Super Marshal

Chapter 359 After digging the Gunners and digging Manchester United

"We do have good financial income, but we still need to be careful in the transfer market. Unlike some teams, which have received huge capital injections, they can use funds without restriction to show their ambitions."

"Yes, you heard me right, I just want to say that the endless buying of players like Chelsea is a serious injury to professional football itself."

"You can look at the debt of the Premier League teams, it's a pretty staggering number and we're all responsible for it, we need to avoid a debt crisis, but this kind of behavior by Chelsea is blowing up the transfer market tremendously. The bubble on the Internet has greatly increased the team's salary burden."

"As long as you have the money, it is not difficult to buy a group of good stars, but it is not easy to integrate them into a strong whole, and so far we have only seen Chelsea pile up crazy. stars, without seeing any signs of them forming an effective unit."


Wenger's interview appeared on the front page of the Sun newspaper, and the title was also very specific. This is to bombard Chelsea's gold dollar policy.

Rubles can't be exchanged for champions!

After Wenger's interview, Vieira and Henry, two players in the team who were deeply involved in Chelsea's transfer rumors, also accepted interviews from the media. The former publicly stated that Arsenal's new season is surprisingly strong.

"We are confident that we can maintain a complete victory in the new season!"

As for Chelsea, Vieira denied that he had contact with the opponent, but also pointed out Chelsea's biggest weakness.

"I don't know what Gao Han thinks, but trying to gather so many players from different leagues and with different personalities in the same locker room, everyone knows, it's like a nightmare."

The striker Henry's attitude towards Chelsea is also very indifferent, "From the beginning to the end, I don't care at all about their behavior of buying stars, and it has nothing to do with me."

"What? The top scorer? Hehe, if you add up the goals scored by all the players they brought in last season, they didn't score as many goals as me. Do you think I will feel threatened?"


For the time being, no one knows why Wenger and Arsenal players bombarded Chelsea, but everyone clearly felt the strong smell of gunpowder between the rivals in London.

Especially after the Sun newspaper first published the interview, other media in the UK also rushed forward like sharks smelling blood, catching up on the grievances between the two teams and digging deep into the ground to create topics.

Soon, the truth gradually emerged.

Only then did everyone understand that the young player Wenger was eyeing was cut off by Chelsea's Gao Han, no wonder he was so annoyed.



"Haha, enjoy the fun, let off steam, good!"

In the Carrington training base, Ferguson was in a happy mood after reading the report.

"So let me tell you, it's good to mess with anyone, but don't mess with Wenger. That bastard looks gentle, but in fact he holds grudges and is stingy in his bones. It's for no reason. Why did you provoke him?"

At the end, Ferguson couldn't help laughing again, until his old face flushed red.

Everyone in the office, seeing Ferguson in such a happy mood, also laughed.

Compared with Manchester United, Arsenal did not strengthen signings this summer, but in the goalkeeper position, the old goalkeeper Seaman left the team and introduced German goalkeeper Lehmann.

Therefore, Manchester United is full of confidence. As long as Ronaldinho and Robben are introduced, the overall strength of the team will be improved. It will not be difficult to continue to suppress Arsenal and win the Premier League title again.

At least, in the Premier League, Manchester United has such arrogance.

After a while of joking, Ferguson still couldn't let go of his old enemy who had played against him for many years, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"However, looking back, Wenger is really serious. What's the point of fighting against a young man? Isn't he just a 16-year-old player? There are a lot of players in European football. Why bother?"

"As long as it's good for young players and good for the Premier League, it doesn't matter what you dig."

"As a human, the most important thing is to have a broad mind, not to be too narrow and haggle over every detail."

Everyone, including Martin Ferguson, knew Ferguson's temper very well. Of course, he knew that he was trying to disgust Wenger, and he might even taunt Wenger in the newspaper later.

But when everyone was laughing and watching Ferguson gloating, Martin Ferguson's phone rang suddenly.

As soon as he got connected, Martin Ferguson jumped up from his seat without a sound as soon as he heard the first sentence.

"What? What did you say?"

Everyone in the office immediately looked over in unison, what's going on?

It was not until after Martin Ferguson hung up the phone that everyone noticed that his expression had changed.

"Roben... Robben was dug up by Gao Han!"

Ferguson was taken aback for a moment, and then cursed.

"What the hell, even my people dare to dig, it's against him!"

"Asshole, after Wenger dug me, do you really think no one can cure him?"

"Despicable! Shameless! Shameless!"

Ferguson's resounding curses came from the entire Carrington training base.



