Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1103: , Crazy Doctor!

"There are two more acupuncture points here, have you counted them?"

Ye Fei pointed to the root of the thigh of the copper man with pointer moxibustion and asked.


The volunteer shook his head again, and the sweat came down.

They really didn't count such a hidden location.

"So, there are a total of three hundred and fifty-four acupuncture points, right?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

"Sorry, Mr. Ye, we counted wrong."

Several volunteers lowered their heads in shame.

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said: "It's no longer necessary to apologize. After all, you are not studying Chinese medicine, and it is normal to miss it.

However, starting from today, if you are interested in Chinese medicine, you can go to learn it! "

Several volunteer students nodded vigorously, with a bright smile on their faces.

At this time, the host's mood was even more excited.

He said loudly: "After repeated confirmation just now, Mr. Ye found a total of three hundred and fifty-four acupuncture points!"

This sentence was undoubtedly a shocking thunder, which smashed the Korean people present at the scene.

"It's nonsense! In such a short time, how could this kid have found all the acupuncture points in such a short time?"

Park Changhao clenched his fists and stood up.

"Yes! This kid must have cheated!!"

Someone took the lead, and the other Koreans who were present stood up and expressed their disbelief.

The host looked at Park Zongren helplessly and said: "Mr. Park, would you like to count it yourself?"


Park Zongren nodded, and then walked to the bronze man of acupuncture and moxibustion and began to count carefully.

Seeing Park Zongren confirm it himself, the audience in Goryeo became quiet.

If the old gentleman counts it himself, it shouldn't go wrong.

After counting, Piao Zongren's face sank.

After counting the second time, his face went black.

As for the third time, he didn't need to count it anymore.

He turned around, bowed to all the Koreans present, and then said: "Mr. Ye did find three hundred and fifty-four acupuncture points! Sorry everyone, I lost!"

Hearing this, the Korean people present were all stupid.

Until now, they are unwilling to believe this fact.

Old god, lost!

Some Goryeo girls who couldn't stand the blow even cried directly.

Park Zongren sighed deeply and said: "Don't be sad, don't be sad. In the third game, I won't lose again..."

After speaking, Park Zongren turned around, looked at the host, and said: "Host, let's start the third game now!"


The host was stunned for a moment and said, "Mr. Park, it's already twelve o'clock. Would you like to take a break and continue in the afternoon?"

"No, I'm not tired, let's start now!"

Piao Zongren shook his head and replied stubbornly.

"Well, then I'll talk to the person in charge."

The host nodded, and then ran away quickly.

Then, Piao Zongren looked at Ye Fei again and said, "Mr. Ye, what do you think?"

"I'm fine, you can start anytime!" Ye Fei shrugged and said.

In fact, Ye Fei knew very well why Piao Zongren must compare it now.

Because now Park Zongren is sighing in his heart, and his desire to win has also risen to the apex.

So, he wants to start the comparison now.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to pick it up when the breath dissipates.


Park Zongren smiled and thanked him.

At this time, the host has completed the communication with the relevant person in charge.

He ran over and said, "Mr. Park, it's okay to start the third game now.

However, because of the third "Blind Acupuncture" competition, we originally planned to have it in the afternoon.

Therefore, we have just urgently contacted two patients with exactly the same conditions needed for the game.

However, now the two patients are stuck in the road, and it will take some time to get over..."

"It turned out to be like this, it seems there is no way..."

A look of disappointment flashed across Piao Zongren's face.

Ye Fei smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Park, even if there is no patient, we can still try acupuncture and moxibustion!"

Hearing this, everyone present was dumbfounded!

How can acupuncture and moxibustion be tried without a patient?

After all, if you want to see whose acupuncture technique is superior, it can only be judged by the degree of recovery of the patient's condition.

Therefore, even the doctors of the three delegations have a puzzled look on their faces.

Piao Zongren looked at Ye Fei with a puzzled look, and asked: "Mr. Ye, we compare acupuncture and moxibustion techniques. The comparison is fast, accurate, stable, and effective.

If there are no patients, how can we judge whose acupuncture technique is better? "

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Since there is no patient, let's have a silver needle pricking, how about?"

"Silver needles pierce each other?"

Park Zongren was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"In a nutshell, the next step is that you are my ‘patient’ and I am your ‘patient’.

We put needles on each other, you stab me, and I stab you... so that we can experience each other's acupuncture firsthand. "Ye Fei said with a smile.

"You are crazy! What if you take this opportunity to stabbing my grandfather to death?!"

At this time, Park Changhao stood up angrily.

"Boy, you are just talking nonsense! How can anyone fight doctors like this? You clearly want to murder our master!"

Jin Taiyu also stood up angrily.

Other Koreans also looked at Ye Fei angrily.

They think that Ye Fei is doing nothing!

"You two don't understand, just shut up!"

Ye Fei stunned the two of them.

Then, he looked at Park Zongren and said in a shock: "Mr. Park, what we compare is medical skills, medical heart and medical guts.

Medical skills, we can apply needles to each other, and we can experience each other's medical skills!

Healing heart, in full view, if anyone dares to put the other person to death, then he does not have the heart of a healer, and he is not worthy to be a healer!

Healer, a wise healer, needs to be bold and careful, to be daring to treat, and to dare to try! If we encounter a dying patient, we must have the courage to treat the patient!

If you don't have the courage to shrink your hands and feet, how can you cure the disease? Mr. Park, I said so, you should understand, right? "

"I understand."

Piao Zongren smiled faintly, and said: "With each other's bodies, try each other's needles. It's interesting, this is the first time I'm fighting doctors like this."

"So, the rule of our last fight against doctors is... Those who dare not give the needle, lose! Those who repeat the injection, lose! If you cure the dead, lose!" Ye Fei said loudly.

"Okay! Compare it!"

A scorching light flashed in Pu Zongren's eyes, full of fighting spirit!

All the people present are boiling!

This is a...

An unprecedented fighting doctor!

Shocking doctors!

Shocking fighting doctor!

A series of exclamations rang from the stage.

"Oh my God! This third fight with doctors is really crazy!"

"This is simply fighting a doctor with your life!"

"Who loses and who wins? It's really exciting!"


When everyone was discussing, the host said with a shudder: "Since... Since the two have agreed to this way of fighting doctors, do you still have to blindfold?"


Ye Fei and Piao Zongren said in unison again.

"Okay...please blindfold the two players," the host said.

Soon, the two volunteers blindfolded Ye Fei and Piao Zongren, and prepared a set of silver needles for each of them.

Afterwards, the two stood facing each other, without any fluctuations in their expressions.

Calm as a pool of stagnant water.

But both of them exploded with a powerful aura, staring directly at each other!

"Who will give the needle first?" Piao Zongren asked.

"Mr. Pu, you are a guest, you go first!" Ye Fei replied.

"Okay, then I won't shirk it!"

Park Zongren responded, and his right hand flashed from the needle box!

Suddenly, three silver needles were clamped between the fingers of his right hand!

Silver light flickers!

Shine people's eyes!

"Mr. Ye, look good!"

Park Zongren gave a soft sigh, then waved his right hand!

call out! call out! call out!

The three silver needles came out directly!

The action is not at all muddy, fast as lightning!

Next second.

The three silver needles pierced the Renying, Zhongfu and Tiantu points on Ye Fei's chest!

"Is this the'God Against the Sky'? Hehe, it works really well..." Ye Fei felt it carefully and said.

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