Super Marshal

Chapter 753 Premier League, I’m back!

A brand new season is about to begin again!

Gao Han put his hands on the edge of the washbasin, raised his head, looked at himself in the mirror with his face covered with water, and thought to himself.

Today is the opening day of Manchester City’s summer training camp, and all players will gather at the Carrington training base.

This is also Gao Han's first appearance as the head coach of Manchester City. He is very aware of the challenges that coaching Manchester City poses to him.

Everyone knows that Gao Han has always been known for being good at cultivating young players, but this time he coached Manchester City, he went against the norm and introduced superstars one after another. This is undoubtedly a subversion of his past.

A very important reason for this is that the strategy formulated by Manchester City is a superstar strategy, while Gao Han is following the trend, hoping to use Manchester City's superstar strategy to win the league championship as soon as possible and return to the Champions League as soon as possible.

He also hopes to verify whether his tactics can work as soon as possible.

Although, in the past few years, many media reporters and fans feel that Gao Han's technical and tactical play has not changed much, and it is mainly based on passing and controlling, but only he and many friends in the circle, including Ferguson, know that The framework has not changed, but the details have changed a lot, which has contributed to his unbeatable and amazing results in the past few years.

Otherwise, given the fierce competition in European football, if Gao Han had made no progress in these years, he would have been targeted long ago.

But this time it was obviously different from the past.

It should be said that this time it is more difficult and the challenge is greater.

Manchester City seems to be full of superstars. In the words of some media reporters and fans, as long as they put these superstars on the court, they will kill gods and Buddhas.

But the question is, is it really that easy?

High-level stars are one thing, but how to integrate these stars into a complete team and activate their strongest competitiveness is the key.

It can be said that the Premier League today is completely different from when he coached Chelsea.

At that time, Manchester United was still in the metabolic stage and had many defensive problems, but it has obviously been completed now; although today's Arsenal has long lost its courage, it has maintained the level of strength in the top eight of the Champions League every year, which is enough to prove that the Gunners are still powerful. ; And the strength of Liverpool now is far greater than that of then.

As for Chelsea, after being managed by four coaches including Ranieri, Gao Han, Mourinho and Rijkaard, the Blues' foundation is still quite good, enough to compete with the top teams in European football.

But the real test of the Premier League is not just these four traditional giants, but other teams are also very strong.

In the past few years, the revenue from Premier League broadcast rights has increased dramatically, and every team has been able to receive a huge amount of broadcast revenue. This has given the Premier League teams an amazing purchasing power, and they can use pounds to unscrupulously introduce strong players in the European continent. This makes even the bottom teams in the Premier League very competitive.

Therefore, the Premier League is the most fiercely competitive league in football today.

For Gao Han, the Premier League is more like a testing ground. Whether it is to repay the grudge he had with Chelsea or to further improve himself, Gao Han must have a try.

Thinking of this, Gao Han stared at himself in the mirror, his eyes revealing unprecedented determination.

"Premier League, I'm back!"



The hotel's car took Gao Han to a place called Carrington on the west side of Manchester city.

Walking a short distance south along a small road, you will arrive at Manchester City's training base.

Interestingly, going down this road, Manchester United's training base is right next door to Manchester City.

Gao Han got off the car at the gate of the training base and looked at the road in the distance, but he thought with some humor in his heart. What if he found a group of people, lurked here, waited until Ferguson drove by, stopped him, and beat him up? Suddenly, the old man might have cried miserably.

By that time, wouldn't he have a serious problem?

As he thought about it, Gao Han himself found it funny.

But just at this moment, a car drove up behind him and stopped directly next to Gao Han.

The car window slowly lowered, revealing Ferguson's rosy face, but Gao Han felt guilty for no reason.

These days, in broad daylight, you really can’t talk about people’s right and wrong.

"Morning, Sir." Gao Han laughed and walked forward.

"You're quite early." Ferguson seemed to be in a good mood.

Gao Han chuckled and said, "Yes, I was afraid that you would beat me up, so I came early to avoid you."

Ferguson was also amused. Of course he knew what Gao Han meant.

Benzema was originally recommended to Ferguson by Gao Han, but Manchester United thought it was too expensive at the time. Ferguson finally chose Berbatov, but unexpectedly the Bulgarian forward performed poorly.

After last season's Champions League final, Ferguson once made up his mind to buy Benzema, but the club needed to raise a sum of funds. Unexpectedly, Gao Han got there first.

"If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot." Ferguson looked fierce, "But don't hide, you can't hide."

"What's the meaning?"

"What do you mean?" Ferguson raised his eyebrows and laughed: "Don't you know where your new home is?"

Gao Han frowned. He really didn't know that he had never been to Manchester in the past few days.

"It seems to be someone named O or something."

"Alderley Edge." Ferguson said with a wry smile.

How could there be such a person?

