xu, before you start the introduction, I want to ask a question first!"

A theater dealer suddenly interrupted Zhao Xu: "Your quotation is double that of other companies. I don't think any theater dealers here will be willing to accept the price of 200,000 US dollars, so I think that if you If you are not going to lower the price, there is no need to introduce it, because it is just a waste of time, and no one will buy your product anyway!"

This person's behavior was rather impolite, but what he said was true. Indeed, the price of 200,000 US dollars was indeed not acceptable to theater operators.

Zhao Xu smiled slightly, and was not angry at being interrupted: "This gentleman's question is exactly what I will explain next. I believe that everyone will be happy to accept our offer after I finish speaking!"

Everyone was in an uproar, wondering where Zhao Xu's confidence came from?

"Indeed, on the surface, our quotation is indeed twice as high as that of other companies, but please don't forget that professional projection equipment like the theater version has very high requirements for the playback environment.

It does not mean that you can use it directly when you buy it back. In order to achieve the best projection effect, everyone must make some necessary modifications to the theater! "

Zhao Xu stood on the podium and talked eloquently: "When you buy a set of holographic projection equipment, you must first set up a professional holographic projection screen in the theater. Even if you use a steam projection screen, you also need to install a professional steam injection system. Will be a great investment!"

"In addition to the projection screen, you also need to open up a special location for the projector to achieve the best projection angle. If you are like Xuanying Company, you also need to install the environment simulation system. Of course, in addition to In addition, there are other renovation projects, I will not go into details one by one due to time constraints!"

"I've done some calculations for everyone. The labor costs and material costs for the renovation, etc., in the United States, probably need to invest about 200,000 US dollars, and don't forget, this is just a renovation of a movie theater. I believe everyone here Whoever owns the cinema chain operator, there is not only one cinema, right?"

Many theater operators listened thoughtfully, but the representatives of those equipment companies all had ugly faces. Zhao Xu was right. Their equipment seemed to only cost $100,000, but after buying it back, they still had Requires a substantial renovation investment.

Calculated in this way, if theater operators buy their equipment, the actual investment for each set is actually 300,000 US dollars.

"Mr. Zhao Xu, does that mean that you can solve this problem for us?" A cinema operator asked anxiously after his heart moved.

Zhao Xu smiled indifferently: "This gentleman is right. Our company's sales philosophy is to put the needs of customers as the highest criterion. Our equipment seems to cost two hundred thousand dollars, but our technology can make it possible for everyone not to need it." And then invest in the transformation cost, so the calculation is actually 100,000 dollars lower than other companies!"

"Impossible. Professional-grade holographic projection equipment has high requirements on the environment. It is absolutely impossible to achieve the best projection effect without remodeling the theater!" A representative of an equipment company suddenly retorted loudly.

"Hehe, one of our leaders once said that science and technology are the primary productive forces. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean we can't!"

Zhao Xu rushed down the stage confidently and waved. Zhou Hongtao immediately brought a few employees and moved a holographic projector onto the podium.

The appearance of this projector is very different from the projectors used to compete in Japan. The projectors at that time were small and exquisite, and looked like a home digital video camera, but now this one looks like The light length of the professional camera used at the party is almost one meter.

Unlike the camera, this projector actually has three lenses.

Zhao Xu immediately explained to everyone: "As you can see, our projector has three lenses. This is actually our latest technology. It allows the projector to emit three projection beams at the same time. One device, but has the effect of three projectors!"

At this time, the employees of Dream Company suddenly took out a shelf, and there was a black disc behind the shelf. People sitting near the podium could see that the surface of this disc seemed to be covered with dense fluff.

"What is this?" Everyone whispered.

At this time, I saw the employees finding a random place on the wall of the meeting room, and then lifted the shelf and pasted it. The black disc has a strong suction, and it actually hangs the whole shelf firmly on the wall. on the wall.

Immediately afterwards, the employees fixed the holographic projector on the shelf.

To prove its robustness, two employees were even playful and grabbed the shelf and did a few pull-ups. However, with two people and a projector weighing 200 kilograms, the shelf remained motionless.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise. How could a small disc have such a strong suction?

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