Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1631: , Keep your eyes open!

"But brother, there are so many people looking for it now, it's not bad for you.

How about you help me deal with this small matter first, then let's find it together, how about? "Wang Dawei reluctantly suggested.

After all, the big leader or something can't fight with him. What he cares about, he hastened to deal with Ye Fei and Qin Menglan ruthlessly.

When Xiao Kuiren heard this, he was a little embarrassed and said: "Dawei, things are prioritized. How about waiting for me to accompany that great leader before I can help you deal with this matter?"

"Brother, you can't do this! If you wait any longer, the two guys can run away!"

Wang Dawei immediately became anxious, and said a bit of a rascal: "If you don't help me, then I will tell my sister, I was beaten, and my brother won't help me!"

Xiao Kuiren was taken aback when he heard it.

He was the most afraid of his wife, and Wang Dawei's sister was strong and aggressive, and he also caught the evidence that he was raising Xiaosan, so he was stunned and subdued.

Wang Dawei was secretly proud of his heart, and he tried this trick repeatedly.

He did a lot of bad things in the past, and they all asked Xiao Kuiren to wipe his ass.

As long as Xiao Kuiren doesn't agree, he will move out of his sister, and every time he moves out of his sister, it works immediately.

Xiao Kuiren rolled his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Okay, okay, Dawei, then I will help you deal with the matter first."

With that said, Xiao Kuiren called a staff member and said, "Xiao Li, you keep looking for me! If you can't find it anymore, give me more staff!

I'm going to deal with something now. After you find the big leader, you will contact me immediately! "

"Yes, webmaster!"

The staff nodded, and then took a group of other staff and security guards to continue searching.

And Xiao Kuiren left a dozen security guards, ready to follow Wang Dawei to deal with matters.

"Dawei, where are those two guys, you will show us the way." Xiao Kuiren said.

"Okay, brother, please here!"

Wang Dawei laughed happily, and then led the way forward.

After walking for a while, Wang Dawei saw the people watching not far away. Then, after sweeping his eyes, he saw Ye Fei and Qin Menglan sitting in chairs playing mobile phones.

Seeing this scene, Wang Dawei was flabbergasted!

Nima, it's about time, these two guys dare to play mobile phones!

If you don't kill them, I won't believe in the king!

Thinking of this, Wang Dawei raised his hand and pointed to Ye Fei and Qin Menglan on the bench not far away, and then said to Xiao Kuiren: "Brother, those two **** are there!

Stepping on horses, these two guys know that I am going to ask you to come and help. Not only are they not afraid, but they also played with their mobile phones. It's absolutely lawless! "

Xiao Kuiren sneered and pretended to say: "Hehe, I want to see, who on earth dared to run wild on my Xiao Kuiren site! Go, Dawei, let's go!"

"it is good!!"

Wang Dawei nodded, then swaggered and walked ahead aggressively.

As he walked, he shouted loudly, "Get out! Get out! Get out of me!"

The crowd onlookers saw that Wang Dawei had come, and was followed by stationmaster Xiao Kuiren and a group of vicious security guards, and immediately gave way.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers mourned Ye Fei and Qin Menglan in silence.

This couple is still too young to be entangled by this rascal.

If you get entangled by a rascal, that’s fine, but the point is that the rascal has a powerful brother-in-law!

Wang Dawei stepped forward with a sullen look, looked at Ye Fei and Qin Menglan with his nostrils in the sky, and yelled, "You two guys don't want to get out of here! My brother-in-law is here!"

You two who are acquainted, hurry up and honestly explain your crimes! Otherwise, my brother-in-law will definitely kill you! ! "

Upon hearing Wang Dawei's words, Ye Fei and Qin Menglan shut the game off, put their mobile phones in their pockets, and then raised their heads.

However, when Ye Fei raised his head, Xiao Kuiren, who was not far behind Wang Dawei, was stunned for a moment. Then, his pupils shrank sharply, and his a little blessed body trembled, and even his heart beat faster.

Great leader!

