Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1331: , The king of the dark world!

"Brother Fei's words just touched me, I am willing to join the Jagged Alliance!"

Soon, a senior brother of the Vermillion Bird Club stepped forward and directly expressed his opinion.

This high-ranking brother sees it very clearly.

Today, the JieXuemeng is a high-speed express train, as long as you get on this train, there will definitely be a future in the future!

"I also joined the Jagged Alliance!"

"I join!"

"And I!"

With a leader, more and more people immediately came forward and chose to join the Jagged Alliance.

After a while, a large number of people expressed their opinions.

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Dear brothers of the Vermilion Club, I welcome you all to join the Jagged Alliance!

Now, I give everyone a promise! From now on, I will treat everyone equally!

In the future, as long as you regard yourself as members of the Jagged Alliance, then our Jagged Alliance will not treat you badly!

I assure you that in the future, your future and money will become even better! "

At this time, Li Shiyun looked at those who had not yet expressed his views, and said: "If you have any opinions, you can say it now.

I think Mr. Ye and Boss Lei will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer. "

"I have something to say!"

A senior brother stood up and said, "All promises are only verbal. Who knows if Mr. Ye and Boss Lei will follow their current promises after the merger!"

"Brothers, I guarantee with my reputation! How do I promise now, then I will do it afterwards! If you agree to treat everyone equally, it will not change!"

Leihu stood up, glanced at the people who hadn't expressed his opinion, and said seriously: "Of course, as Fei said, you must first regard yourself as a member of the Jagged Alliance and be loyal to the Jagged Alliance!"

These people who have not yet expressed their views nodded their heads when they heard the word ‘famous’ in Leihu’s mouth, and said nothing more.

After all, people in the underground world pay the most attention to face and reputation.

Because, once the reputation is confused, it is not far from being finished.

"Do you have any comments?"

Leihu glanced at everyone and said, "You can raise any comments!"

"Since Boss Lei has talked about this, then I have nothing to say, I am willing to join the Jagged Alliance!"

The upper-ranking elder brother who had just commented expressed his opinion.

"We are also willing to join the Jagged Alliance!"

All the rest expressed their opinions.

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay! Since everyone is willing to join the Jagged Alliance! Then everyone will be brothers! Also, I'll say one more thing here..."

Everyone present looked at Ye Fei and waited for Ye Fei to speak.

Ye Fei glanced at Li Shiyun, and then raised his voice: "Brothers of the Vermilion Club, although you will join the Jagged Alliance in the future, you still follow the leadership of President Li!

You can still stay in the Eastern District. What positions and sites you used to have will remain the same as before, unchanged! "

Hearing Ye Fei's words, all the members of the Vermillion Bird Club were happy.

After all, Li Shiyun is their president and is used to it.

If they are suddenly asked to lead them, they are definitely not used to it.

Therefore, Ye Fei's words now dispelled the last bit of lumps in their hearts.

"Feige mighty!"

"Feige mighty!"

"Feige mighty!"

For a moment, everyone raised their arms and shouted.

From this moment on, the Ninghai Underground World no longer has the Flood Dragon Society, the Qingtian Society, and the Vermillion Bird Society...there are only the Jagged Alliance!

And the Jagged Alliance has truly achieved unity!

Li Shiyun smiled and looked at Ye Fei, and said softly: "Ye Fei, as the so-called winner, wins the world... From now on, the underground world of Ninghai will be yours... and you are the well-deserved king of the underground world of Ninghai!"


Ye Fei was a little speechless.

What he wanted to say was that the Ninghai Underground World had finally unified.

Now that the task is completed, I can give the dragon master an explanation!

"Ye Fei, what are you thinking about?" Li Shiyun asked softly.

Ye Fei grinned and said, "I didn't think about anything, but I just felt like I was dreaming."

"This is not a dream, this is true, my king..."

Li Shiyun blinked at Ye Fei and said playfully, "My king, can you waste a little of your precious time and send me to the hospital?"

Ye Fei twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Shi Yun, can you speak well? Don't just take a mouthful of "my king"? It sounds strange to you."

