Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1681: , Sister Lan is crazy!

at this time.

After fighting against the camel, Qin Menglan also understood the strength of the camel.

In the middle congenital period!

Unexpectedly, this old man who looked short and thin, looked half-dead, and a little hunched, turned out to be a master in the middle congenital period!

Because the palm of the camel didn't use all his strength just now, Qin Menglan was just retreated, and was not injured by this palm!

Although it was just a fight, Qin Menglan already knew that the strength of this old man was very strong!

It's hard to beat him!

However, even if you can't win, you must do your best to fight!

I definitely can't let Gu Qingcheng fall into Luo Xinghe's hands!

Qin Menglan furrowed her eyebrows, staring at the camel, and then lifted all Feng Yan's true energy in her body!

"Who am I, you don't need to know!"

Qin Menglan's hands were palms, and the momentum all over her body changed in vain. A shocking coercion from the early innate period was crushing toward the camel!

However, the camel was not affected at all!

He also mentioned the true energy in his body, the coercion and aura exuded, directly crushing the coercion of Qin Menglan!

"Girl, you can have the initial cultivation base at a young age. You are already considered a genius in martial arts.

It's a pity that your cultivation base is not as good as mine after all, and your internal strength is not as good as mine. In such a comparison, if you want to beat me, it is impossible..."

Camel looked at Qin Menglan with a smile, and said: "So, old man, I advise you, it is better not to resist, lest I kill it, that would be a shame...

My young master is the dragon among the people, and being able to become Miss Gu's husband is the blessing that Miss Gu has cultivated over a century..."

"It's just nonsense!"

Qin Menglan yelled, "Old stuff, take it to death!"

The voice fell off.

Qin Menglan stepped on Qinggong and swept directly towards the camel!

"Fengyan Burning Heavenly Palm!!"

With a loud shout, Qin Menglan raised a palm and patted the camel's chest!

However, at the moment Qin Menglan took out her palm, Qin Menglan suddenly felt dizzy, and the power that had been raised to the top showed signs of fading!

what happened? !

Could it be that he was also poisoned? !

Qin Menglan was shocked!


Seeing that Qin Menglan was not afraid to kill herself, the camel sneered, and took a step forward with her left foot, and then she was also infuriated and greeted him with a palm!

"The Great Desolate Prisoner Heaven Palm!!"

boom! !

The two palms hit together violently again!

This time the impact, the force that erupted was several times stronger than just now!

Therefore, the violent waves that came out of the impact directly overturned the surrounding tables and chairs!


The table was overturned, and the soup sprinkled all over the floor.

Luo Xinghe was also taken aback. He quickly got up and stepped back several meters to avoid the innocent suffering.

Because of the palm of the camel used at least 70% of the strength, and Qin Menglan's strength faded due to the poisoning.

Therefore, after this palm collision, Qin Menglan was shocked six or seven meters away!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Qin Menglan's feet rubbed violently on the carpet, fraying the thick wool carpet, and then barely stopped!

However, at the moment Qin Menglan stopped, she felt her body began to turn over, and blood was surging up, and she couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Sister Lan!!"

When Gu Qingcheng saw that Qin Menglan was injured by the palm of a camel, he also vomited blood, startled in shock.

"Qingcheng...I'm fine...Don't worry..."

Qin Menglan smiled reluctantly at Gu Qingcheng, and then Yun Gong temporarily suppressed the medicinal toxins in his body.

However, although the medicinal properties were temporarily suppressed, Qin Menglan was still poisoned, and was injured internally by the camel.

This time, it was even worse.

Qin Menglan frowned, staring at the camel, her face sinking.

At this moment, Luo Xinghe, who was not far away, saw that Qin Menglan's situation was a bit wrong, and he immediately understood something.


He laughed loudly and said, "Miss Qin, although your martial arts is good, maybe I am not as good as you. But you can't beat Luo Lao.