"I very much agree with Wenger's words. Chelsea's gold dollar strategy of buying stars everywhere is not beneficial to the Premier League or European football. It will even destroy the original market order in turn."

And when the reporter asked Ferguson whether Manchester United would feel the pressure because of Chelsea's increased signings, Ferguson flatly denied, "We never feel uneasy because of anyone. I have been at Manchester United for so many years, and I have a deep understanding of this team. As a team, I know very well that our strongest weapon is our unity and our belief."

"Yes, obviously there will be a lot of players who will not be able to resist the lure of rubles in Chelsea's hands, but really good players will not be swayed by money."

"Judging from the current situation, I will not change my views on the structure of the Premier League in the new season. The only teams that can truly win the championship are Arsenal, Liverpool and our Manchester United."

"Chelsea? They are still too far behind, so I can't see it for the time being."

Also skeptical about Chelsea's transfer signings, and Liverpool's coach Houllier.

The French coach who successfully led the team to the top four in the league last season and qualified for the Champions League also fought side by side with Ferguson, Wenger and other colleagues in an interview with the media, sharing the same hatred.

"There is a saying in the European transfer market that it is better to buy more than to buy well. This tells us that crazy signings often fail to achieve the expected results. Only down-to-earth is the key to building a team."

As for Chelsea's crazy signings, Houllier made it clear that he is not envious.

For a time, the entire European football world was shocked.

Among the traditional semi-finals of the Premier League, except for Newcastle's good old man Robson who did not come forward, the coaches of the other three semi-finals have clearly expressed their disdain for the Chelsea Jinyuan storm.

Even in the eyes of media reporters, this has the posture of the top four besieging Chelsea.

But even in this tense atmosphere where the storm is coming and besieged on all sides, Chelsea's signings are still proceeding in an orderly manner.

The team first announced that it had introduced the Argentine midfielder from Manchester United, the white wizard Veron, at a high price of 21.5 million euros. Because the latter's performance in Manchester United's two years was not as good as expected, the transfer fee was also two times higher. Big discounts from years ago.

In an interview with the media, Veron said that the reason why he chose to stay in the Premier League and join Chelsea was because he believed in Gao Han.

"I talked to Mr. Gao Han. He explained to me a very clear and complete plan. He hoped that I would take important responsibilities in this plan. I was completely conquered by him, so I am willing to continue to stay in the Premier League."

In this regard, Veron also rarely expressed his heart, and said with high spirits, "I hope to prove my strength here and tell all the fans who like me that I have not failed, but 'they' did not give me enough trust and patience. "

Immediately afterwards, Chelsea quickly announced that the team had introduced winger Arjen Robben from Eindhoven, Netherlands at a high price of 15 million euros, and from Feyer at a price of 5 million euros. Nord introduced striker Van Persie, and at a high price of 15 million euros, introduced striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic from Ajax.

Digging through the top three of the Eredivisie, Chelsea's feat has also been talked about by fans all over the world, and they have to admire it.

Head coach Gao Han said in an interview with the media that Robben is a very good winger. His speed and breakthrough ability are amazing. He believes that in Chelsea, Robben will be able to grow into the world's top winger.

"I've been following Robin for a long time, and I've been following his growth and progress. I think it's time for him to take on the challenge on a higher stage and prove himself."

As for Ibrahimovic from Ajax, Gao Han gave a very high evaluation.

"He was the main center forward of the Ajax team that performed well in the Champions League last season. His excellent physical fitness and delicate foot skills make me believe that he can become a perfect center forward. Every central defender's nightmare."

"I talked to him in the Netherlands, I am very happy, he is willing to work hard for this, and he trusts me, I told him that the Premier League can train him into the strongest center forward."

Everyone is dumbfounded by Chelsea's transfer signings, because the Blues are constantly selling at low prices, even letting some veterans and useless players free transfer, while waving the checks in their hands. Big signings.

So far, Chelsea has invested more than 120 million euros in the transfer market, which is simply an astonishing figure, even the sum of the signings of giants such as Real Madrid, Barcelona and AC Milan.

But when everyone was surprised by Chelsea's strong financial resources, Gao Han once again shocked people in an interview with the media that the team's signing door has not been closed.

"Yes, our lineup is already very strong, but there are still two or three positions that need to be strengthened. We have identified suitable candidates, and I believe we will make progress soon."

As for the accusations and criticisms of the Premier League's traditional top four, Gao Han smiled and said that he didn't take it to heart at all.

"I know that it is useless to say more now. We will use facts and results to prove in the new season that we are definitely not the mercenaries that some people say. In the new season, we only have one goal. That's the champion!"

"All champions!"

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