Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1622: , Your father!


Ye Fei sneered, clenched his fists tightly, and said, "What is it that made you choose to throw away the newly born me?

What are the difficulties that will prevent you from coming to see me once in more than 20 years?

What are the difficulties that will prevent you from coming to recognize me for more than 20 years?

talk! I want to hear, what are your difficulties? ! "

Speaking of the back, Ye Fei almost roared!

"Feier, can you calm down first?"

Ji Ruyue saw Ye Fei's eye sockets red and trembling all over, her heart throbbed, as if he was about to bleed.

"I'm calm... How can you calm me down?!"

Ye Fei roared, turned his head abruptly, and stared at Ji Ruyue fiercely. His eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on his forehead and neck burst out, terrifying.

"I am already calm enough... if I am not calm enough, I can't even imagine what I will become..."

Hearing Ye Fei's low voice and roaring voice, and seeing Ye Fei's painful appearance, the tears in Ji Ruyue's eyes finally couldn't help but burst into her eyes.

Yes, in front of me, the first-class strong woman recognized in the eyes of all the ancient martial arts people, the fierce woman who does not let the beard and eyebrows, is more aura than men, and is more domineering than men, now she shed tears.

Moreover, the tears were so great that they could not be held back, as if a flood broke a bank.

If there are outsiders present at this time, seeing Ji Ruyue look like this, I am afraid that the underground bus will fall.

Ji Ruyue would cry too?

Ye Fei, who was originally emotionally unstable and irritable, suddenly stunned when he saw Ji Ruyue's tears, as if he couldn't bear it.

Maybe, as Ji Ruyue said, they have difficulties.

Ye Fei exhaled heavily, trying to ease his tone as much as possible, and said: "Let's talk about it, what are your difficulties?

No matter what difficulties you have, I will listen carefully. "

Ji Ruyue wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, turned her head and looked into the distance, and slowly said: "Twenty years ago, because I was dissatisfied with the marriage contract made by my family, I fled Guwu and went to the secular world.

This is similar to what happened to Qin Menglan. After all, in the ancient martial arts world, marriages such as marriages are quite normal.

After I went to the secular world, I discovered that the secular world is more interesting than the ancient martial world, and everything there is novel.

Although there are no people who really know Guwu, they have airplanes, cars, computers and other interesting things.

Because of this, I fell in love with the secular world and planned to live in the secular world forever... In the second year after passing away in the secular world, I met your father...

Your father and I were in love, and finally we came together naturally... and you are the crystallization of my love with your father..."

Hearing Ji Ruyue's words, Ye Fei's face was startled, and his body trembled slightly.

However, he did not speak, but chose to continue listening.

Ji Ruyue glanced at Ye Fei and continued: "However, in the second year after you were born, the Ji family sent someone...

At that time, I told your father all of my identity... I thought your father would be surprised, but I didn't...

The day after I told your father about my identity, your father left a letter and left... The letter he left was very simple...

Your father said that I must find ways to raise you to an adult... He said that he will be back one day...

He said that at that time, when he returns, no one will be able to prevent our family from being together..."

When Ye Fei heard this, he turned his head to look at Ji Ruyue, and said coldly: "Don't you worry that that guy just ran away because he was afraid of death?!

And the letter he wrote is actually a lie! ! "

"No, your father is not that kind of person."

Ji Ruyue shook her head and said firmly, "Feier, you really look like him.

Especially the arrogant, domineering, arrogant, and invincible character, is simply carved out of a mold.

Moreover, your father is just and kind, and his love for you and me is the deepest.

Because a person cannot lie with his eyes...So, I firmly believe that he will come back one day..."

"So you waited for him for more than 20 years and never married again for life, right?"

Ye Fei looked at Ji Ruyue and asked faintly, for a while, she felt a little distressed for this woman.

For more than twenty years, this woman came here alone, and she took on everything.

"Yes, as long as your father hasn't appeared yet, I will continue to wait!"

Ji Ruyue nodded, her eyes became extremely firm.

Seeing Ji Ruyue's appearance, Ye Fei also sighed for a while.

I have to say that this woman is a very infatuated woman.

However, what made Ye Fei wonder is, is that guy who plays his role of'father' really worth the woman's waiting so long?

Twenty years...How many more years are there in your life?

"Then you sent me to the orphanage later?" Ye Fei looked at Ji Ruyue and asked.


Ji Ruyue shook her head, showing pain in her eyes, and said: "A few days after your father left, Ji's family had already sent someone to look for him.

At that time, I knew clearly that if the Ji family knew that I was married to another man and had children, I am afraid that the Ji family would definitely kill you.

So, I had only one idea at that time, I must send you away anyway, no matter where it is sent.

Later, I originally planned to send you to the orphanage by myself. However, the Ji family came too suddenly, I could only send you to the mother-in-law Zhang next door to our house at that time.

In addition, I also begged Granny Zhang to send you to the orphanage...I must let you grow up..."

"Then why didn't you come to me afterwards?"

Ye Fei asked faintly, his tone finally eased a little.

"Later, after I returned to the ancient martial arts world, I personally came to divorce.

Moreover, I swear to the Ji family that I will rely on my own strength to make the Ji family take off.

And my request is, as long as I do, they will allow me to bring you back. "

Ji Ruyue looked into the distance and continued: "After five years, I worked desperately to lead the Ji family on the right track.

After I did it, I went back to the secular world to find Granny Zhang. However, when I got there, I found out that it had been demolished, and Grandma Zhang did not know where she was.

Later, I sent people to look for Granny Zhang everywhere, only to find out that she had passed away two years ago.

However, because of the death of Granny Zhang, I completely cut off contact with you...because I don't even know where you were sent...

I searched almost all the orphanages, and finally found your whereabouts in the Blue Sky Orphanage... But when I arrived, I heard the dean there say that you have been adopted by a woman...

Later, I went around to inquire about the woman who adopted you... But I found that the woman who adopted you appeared out of thin air, and couldn't find any news or clues about her...

Because of this, I completely disconnected from you..."

Hearing what Ji Ruyue said, Ye Fei suddenly realized that it was not that this woman didn't find herself, but because she and herself missed out again and again...

As for the woman who adopted her as she said, it was her beautiful master...

"By the way, Feier, who is the woman who adopted you?" Ji Ruyue asked hurriedly.

"She is the best person to me in this world..."

There was a softness in Ye Fei's eyes, and he slowly said: "However, until now, I don't know who she is.

I asked her once, but she didn't say anything... But it didn't matter anymore.

I only know that without her, I would not grow into who I am now... Without her, I would live a mediocre life...

It was the martial arts she taught me, the ancient martial arts she taught me...she was the one who brought me up...and also my master..."

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Ji Ruyue was shocked!

How good is that woman to cultivate her own son so well...

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