Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1493: , The Great Shield of Earth!

Ye Fei and his group sing forward all the way, and after leaving the valley, they embarked on a winding mountain road.

The mountains on both sides, as high as hundreds of meters, rushed straight into the sky, as if a mountain was split in half by a vertical sword.

This kind of mountainous terrain is called the ‘one-line sky’ in China.

It's just that the mountains of this island country are not as magnificent and majestic as the mountains of China.

"Boss, where are we now?" Barr asked.

Ye Fei dangling a cigarette and replied: "We are now out of that ‘phantom fascination array’.

Since there is only the road in front of him after leaving the formation, it shows that this road is the road to the stronghold of the **** organization.

Everyone is more vigilant, we will be able to reach the base of the **** organization soon. "


The crowd responded loudly and emotionally.

The general attack on the **** organization can be launched soon, and everyone is fighting, and they can't wait to smash the base of the **** organization now.

Ye Fei and his party walked forward for a while, and they saw two human figures appearing not far in front.

These two men, one of them dressed in dark blue ninja suits, were long and thin, like a bamboo pole, with a silver machete stuck in the side.

The other man was wearing a khaki ninja suit and was short and chubby. He looked like a ball, but he was carrying a broad and broad knife, which was twice as long as his own.

Although the figures and builds of the two ninjas are quite different, Barr and others saw the two ninjas, their bodies tightened, and suddenly increased their vigilance.

Because the auras of these two people are not much different from the three great gods just now, and they are faintly stronger than the previous three great gods.

Therefore, these two guys are stronger Tian Ren.

"Boss, it seems that we want to go to the base of the **** organization, it doesn't seem to be going well!" Barr stared at the two ninjas and said.

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Since there are dogs in the way, then we will slaughter these two dogs!"


When everyone heard it, they nodded vigorously.

Since the boss said that these two dogs could be slaughtered, he would definitely be slaughtered.

After all, not long ago, they witnessed the miracle of the boss destroying two great generals with one sword.


Ye Fei waved his hand and directly led Barr and the others to stride forward.


As soon as Ye Fei and his party approached, the short and fat ninja's soft shout came over.

"This place is guarded by my Frozen God General and my brother Earthfall God General, no one is allowed to pass!"

The ninja who called himself the Frozen God General agreed.

His voice was sharp and harsh, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Ye Fei glanced at these two guys indifferently, and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, let me go, otherwise, kill me!"


The Landslide God will yelled, "Stupid Huaxia boy, just because you want to kill me and my brother, it's just wishful thinking!!"

"Is it?"

Ye Fei picked up the corner of his mouth slightly, threw the cigarette **** on the ground, stomped it out, and said indifferently: "The three guys who called themselves **** generals have also said similar things to you.

It's just a pity that the three of them didn't stop me, but I was sent to hell..."


When the Landslide God General and the Frozen God General heard this, their expressions changed drastically, and they were immediately shocked.

The Frozen God General looked at Ye Fei with disbelief, and said solemnly: " mean...Kunizumi-kun, Mitsui-kun, and Kamenashi-kun were all killed by you alone?!"

Ye Fei shrugged and said with a relaxed expression: "Yes, that's right."


The Landslide God stared at Ye Fei stubbornly, and said angrily: "Jun Koizumi and their strength are so strong, how could you be beheaded by you alone?

Hehe, boy, I think your cowhide is a little big! "

Ye Fei thought for a moment. None of the ninjas were put back just now, and the two guys didn't know that the situation was normal.

Simply, Ye Fei didn't want to explain any more, but said directly: "You two now have only two choices, either go away or die! You choose one!"

"Bagaya Road!!"

The Landslide God General roared, his whole body suddenly soared, and a heart-palpitating breath of terror was immediately released!

He stared at Ye Fei closely and sneered: "Smelly boy, didn't you say that Jun Koizumi and the others were killed by you alone?

Then I want to see if your strength is as strong as what you said! "

Ye Fei didn't talk nonsense with this guy anymore, and directly faced the location where the God General of the Landslide was, his body moved at high speed, and it seemed to disappear in an instant!


So fast!

Ye Fei's speed suddenly surprised both the Landslide God General and the Frozen God General!

boom! !

Before the Lord of Landslide had time to think about it, Ye Fei's punch had already blasted him at him!

This punch, seemingly unremarkable, is actually surprisingly powerful, with indomitable penetrating power!

What Ye Fei played was naturally the purest ancient martial arts. It was not limited to the shape, but simply moved at will, blasting a punch.

The Landslide God shrank his pupils, he obviously didn't expect Ye Fei to be so amazing when he shot!

"Earth Ninja Technique! Earth's Great Shield!!!"

The Landslide God General was also a master of Tian Ren level, although Ye Fei's punch shocked him, but he quickly reacted!

He quickly made a knot and used ninjutsu!

I saw that at the moment Ye Fei fisted, an earthen shield appeared out of thin air in front of the Landslide God General!

"Is this guy a ninja with the'earth' attribute?!"

Barr was well-informed and immediately saw the weird ninjutsu performed by the God General of Avalanche.

"Yes, in the island country, there are many ninjutsu cultivating ninjutsu belonging to their respective attributes.

What kind of attributes such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, and lightning..." said the magic pupil, narrowing his blood-colored eyes.

"Then the old meeting will not be in danger?" Great Shield asked with a frown.

"The boss is powerful, this little trick shouldn't be difficult for the boss..." Demon Eye said.

boom! !

While Barr and the others were talking, Ye Fei's punch had already hit the earth shield!


Suddenly, a popping sound rang, and this earth shield was directly shattered by Ye Fei's punch!

After smashing the earth shield with a punch, Ye Fei's fist was undiminished, and he continued to blast towards the landslide **** general!


The Landslide God General snorted coldly, knotted his hands, and immediately appeared three earth shields!

Bang bang bang! ! !

However, Ye Fei didn't even blink his brows, his fists were still smashing forward!

With three explosions, the gray earth shield on three sides has been crushed by Ye Fei's brutal punch!


The Landslide God General seemed to be shocked. He didn't expect the Huaxia boy in front of him to be so powerful, just a punch, he smashed his four-sided earth shield!

His eyes sank, and he was about to withdraw, but Ye Fei's figure had already appeared in front of him!

Ye Fei's eyes were beating with black and red flames, and his muscle power was immediately transmitted to his right fist!

Hit it with a fist, like a cannonball bombing at close range!


Ye Fei's fist went out and directly hit the body of the Divine General of the Earth Fallen!

However, in the next second, Ye Fei suddenly discovered that the figure of the Divine General of Landslide suddenly disappeared from his eyes!

In other words, this punch only hit the phantom of the God General in the Landslide!

Moreover, there is still a black smoke in this phantom, which is poisonous at first sight!

The black smoke was released, desperately drilling into Ye Fei's mouth and nose!

At this time, the Landslide God General who appeared beside Ye Fei and the Frozen God General beside Ye Fei laughed grinningly!

Their ninjas are good at using poison, and the black smoke just now is a kind of poison!

If people inhale this black smoke, they will be poisoned to death in less than a minute!

However, Ye Fei did not pay attention to the black smoke at all, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and continued to rush towards the Landslide God General!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Seeing Ye Fei inhaling the black smoke, the God General of Landslide was shocked in his heart like a okay person, "You... why are you okay?!"

"Does this little poison want to poison me too?"

Ye Fei sneered, "When I was playing poison, you were still playing in the mud!"

The voice fell off.

Ye Fei directly lifted a new samurai sword, and his figure once again came to the front of the God General of the Landslide, and then used the sword as a sword to stab towards the God General of the Landslide!

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