Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1482: , Blood stained the valley!

With a muffled "bang", the violent power shook God of Storm back to the rear, and his face was full of horror!

This **** is a natural fighter machine. If you simply compete for power, you might fall for the wind!

However, fortunately, what I am good at is swordsmanship and ninjutsu, so this **** can't compete with him at all!

"Do you dare to hurt my brother, I will kill you!!"

The mad bear is completely crazy, he dances with his fists, and continues to chase and kill him as if tirelessly!

Seeing the mad bear continue to chase up, the storm **** general's eyes are as cold as ice, his body moved, and he rushed towards the mad bear!

"Hurricane Splitting the Sky!!"

At the moment when the mad bear is approaching, the **** of the storm will display his own most exquisite destruction knife!

The sword in his hand had already cut no less than ten swords in the void in the blink of an eye!

The icy lightblade flashes!

The knife is deadly, and the knife hit the mad bear from the most tricky angle!

And every cut takes the key to the mad bear!

As the mad bear raised his saber to block, the "Qiangqiang" collision sounded endlessly!

He stepped forward abruptly, one step, two steps, three steps... step by step forward!

The mad bear clearly knows where his advantages are!

He is good at close combat, so he wants to narrow the distance with the **** of the storm, and then kill him!

After advancing a few steps in a row, the figure of the mad bear has reached an extreme speed, and his own aura of endless killing is soaring into the sky!

The **** murderous aura that seemed like a substance diffused out of his body!

"The way to kill! The bear king opens a mountain punch!!"

The mad bear's momentum has risen, like a dragon like a tiger, but as solid as a mountain, with a thick and majestic aura!

His hands clenched fists, danced wildly, as fast as lightning, punch after punch, with terrifying destructive power, and headed towards the storm god!

"Wind Blade Cut!!"

The Storm God General is also soaring murderously, not to be outdone.

He carried the sword and slashed at the mad bear, and the light blade carrying the violent wind burst out with cold light, as if weaving a cage of light, imprisoning the mad bear!

But the mad bear was stunned to tore a net abruptly from the airtight shadow of the knife!

哐! !

The mad bear hit the blade of Taidao with a punch!

Immediately afterwards, there were several consecutive punches, which blasted on the blade accurately!


Klang! !

With a few punches, he was stunned to deviate from the original sharp angle of Tai Dao, unable to follow the original trajectory to kill the critical place of the mad bear!

However, even though he avoided the critical point, the mad bear's body was still cleaved with blood by the bloodthirsty light blade!

However, the mad bear didn't even blink his eyelids, held back the pain, and continued to hunt down!

"Storm Slash!!!"

The Storm God General was already furious, and he was forced to such a situation for the first time!

In an instant, he exploded with a majestic and violent aura, and the sword's intent increased several times again!

Huh! !

The power of this slash is unmatched, and the speed is too fast, it is almost impossible to see how he made the sword!

The sharp blade intent blew up a storm that resembled a tornado, and there were bursts of crackling sounds in the void, which were sonic booms!

Crazy Bear was horrified, he wanted to retreat and dodge, but Death Blade trapped him, unable to dodge it at all!

However, at this moment, a black figure flew over and stood in front of the mad bear!


The sound of a knife hitting the meat sounded!

As soon as the mad bear looked up, he saw that it was Capricorn who had blocked the cut for him!


The eyes of the mad bear were red, and he quickly stepped forward to help Capricorn.

After being hit by this knife, Capricorn was completely unable to move.

He seemed to have been salvaged from blood, his face was getting paler and paler, without a trace of blood.

"Crazy looks like I'm going to take a step first..." Capricorn grinned.

"Are you a **** idiot?! Who asked you to shield me from the knife? Ah?!"

The mad bear roared bitterly.

"Hehe... I'm a fool... I'm happy to..."

Capricorn grinned, and finally died after saying a word.


Tears burst into the eyes of the mad bear, and he was almost in madness!

"You kill my brother! I want to kill you! Kill you!!"

The mad bear had completely lost his mind, and he rushed forward, his body slamming into the body of the storm **** like a huge mountain!

"you wanna die!!"

The God of Storm will give a cold cry, and stab the mad bear with a sharp abdomen!

During the collision, the mad bear shifted slightly, so the knife stabbed him in the waist!

Next second.

boom! !

With a violent collision, the mad bear slammed into the body of the **** of the storm!

Click! !

A sound of broken bones sounded!

Under this violent collision, the Storm God General's ribs were broken!

And his body was hit and flew into the air!

"Kill you! Kill you!!"

The eye sockets of the mad bear were red, and the waist was stabbed, as if he didn't feel any pain, he continued to rush towards the general of the storm god!

The God of Storm flying in mid-air will see the mad bear rushing over, and his heart will be shocked!

"Nigger, you are the one who wanted to die, so don't blame me for being rude!!"

The God of Storm roared, and the moment his body was in the air, his hands clenched the sword, and then his whole body's strength exploded!

"Hurricane Split Sky Slash! Slash!!"

Huh! !

Jinghong fell straight down!

The mad bear is basically inevitable, and its chest is directly split by the God of Storm!


Accompanied by a screaming scream, the body of the mad bear fell to the ground with a "boom"!

The clamor is everywhere, the earth and rocks are flying!

The mad bear fell to the ground, motionless, blood was constantly overflowing from the corner of his mouth.


The **** of the storm dropped his feet and laughed wildly, "Aren't you very good? Are you still on the ground like a dog?"

The mad bear just stared at the General of the Storm, without saying a word, but turned on the communication device.

"Crazy Bear, how are you? Why can't Capricorn, Black Bat and Tank be connected?!"

Scorpio's anxious voice came.

"Scorpio... take the brothers... hurry up!!"

Crazy Bear did not answer Scorpio's words, but roared.

"Crazy Bear, what happened to you?!"

Hearing the voice of the mad bear, Scorpio also realized something was wrong.

"We broke into the position of those ninjas, and we also encountered the siege of those ninjas.

There is also a powerful Tennin among them. I am afraid we are not the opponents of Tennin... So, please hurry up and take your brothers away! ! "

"En? Do you still have accomplices?!"

The Storm God will notice that the mad bear seems to be talking to someone, and will rush up immediately.

"Scorpio, please!"

The mad bear screamed and said the last sentence, and then directly smashed the communication device.

At the moment when the communication device was crushed, Crazy Bear closed his eyes and died with a tragic smile.


The Storm God will rush up, see that the communication device has been destroyed, and the mad bear has died, and suddenly roars.

Immediately, he clutched his chest, and rushed towards the valley where the black bat and the tank were located...


Two o'clock in the morning.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

The waning moon was like blood, shed a cold light, as if to foretell the arrival of death.

In another valley.

Black bats and tanks are fighting fierce battle with the flame god.

After the fierce battle just now, the black bat and the tank were already seriously injured, and their bodies were stained red with blood.

What's more, what makes them feel palpitations is that they can hardly resist even a day of forbearance.

Well, if the Destroyer God General also joined the battle, I am afraid that they would be done for a long time.

Is this the difference in strength?

"Damn fellow... I didn't expect you to be able to fight..."

Huoyan God General spit, he held Taidao tightly with both hands, and said coldly: "However, even if you can fight again, tonight, there is only one dead end!"

The voice fell off.


The fire **** will kick his feet on the ground, and a strong and heavy vigor erupted from his body, making him like a cheetah full of power!

He jumped up, and his body was immediately hidden in the dark night!

After several consecutive shadow escapes, he culled at the black bat and the tank with a weird movement trajectory!

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