Coupled with that you are also poisoned now, it is even more impossible to beat Luo Lao..."

Qin Menglan glanced at Luo Xinghe and said in a puzzled way: "You also drank, why are you okay?!"

Luo Xinghe snorted and said, "Because I take the medicine in advance!"


Qin Menglan was furious, this guy was too despicable and shameless.

"Luo Xinghe, I will definitely kill you..."

"Only you, want to kill me? It's just wishful thinking!"

Luo Xinghe lay down on the sofa comfortably, "Miss Qin, you can't protect yourself now, don't think about these impossible things..."

Immediately, Luo Xinghe smiled evilly and said to Camel: "Old Luo, this Miss Qin is also a first-class beauty. Just hurt her, but don't kill her.

After all, such a peerless beauty is rare, I can accept her as my concubine...Hahaha..."

"Yes, master."

The camel nodded respectfully.

At this time, Qin Menglan became angry when she heard Luo Xinghe's words, wishing to pinch the ant to death!

Gu Qingcheng's chest didn't rise and fall, and she was very regretful. If she didn't agree to keep the appointment, she wouldn't be a burden to Sister Lan.

"Sister Lan...I'm sorry...I made you tired..."

Gu Qingcheng's tears came directly out of her eyes, and she hated herself for being so useless in her heart.

If you can practice the Gu Wu taught by Ye Fei, you can now fight with Sister Lan instead of being just like a waste.

"Qingcheng, don't say such things, you and I are in the same position as sisters, no one is involved!"

Qin Menglan said to Gu Qingcheng, then turned to stare at the camel.

"Girl, look at the trick!"

The camel screamed, and like a gust of wind, the camel roared towards Qin Menglan!

Qin Menglan's face turned cold, and without showing any weakness, she directly greeted her!

Even though the strength had been compromised, Qin Menglan still did not succumb!

Her personality is domineering and strong, and she will never give up until the last moment!

In an instant, Qin Menglan handed over to the camel!

The two of them are palm to palm, moving around in this private room, moving fast!

Bang bang bang bang! !

Bursts of thunder-like explosions continued to explode in the private room!

Although Qin Menglan is a woman and is inferior to a man in strength, she relies on the exquisite ancient martial arts to be evenly matched with the camel for a time!

On the other hand, camels are more and more frightened!

He has never seen anyone who can use such an authentic ancient martial art!

Who is this girl doll?

Where did she learn martial arts from?

Camel felt a little angry when he saw that he could not repel Qin Menglan for a while.

My own strength is stronger than this female doll, and this female doll is still poisoned, but I can't beat her in a short time, this is simply hitting him in the face!

For a master like him, this is simply intolerable!

Thinking of this, the camel directly raised the power of true energy in the body by 80%!

"The Great Desolate Prisoner Heavenly Palm! The whole world is full of waste!!"

The camel yelled, and his anger soared wildly. His short body seemed to have been raised several centimeters for a while!

Huh! !

He slapped it out, like a dragon and a tiger roaring, the mountain collapsed, with a trace of deserted horror!

Qin Menglan also noticed the extraordinary effect of the palm of the camel. She wanted to avoid the palm, but the speed of the palm of the camel was so fast, it was almost like a flash of lightning!



Qin Menglan screamed, and directly greeted him with a palm!

boom! !

After this fight, Qin Menglan was shocked to back again and again!

But the camel did not intend to stop at all, but continued to pursue it!

At the moment when Qin Menglan was approaching, Camel didn't have the slightest pity and cherishment in his heart, and he patted Qin Menglan with another palm!

Seeing that the camel slapped a palm at herself again, Qin Menglan's face changed drastically, but she could no longer resist!

In the process of retreating, she flicked to the side forcefully!

I thought I could avoid this palm, but it was a step too late!

Snapped! !

The palm of the camel is heavily lined up on the left shoulder blade!


The sound of bone cracks!

This palm directly broke Qin Menglan's shoulder blade...

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