"Heh... I just want to call you that, my king, my king, my king..."

Li Shiyun blinked her big watery eyes and screamed continuously.

"You little fairy, I can't cure you anymore, can I?"

Ye Fei gave a smirk, then directly lifted Li Shiyun from her wheelchair.

Domineering and direct.


Suddenly picked up by Ye Fei, Li Shiyun screamed in fright.

At this time, all the people present saw this scene, and they all started to laugh.

"Ye Fei, hurry up, it's shameful!"

Li Shiyun's cheek became flushed, because she was shy, her cheek was directly buried in Ye Fei's arms.

"together together together!……"

Everyone laughed and applauded.

Ye Fei glared at these guys with a bit of amusement, and said, "Don't make trouble! Let's make trouble again, be careful I beat you up!"

However, everyone laughed, not afraid at all, and still booed.

Ye Fei also lost track of these guys.

He smiled and shook his head, and then said to Leihu: "Xiao Lei, you will take care of the rest. I will send President Li to the hospital!"

"Okay, Brother Fei!"

Thunder Tiger nodded and agreed.

Ye Fei smiled, and then ran to Maserati, stuffed Li Shiyun into the car, and left'Jun's Landing'.

Zhang Baokun looked at the vehicles going away, grinned and muttered: "Brother Fei and President Li are very good friends!

In the words my mother taught me, Fei Ge and President Li are jackals, tigers and leopards! "

Lu Qinghong rolled his eyes at Zhang Baokun, and said, "Bao Kun, it's not a jackal, tiger, or leopard. Is it a good-looking girl?"


Zhang Baokun was stunned for a moment, scratching his head, and said, "Jackal, tiger and leopard? The appearance of a man with a talented woman? Isn't it the same?"


At this time, Ye Fei drove the car on the way to send Li Shiyun to the hospital.

Li Shiyun nestled in the co-pilot, looked at Ye Fei with a smile, and said, "Congratulations, Ye Fei."

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Congratulations! Didn't it mean that the underground world of Ninghai was unified? There is nothing to congratulate!"


Li Shiyun blanked her eyes and Ye Fei said, "You, you just don't hurt your back when you stand and talk.

Do you know, how many people want to dominate the underground world of Ninghai like you!

However, after so many years in Ninghai City, there are only a handful of people who can truly achieve unity. One of them is Mr. Du Lao, the underground emperor..."

Ye Fei was taken aback when she heard Li Shiyun's words.

Mr. Du, he knew, that was a legend!

Seeing that Ye Fei was silent, Li Shiyun continued: "Ye Fei, as the so-called tree attracts the wind. Now that the Jagged Alliance has become the number one power in the underground world in Ninghai, there must be someone eyeing the Jagged Alliance.

After all, Ninghai is a place of great prosperity for a century, and its economic development is even more terrifying.

It can be said that many people are greedy for this big piece of cake in Ninghai! "

"If you are greedy, you are greedy!"

Ye Fei curled his lips and said domineeringly: "Those guys had better be honest...If anyone dares to fight the Jagged Alliance, just kill them!"


Li Shiyun smiled and said, "As expected, he is the man I like, he is full of domineering!"


Ye Fei was speechless.

Isn't this woman speaking too blatantly, can't she be tactful?

Again, women are too open, what should men do?

Talking all the way, Ye Fei quickly sent Li Shiyun to the hospital.

Afterwards, Ye Fei drove out of the hospital and drove towards the Maple Leaf Villa No.6.

On the way.

Looking at the neon lights flashing on the street, Ye Fei lit a cigarette, lost in thought.

Therefore, he also thought of what Li Shiyun said to him just now.

Although he unified the underground world of Ninghai just to complete the task entrusted by the dragon master.

However, now that I have feelings with these brothers, this task is no longer just a task.

If someone really wants to fight the Jagged Alliance in the future, can he ignore it?

The answer is naturally no.

If you want the Jagged Alliance not to be remembered, the only way is to make the Jagged Alliance stronger.

When you are strong to a certain level, others will not dare to have any thoughts about you...

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