This young man is the great leader he is looking for!

He kept Ye Fei's information firmly in his mind just now in the station office. As for Ye Fei's appearance, he remembered it very clearly!

Can't be wrong, absolutely can't be wrong, this young man is the one shown in the information...China National Guardian Dragon General-Ye Fei! !

At this moment, Ye Fei smiled and looked at Wang Dawei, and said, "Is your brother-in-law very awesome when he comes? Haha, let your brother-in-law come over, I'll see how he killed me..."

"Hey, you stinky boy are so tugging! Dare to be arrogant with me as death is approaching!"

Wang Dawei sneered back.

"Bastard thing! Stop it!"

As soon as Wang Dawei finished speaking, Xiao Kuiren's angry voice rang.

"Smelly boy, did you hear that! My brother-in-law told you to shut up!!" Wang Dawei continued to yell at Ye Fei.

When Xiao Kuiren heard it behind him, he was suddenly mad!

He rushed forward with just one kick, and hit Wang Dawei's **** fiercely!

Bang! !

There was a muffled sound.

Wang Dawei let out a scream of "Ouch," and fell directly to the ground with a dog chewing feces.

He clutched his **** and quickly got up from the ground, with a depressed expression on his face: "Brother, what are you...what are you doing? The person we are going to hit, isn't this kid, why are you hitting me?"


Xiao Kuiren was anxious, and slapped Wang Dawei's face again, shouting angrily: "You **** show me your dog's eyes to see clearly!

This is the big leader we have been looking for just now! ! "

When Wang Dawei heard this, he looked straight at Ye Fei, and his whole body was frightened!

My god, could it be...Is this kid the boss who his brother-in-law said was even more powerful than the top leader in the province? !

But...this...this kid is too young, right?

how could it be possible? !

Xiao Kuiren didn't pay attention to Wang Dawei who was in a daze. Instead, he hurriedly walked towards Ye Fei, bent over, and said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Xiao Kuiren, I am the stationmaster here.

Excuse me, you... are you Mr. Ye Fei? "

"Yes, I am Ye Fei."

Ye Fei nodded.

Xiao Kuiren let out a "gudong", swallowed, and said, "Mr. Ye, why didn't you tell me when you came here? Your status is so honorable, you deserve to be received by all our staff!"

"I have nothing else to do here, but I just want to take a car." Ye Fei said casually.

"Uh, hehe, Mr. Ye, you don't need to buy a ticket to wait if you want to take the bus. You can get on the bus at any time!" Xiao Kuiren said hurriedly.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Master Xiao, I won't talk about it in advance...Let's talk about your problem with the train station first..."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye, please point out the problem!"

Xiao Kuiren nodded repeatedly and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Ye Fei glanced at Wang Dawei, who had long been indifferent, and then said, "Station Master Xiao, there seem to be many pickpockets at your station!

Moreover, some pickpockets are even more daring, stole other people's mobile phones or something, and dare to sell them!

If others don’t buy it, he will be unhappy. He will not only curse but also hit others...After he can’t be beaten, he asked a lot of people to come and help...

Not only that, this guy also slandered my girlfriend and I for stealing his mobile phone... Webmaster Xiao, you should know who I am talking about, right? "

When Xiao Kuiren heard this, his whole body was trembling, and he couldn't stop the cold sweat!


Xiao Kuiren nodded, then turned his head, and snarled at Wang Dawei with a grim expression: "You bastard! Don't hesitate to roll over and kneel down to apologize to Mr. Ye!!"

When Wang Dawei heard it, he seemed to wake up from a dream. He also knew that he had kicked the iron plate, so he ran over and knelt on the ground with a "plop".

He said to Ye Fei with his nose and tears: "Mr. Ye, I was wrong, I was really wrong! I shouldn't slander you, shouldn't find someone to deal with you!

I also hope you have a large number of adults, let me go! Please! Please! ! "

The onlookers were shocked when they saw this scene, and the eyes that looked at Ye Fei turned into a deep color of horror and awe!

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