He spent millions of pounds to buy a house, but he didn't even know where the house was. Is this still the Gao Han he knew?

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, Alderley Edge." Gao Han suddenly realized, "But what does this have to do with you?"

But after the question was asked, Gao Han remembered it again.

He vaguely remembered that Ferguson once said that he lived in Cheshire. Could it be that...

"Remember?" Ferguson said with a smirk on his face, "My home is very close to yours. I want to find you. It's going to happen in a matter of minutes. Do you think you can escape?"

"Hey, old man, don't scare me. Believe it or not, I will go over and ask someone to beat you up right now?" Gao Han seemed to have written on his face that I am not someone to be trifled with.

"If you don't believe me, just ask him to come and try." Ferguson chuckled, getting excited.

Gao Han pointed at the old man who refused to admit defeat, nodded and said: "Okay, you wait." After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you."

"Don't leave if you dare. Wait." Gao Han turned back and threatened again.

"I'm just waiting here for you to see what you can do?"

This time Gao Han just turned around and pointed at him, as if he wanted you to look good, and continued walking towards the security room.

If there were media reporters present at the scene, they would definitely be shocked.

It's like two naughty little kids talking nonsense. Where is the style of a famous European coach?

But when Gao Han walked away, Ferguson thought, something was wrong.

How bored do I have to be to wait here for Gao Han to find someone to beat me up?

What's more, Gao Han is not that boring.

Wait for you? I was so stupid to wait for you!

After thinking about this, Ferguson burst into laughter. Knowing that he had been fooled, he stepped on the accelerator and drove away with a bang.

Gao Han just walked to the gate and heard the sound of the accelerator. He turned around and saw the rear of the car speeding away, and smiled bitterly.

It's miserable enough to be a neighbor when you're at work, but to be a neighbor after work, what's wrong with you?

How about moving?



On the first day of team training, all members of the coaching staff came very early.

Because they all know that Gao Han will come to the training base early in the morning and arrange some situations for the day's training.

Now is the summer training camp, which focuses on physical reserves. Gao Han said in the meeting before that the three-four-three formation has high requirements on the players' running coverage, which puts forward higher requirements on the players' physical fitness, so Summer preparation is crucial.

Lorenzo Buenaventura is the best physical coach in European football at the moment. He is fully responsible for the team's entire summer physical reserve training. Pedro Haro is still responsible for goalkeeper training. He and Peter ·We have cooperated with Cech during his time at Atletico Madrid, so there is no big problem.

As for Sergio Garcia, he is still responsible for data analysis and intelligence collection. He has also initially established a data analysis system at Manchester City and has begun to improve it in preparation for official use in the new season.

Steve Peters is still responsible for psychological counseling, but when he first comes to a team, he needs to grasp the players' psychology as soon as possible.

Chief assistant coach Brian Kidd is responsible for leading the team's training and assisting Gao Han in formulating game strategies, especially his familiarity with the Premier League, which Gao Han lacks.

In addition to these core coaching staff members, Manchester City also has a series of other staff members. Gao Han has already met with them early and held meetings to explain his requirements to them.

But one thing remains unresolved so far.

That's the captain of the team.

After a major purge this summer, Manchester City's lineup fell apart last season. There were not many players left, and team captain Richard Dunn was one of them.

Dunn has been playing for Manchester City for nine years. He took over the captain's armband from Distin in 2006 and has been the team captain for three years. He has always been the backbone of Manchester City's defense. But the problem is , the Irish international does not meet Gao Han's requirements for a central defender. He is too irritable, not detailed enough with his feet, and has insufficient passing ability.

Some time ago, Gao Han had already talked to him and hinted to remind Dunn that the coaching staff had no way to guarantee his playing opportunities after staying on the team. This would depend on his performance and whether he could integrate into the team's tactics. Law.

What Dunn meant at the time was that he wanted to give it a try.

It can be seen that he has feelings for Manchester City and sincerely hopes that he can make a difference under Gao Han.

But Gao Han and the coaching staff must carefully consider another issue, that is, if Dunn cannot be the main player, who should be the captain of the team?

After all, a team cannot lead everyone in training and playing games with a captain who has been unable to play the main role for a long time, right?

What's more, in the Premier League environment, the captain's responsibility is very important. He must be a leader who can shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the team. Even if he cannot be as brave as Roy Keane and Vieira, at least he must be able to lead. The team defeats all powerful enemies, which requires high levels of courage and courage from the players.

Who is suitable?

Many people on the coaching staff have proposed different candidates. For example, some people have proposed Cristiano Ronaldo, others have proposed Petr Cech, and others have proposed choosing based on the length of time they have been in the team...

In short, there are various proposals, and even the coaching staff is involved in controversy.

After discussions in the past few days, no result could be reached, so everyone put this hot potato back into Gao Han's hands.

And this matter must be decided on the first day of training.

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