Super Marshal

Chapter 690 Gao Han’s fist

After the knockout rounds of the German Cup, the Bundesliga quickly reignited the war.

In the 18th round of the Bundesliga, Bayern Munich defeated Hamburg 1-0 with Aguero's winning goal.

It was also after this game that Gao Han received news from the Premier League on his way south from Hamburg to Munich. Ferguson's Manchester United successfully signed left back Leigh from Everton at the last moment of the winter break transfer. Don Byrnes.

The specific transfer amount has not been announced yet, but it is said that Manchester United paid a considerable price.

The addition of Leighton Baines allowed Ferguson to finally fill the weak spot on the left side of the defense, and also greatly increased the strength of the Red Devils.

When Gao Han received the news, an unpredictable smile appeared on his face.

A week later, the 19th round of the Bundesliga.

Back at the Allianz Arena, after a week's rest, and with Vidal and Klose returning from injury, Bayern Munich welcomed Klopp's Dortmund with the most complete lineup, and relied on Klose's brace Goals from Du and Vidal defeated Dortmund 3-1.

At the post-match press conference, Klopp said with regret that he had tried his best, but the cold Bayern Munich was better in terms of tactics and strength.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that in a short period of time, it will be difficult for any team in the Bundesliga to stop Bayern Munich."

After this game, the national team match day in February came again.

Because it was scheduled in the middle of the week, the weekend league continued to be held as scheduled, but this still had some impact on Bayern Munich, which has many international players.

In the next two rounds of the Bundesliga, Bayern Munich won 2-1, against Hertha Berlin away from home and Cologne at home, both with near misses.

After the 21st round of the Bundesliga, the day to go to London is approaching.



Since losing 3-0 away to Manchester United, Rijkaard's life has become increasingly difficult.

First, the outside media hyped up the news that Gao Han would take over Manchester City, causing panic throughout the British football world. Then the management put pressure on the coaching staff, demanding that the team must make a breakthrough in the Champions League, at least. Enter the semi-finals.

The question is, is it that easy?

After losing to Manchester United, Rijkaard's team won two home games, but soon lost 2-0 to Benitez's Liverpool at Anfield.

It can be said that after this game, it is basically difficult for Chelsea to attack the league championship.

Barring any accident, this season's Premier League championship will be a competition between Manchester United and Liverpool.

After entering February, the Blues' situation was slightly better. They tied with Hull City at home and beat Aston Villa with a goal away from home. This slightly eased the pressure on Rijkaard from the outside media and management.

But now, the big test is coming.

How to deal with this big test has also been put on the table of Chelsea's coaching staff.

"Bayern Munich, who is fighting against the cold, has nothing more than two ideas."

In the coach's office at Chelsea's Cobham training base, chief assistant coach Ten Carter was giving his own suggestions for the knockout rounds, "One is to play pass and control like Guardiola's Barcelona, ​​but to be honest, in this aspect we There is no advantage, let alone Barcelona, ​​not even Bayern Munich."

Chelsea today is no longer the Chelsea it was during the cold weather.

At that time, the Blues were famous for their mercury-like passing and controlling. The midfield gathered outstanding passing and controlling players such as Deco, Veron, and Ronaldinho, and they played frightening passing and controlling football.

But now, the Blues are filled with players like Mikel, Ballack, Lampard, and Essien. There is no hope of playing pass-and-control style in front of the cold Bayern Munich.

"The other way is to focus on defense and wait for counterattacks like other teams do."

Except for a very few teams such as Barcelona, ​​most teams encounter the cold and adopt the latter style of play, but there are differences.

For example, some teams will try to take the lead in attacking, disrupt the opponent's position, and then defend and counterattack, while others will concentrate on defending, stabilize their position, and then counterattack, or...

In short, the same set of ideas, but different playing styles.

Rijkaard knew in his heart that if he was still coaching Barcelona, ​​he might compete with Gao Han in terms of passing and controlling play, but when he arrived at Chelsea, he had no choice at all.

But the question now is, even if Chelsea is willing to defend, can it?

Everyone in the coaching room understands Rijkaard's worries at this moment. It can even be said that all teams in the world will have such worries when they encounter Bayern Munich in the cold weather.

"But there is a problem." Tenkat looked at Rijkaard very seriously.

"tell me the story."

"The midfielder has to suppress the opponent."

Ever since Makélélé left the team, the midfielder issue has been a sticking point for Chelsea.

From the perspective of Mikel playing as a defensive midfielder, he is capable of dealing with other teams, but once he encounters a strong team, it is difficult for him to be effective, and he is easily suppressed by his opponents.

They lost to Manchester United 0-3 and lost to Liverpool 0-2.

In the past few strong dialogues, opponents have always used Mikel as a midfielder to play. Gao Han will definitely be the same this time. This will be a big challenge for Chelsea.

"Then Mikel, Ballack, Essien and Lampard. They all have rich experience and strong defense. More importantly, Ballack is very familiar with Bayern Munich." Rijkaard analyzed.

Everyone also thinks this is a good method.

