Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1675: , Who will die?

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Jiang Yichen was taken aback, and he didn't understand what Ye Fei meant.

Who is offending?

Is there any unknown identity for this kid?

At this moment, Ye Fei took out his mobile phone, looked at the time, and then said faintly: "It's been more than an hour now, it seems that it should have some effect, right?"

In this sentence, Ye Fei seemed to be talking to himself, and Jiang Yichen was in the mist.

However, just after Ye Fei finished saying these words, Jiang Yichen's mobile phone on the table next to the pool rang abruptly.

Hearing the ringtone, Ye Fei glanced with interest, then carried Jiang Yichen and jumped easily from here to the other.

After that, Ye Fei walked to the table, picked up the phone, looked around, and found that it was a call from abroad.

Immediately, Ye Fei knew it.

As expected, the person who called should be the person in charge of Jiang's foreign company.

Haha, this call is really timely.

Ye Fei smiled and threw Jiang Yichen to the ground.

Then, he handed the phone to Jiang Yichen and said, "Just pick it up...I don't think this Gust will bring you any good news..."

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Yichen looked at Ye Fei blankly, always feeling a little uneasy.

Because the feeling that Ye Fei gave him was really unpredictable.

Besides, this kid is too calm, right?

Allure International is almost finished, isn't he worried at all?

Is he really not worried, or is he pretending?

Ye Fei stared at Jiang Yichen with a smile, and said: "As for what you mean, I think you will know when you answer the phone..."

Jiang Yichen glanced at Ye Fei and didn't think much about it. After receiving the phone, he immediately connected the phone.

"Gust, what's the matter?" Jiang Yichen asked in fluent English.

"Young Master Jiang, it's not good, something happened to the company!"

Gust's anxious voice came on the other end of the phone.

When Jiang Yichen heard this, he was shocked and hurriedly said, "Say, what happened to the company?"

"Shao Jiang, just twenty minutes ago, our company was suddenly severely hit by foreign forces!

Moreover, our company’s stock has shrunk dramatically since 20 minutes. Now the company’s situation is very critical...

Now we have no time to attack Allure International, and everyone is fighting against those powerful forces!

However, those forces are too strong, and we won't have any advantage in the contest with them..." Gust said eagerly.


Jiang Yichen exclaimed and roared: "FUCK, what the **** is going on? What kind of force is attacking our company? Have you checked it out?!"

"Young Master Jiang, what kind of power the other party is, we haven't thoroughly investigated it yet...

However, just now, we learned that there seems to be a consortium of Yingguo among the forces that are attacking our company..." Gust hurriedly replied.

"Yingguo's consortium?!"

When Jiang Yichen heard it, his hands trembled in shock.

If it was only attacked by a general company, it would be okay. You can fight back.

However, once it is targeted by those consortiums with long heritage and strong strength, then there is no chance of winning at all.

"Gust, this...what the **** is going on? Why are we being targeted by Ying Guo's consortium?! Could it be that you provoke them before?!"

Jiang Yichen asked incomprehensibly, his voice increased a few decibels.

"No, Shao Jiang, our company usually conducts business well, and there is no conflict of interest with those consortiums in Yingguo..."

Gust replied, and then asked in a panic: "Young Master Jiang, what should we do now?"

"What should I do? If I know what to do, then what should I ask you to do?!"

Jiang Yichen immediately became angry, "Gust, you **** listened to me clearly! You can find out the reason for me as soon as possible, and see which forces are attacking our company!

After finding out, immediately contact their person in charge and ask clearly the reason!

If something happens to the company, you don't have to do it, just get out of here! ! "

"Yes, yes, Young Master Jiang, I will deal with it now!"

As soon as Gust finished speaking, Jiang Yichen directly hung up the phone.

He rubbed his sore temples, and became irritated inexplicably.

Originally, everything was going in a good direction tonight, and it was a matter of time to break Allure International.

But how can one's own company be suddenly attacked by other forces?

what is happening?

However, thinking about it, Jiang Yichen suddenly thought of what Ye Fei said just now.

Could it be that the kid in front of him who caused those powerful forces to attack his company?

But how is this possible?

Why can this kid mobilize foreign forces, even consortia? !

"Young Master Jiang, your expression seems a bit ugly...Ha ha, have you heard any bad news?"

Just when Jiang Yichen was upset and restless, Ye Fei's voice rang lightly.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Yichen raised his head abruptly, staring at Ye Fei in a daze, and said, "Could it be...could it be said that this...all of this was done by you?!"

"No, no, no, how could I do this..."

Ye Fei smiled and shook his head.

When Jiang Yichen heard it, he realized that he was thinking too much.

How can this kid have this energy, if he really has such a terrifying energy, then why should he stay in a small company like Allure International?

However, the next words made Jiang Yichen stunned.

Ye Fei drew out his ears and said indifferently, "Although I did not personally say that the company that hit your Jiang family was my own hand, it was I who let those old friends abroad attack you..."

"No... it's impossible!!"

Jiang Yichen shook his head vigorously, not believing what Ye Fei said.

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "Believe it or not, anyway, it should not be long before the company that your Jiang family runs abroad should all collapse..."


Jiang Yichen stared at Ye Fei fiercely, and said: "Our Jiang family has at least eight large companies abroad, and there are four listed companies! If you say you fail, you will collapse. Who do you think you are?!"

However, as soon as he finished a sentence, his cell phone rang again.

Hearing the ringing of the cell phone, Jiang Yichen shuddered all over.

He is now afraid of receiving a call, he is afraid of hearing any bad news.

"Hello, Young Master Jiang, your phone rang, won't you answer it?" Ye Fei asked with a grin.

Jiang Yichen swallowed, calmed down, and then connected the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Gust's wailing sound came.

"Shao Jiang... Just now, Dai Li from Hongguang Trading called me and told me that their company had completely collapsed..."

Hearing Gust's voice, Jiang Yichen felt a "hum" in his head, as if he had been struck by thunder.

How long has passed since, even if it didn't even arrive for an hour, Hongguang Trading has already been collapsed?

Although Hongguang Trading is not a large company, its overall strength is not weak. At least it ranks in the top five of the eight foreign companies!


As soon as Jiang Yichen released his hand, the phone fell on the ground, and Gust's "Hey Hey Hey" voice rang in the receiver, but he couldn't hear it anymore.

"Young Master Jiang, do you believe it now?"

Ye Fei smiled and looked at Jiang Yichen, and then whispered softly: "I didn't deal with you before, not because I was afraid of you.

Just because, in my eyes, you are no different from ants, and I am not interested in you at all.

But today, you guys just want to come to die, want to move Allure International, want to hurt Gu Qingcheng... You say, how can I let you go? "

"You...who are you?!"

Jiang Yichen's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Ye Fei dumbly, as if he had met Ye Fei for the first time.

The man in front of him who seemed to be cynical, had such a terrifying energy.

My family’s company, which has been in business for five or six years, was wiped out in the midst of his talking and laughing?

How can such terrifying energy be possessed by ordinary people?

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he would never believe such a horrible thing!

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