Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1310: , Revenge and hate!

After this little farce, the eyes of the guests at the three men changed.

Becomes confused, puzzled, and frightened.

Who are these three men?

This is the question in the hearts of everyone present.

However, they didn't have the guts to ask.

At this time.

The black-robed man glanced at the people around him, then glared at the white-robed man, and said, "Junior Brother Su, Head Qiu is before us down the mountain. He has repeatedly told us not to make trouble, but you still want to make trouble!

If the Dragon Soul guys know that we are causing trouble in the secular world, they will definitely find trouble with our sect again! "

"Brother Chu, you saw it just now. It's not that I want to make trouble, but they want to trouble me, okay?"

The white-robed man curled his lips and said, "Moreover, I just taught them a little bit, but didn't kill them..."

"You still talk back!"

The black-robed man's face became cold.

"Okay, okay, Senior Brother Chu, it really wasn't Junior Brother Su's fault just now, so don't blame him."

The man in the gray robe came out to make a round.

The black-robed man snorted coldly and said: "Okay, forget it this time, let's not take it as an example!"

"Yes, Brother Chu."

The white-robed man nodded.

Soon, the barbecue was served.

The three of them quickly finished the barbecue. After paying the money, the three of them left the barbecue stall and ran away in one direction.

Their speed was very fast, and within a few seconds, the three figures disappeared at the end of the road.

Only a group of people eating barbecue were left messy in the wind, shaking all over.


Two o'clock in the morning.

Maple Leaf Villa No. 6.

The surroundings were quiet, and only the sound of the cold wind whistling by.

But at this moment, Ye Fei, who was still sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.

Someone is approaching!

And there is more than one!

Friend or foe?

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes, put on a suit, and then jumped out from the window with a "swish".

As soon as he arrived in the yard, Ye Fei felt three powerful breaths approaching.

It seems that the people approaching are not ordinary people, but warriors!

If the perception is correct, two of the people who came are the warriors of the early innate period, and one of them is the warrior of the mid-innate period!

Interesting, what is the purpose of the three innate martial artists looking for themselves?

It only took a minute.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The air vibrated loudly.

Ye Fei raised his eyes and saw three middle-aged men in long robes appear at the gate of the courtyard.

It is the black, gray, and white robe who ate barbecue on the street not long ago.

Through the faint moonlight, Ye Fei could see the looks of these three people clearly.

The black robe man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, full of heroic spirit.

The man in the gray robe has a round face and small eyes, with a round appearance.

The white-robed man with sword eyebrows and star eyes is a little handsome.

Moreover, Ye Fei clearly felt the powerful aura coming from these three men.

Especially the black robe man, the coercion and aura from him are much stronger than the other two.

At this moment, Ye Fei stared at the three men tightly, his whole body tense, in a state of absolute vigilance.

The three men also stared at Ye Fei.

However, what makes them feel strange is that they can't even feel Ye Fei's breath and strength.

In fact, this is what Ye Fei did intentionally.

The origin of the three people in front of him is unknown, so he naturally did not want to expose his strength. Instead, he hid his aura and strength using the method in the'River Map'.

For a while, the surrounding area became quiet again, and only the sound of "rustling" was heard as the wind blows the vegetation.

It took a full half a minute.

Ye Fei asked indifferently, "Who are you and what is the purpose of coming here?"

"I am Qingyunmen disciple Chu Shifeng!" The black robe man said lightly.

"Qingyunmen disciple Li Shangru!" the gray-robed man said coldly.

"Qingyunmen disciple Su Baimu!" ​​The white robe man said proudly.

"Hehe, it turned out to be from the Qingyun Gate of Huashan Mountain..."

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't seem to have any intersection with you at Qingyun Gate? I wonder if you came here to find me, what is the matter?"

"Boy, are you Ye Fei?" Li Shangru asked coldly.

"Yes, I am Ye Fei."

Ye Fei looked at the gray-robed man and asked curiously: "How do you know me?"

"Huh! Ye Fei, of course we know you! You kill my Qingyunmen disciple, we are here to avenge you tonight!" Li Shangru said in a shock.

"and many more!"

Ye Fei frowned and said, "When did I kill you from Qingyunmen? Did you make a mistake?"