"However, judging from many games this season, playing in a 4-4-2 diamond midfield, our midfield defense is indeed good, but the offensive effect is not very good, especially between Ballack and Lampard. coexistence problem," Tenkat said worriedly.

Fans all over the world know that in the England national team, there is a so-called coexistence problem between Germany and Germany, which is the compatibility between Lampard and Gerrard. These two players are both Chelsea and Liverpool's humerus generals, but in It is difficult for the national team to coexist.

In the same way, since Ballack came to Chelsea, there have been compatibility issues between him and Lampard.

Rijkaard is certainly aware of his team's problems, but what he cares more about is whether he can stop Bayern Munich's attack?

Although it sacrifices the team's offense, it is not a bad thing to use four midfielders to suppress Bayern Munich's three midfielders.

At the very least, make sure you don’t lose first, right?



"Chelsea are suffering from the problem of having too many superstars."

At the Sebena training base in Munich, Gao Han was conducting a pre-match tactical analysis meeting with the coaching staff.

"The previous problems with Shevchenko, the current problems with the coexistence of Anelka and Drogba, the problems with the coexistence of Lampard and Ballack, these are all problems they blindly piled up superstars, but failed to effectively exert the effect of the combination of players. As a result, Jaccard will definitely be troubled by the starting lineup in this game. He cannot attack and defend at the same time. I conclude that he will defend."

Judging from the various news spread by the media before the game, the Chelsea coaching staff is under great pressure.

After losing two major games to Manchester United and Liverpool in January, Abramovich's patience with the coaching staff has been worn out. Even the media has begun to use words like "kill order", which shows that Rijkaard has already There is a serious crisis of confidence.

"Although I don't like Mourinho and I don't like his football, we have to admit that one of the best things he did at Chelsea was to control the team's defense very tightly. This was also carried over to the Rijkaard period, especially Lampard, Essien and other players."

"So, once Chelsea wants to defend and is willing to invest in defense, it will be a big test for us."

Chelsea during Mourinho's era was known as the Iron Army, and this name was not false.

"But Chelsea are not without their problems."

After finishing speaking, Gao Han remotely controlled the projector and switched to the next PPT, which clearly listed some Chelsea data.

"Before Christmas, that is, in the first 19 rounds, Chelsea was able to occupy the top spot in the Premier League for a long time because their defense was very strong. But from the 20th round to now, there are problems with their defense. Whether in the FA Cup or the Premier League, the number of goals conceded is obviously much higher than in the first 19 rounds."

Judging from the ups and downs in the number of goals conceded, mid-to-late January is undoubtedly the peak period for conceding goals. The 0-3 loss to Manchester United and the 0-2 loss to Liverpool were both during this period.

"We all know the Premier League. Lorenzo had a headache for the Premier League's winter break schedule for several months. We even had to prepare for the Christmas Devil schedule in October, and Ferguson is also very experienced in this aspect. , so, you see, Manchester United often starts to exert strength after the winter break, while Chelsea weakens during the winter break."

Gao Han raised his right hand, pressed the remote control again, and switched to the next picture. It was the statistics and analysis of all the goals Chelsea had conceded since the twentieth round so far.

"Look, defensive headers are Chelsea's biggest contributor to conceding goals. Players consume too much physical energy. The games are very intensive and the pressure increases. It is understandable that they are prone to trance and distraction during the game. So you see, Chelsea Among the many goals we conceded, headers were the most serious.”

Those present were all experienced professional coaches, and Gao Han didn’t need to say much. They all knew how to take advantage of this.

The first thing to bear the brunt is definitely the tactical coordination of set pieces.

But soon, the coaching staff had doubts again.

"Since the focus is on attacking headers, why did you start Klose when you played Cologne away from home and let him play the whole game?" Thomas Tuchel asked strangely.

The Bundesliga is on Saturday and the Champions League is on Wednesday. Although Klose can still start, according to Gao Han's usual rotation, if Klose plays the whole game, Aguero should start on Wednesday.

But anyone who focuses on Bayern Munich knows that Aguero is better at sports warfare.

Gao Han smiled at Tuchel and nodded: "You are right, Thomas, Klose's header is indeed more threatening, but you should know that we are studying our opponents, and our opponents are also studying us. We know Would Rijkaard know about this?"

"The reason why the knockout rounds of the Champions League are so fascinating and interesting is that it is not only a battle on the tactical level, but also a psychological battle between the enemy and ourselves. We not only have to fight against our opponents' tactics, but also their psychology."

In the knockout rounds of the Champions League, especially in the competition between top teams like Bayern Munich and Chelsea, although there is a gap in strength, it is not as big as imagined. No one can easily crush the other. Every decision of the head coach There are good and bad.

Just like Klose, everyone knows you are going to attack with a header, so won't your opponent pay attention to defense?

What's more, Klose's ground ball attack and ability to fight alone are not as sharp as Aguero.

If you gain something, you lose something, so you have to make a choice.

"Sometimes, we retract our fists in order to punch out more powerfully." Gao Han said with a confident smile.

Thomas Tuchel is a smart man, he knows everything right away, and his eyes when he looks at Gao Han are full of admiration.

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