"We are not mistaken!"

Li Shangru stared at Ye Fei fiercely, and said, "At the beginning, six of my junior brother He Qingfeng were killed by you. Do you still want to quibble?"

"He Qingfeng? Six?"

Ye Fei heard it, thought about it, and immediately reacted.

When attacking the Longmen headquarters, he, Zhang Baokun and Lu Qinghong did indeed kill six Qingyunmen.

However, he didn't take it seriously at the time, he just thought that he would kill if he killed it.

Moreover, after so long, he had forgotten about it.

Unexpectedly, they had been thinking about themselves and sent three innate masters to kill themselves.


After all, in the Guwu Outer Sect, there are not many innate masters.

"Huh, kid, it seems you remembered it, right?" Li Shangru said with a cold smile.

"Well, I remembered it."

Ye Fei nodded, and said lightly, "I did kill six wastes back then."

"Trash?! How dare you say that my juniors are trash!!"

When Li Shangru heard this, he was instantly angry.

"Ye Fei, I must kill you today to honor my brother He and their spirit in the sky!"

The voice fell off.

Li Shangru kicked his feet on the ground and swept towards Ye Fei!

However, Ye Fei didn't start the fight directly, but turned around and jumped out of the yard, rushing towards the distance!

Suddenly, the three of Li Shangru were stunned.

what's the situation?

What is this kid running?

"Why are you still stunned, chase after!"

Chu Shifeng yelled, then stepped into the blue clouds and took the lead in catching up.

Li Shangru and Su Baimu also followed suit.

At this moment.

I can only see four gusty figures running in the dark night!

Ye Fei ran ahead, and Chu Shifeng and the three of them were chasing after him!

After running more than 500 meters, Ye Fei stopped in a forest.

Ye Fei ran away not because he was scared, but because he was afraid of making the Gu Qingcheng sisters sleep.

So, since you want to fight, let's run away and fight again!

Not long after Ye Fei's front foot arrived in the woods, the three of Chu Shifeng chased after him.

"Boy, don't you know you can't beat us, so you want to run?" Li Shangru stared at Ye Fei and said mockingly.

"Are you an idiot? If I really want to run, then why should I stop and wait for you?"

Ye Fei looked at Li Shangru like a fool.

"How dare you call me an idiot, I'm going to kill you!!"

Li Shangru roared, like a galloping wild horse, rushing towards Ye Fei!

After just a breath, Li Shangru came to Ye Fei!

"The Palm of the Sun!"

Li Shangru yelled, invigorated the blazing sun, folded his palms, and patted Ye Fei!


With a palm out, the wind blows!

Because Li Shangru's strength is in the early innate period, he can release his true energy and hit it with one palm, as if a fire is burning in his palm!

Seeing Li Shangru's palm, Ye Fei didn't mobilize his true energy, but directly increased his muscle strength by 50%, clenched his fists, and rushed towards Li Shangru!

"Huh! If you don't even have real energy, you dare to fight with me. I really admire your courage!"

Li Shangru snorted coldly, boldly not afraid, and greeted Ye Fei's fist with a palm!

Snapped! !

There was a blast.

Li Shangru's Innate True Qi of the Sun is like a fiercely burning flame, destroying Ye Fei's muscle power with a raging flame!

Ding Ding Ding!

Ye Fei was shaken back three steps again and again.

In the competition of the first move, Ye Fei fell short.

"Hehe, it's interesting!"

Ye Fei shook his numb fist and murmured.

However, when Li Shangru, Chu Shifeng and Su Baimu who hadn't done anything on the side saw Ye Fei only being shaken back, but unscathed, they were astonished as if they had seen a ghost.

"Smelly boy, you obviously don't even have true energy, so you can block my blazing sun palm without getting hurt? How is this possible?"

Li Shangru looked at Ye Fei suspiciously.

"What is impossible?"

Ye Fei smiled disdainfully, and said, "Could it be that in your ancient martial arts world, only true energy is the strongest?"

"Isn't it?" Li Shangru asked back.

"of course not!"

Ye Fei yelled and said: "I will let you see and see now, there is a power that is not weaker than the power of true Qi! It is the original power of the human body!"

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