Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1685: , Life is better than death!

Luo Xinghe looked at Ye Fei with an incredible expression, swallowed his throat, and said in a daze: "You...Aren't you afraid of our Luo family?!"

"The Luo family? Ha ha..."

Ye Fei smiled contemptuously, opened his eyes, and said domineeringly: "Luo Xinghe, you **** remembered it for me! Whoever dares to hurt the people around me, even if it is the king of heaven, I will not let it go!!"

With that said, Ye Fei grabbed Luo Xinghe directly, pressed his head, and slammed into the ground!

boom! !

Click! !

This impact directly smashed a crack in the ground!


Luo Xinghe hissed and screamed, his forehead was smashed, the bridge of his nose was smashed, and blood ran across his face.

The handsome face that could fascinate thousands of young girls was also destroyed and became extremely miserable.

He wailed bitterly and wiped his face with his hands. When he saw that his hands were stained with blood, he screamed in horror.

"Blood, face, my face..."

But Ye Fei was pulling Luo Xinghe's hair fiercely, pulling it up, and said indifferently: "Master Luo, you know it hurts, so do you know it's afraid?

Now that you know, why do you bother to provoke me and the people around me?

Have I warned you before? I warn you, don’t try to provoke me...otherwise what is waiting for you will be destruction..."

However, at this time, Luo Xinghe still had a trace of luck in his heart.

He stared at Ye Fei, gasping and said: "Ye dare to hurt me, and you dare to kill my Luo are dead..."

"Hehe, you dare to be tough when you die?"

Ye Fei's eyes narrowed, his right hand slammed into force, and Luo Xinghe's head hit the ground again!

boom! !


The cracks on the ground became bigger, and the injured area of ​​Luo Xinghe's face also expanded.

However, after one impact, Ye Fei did not stop, but pressed Luo Xinghe's head and hit the ground again and again!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

After striking his face more than a dozen times, Luo Xinghe started howling from the ghosts and crying wolf, and he was almost unable to make a sound.

His entire face was smashed with blood, and all the teeth in his mouth were broken, one by one flying out.

There was blood on his face, blood in his mouth, and his entire face became bloody...

When Ye Fei released his hand, Luo Xinghe was directly limp on the ground, his chest undulating, breathing desperately.

However, every time he breathed, he would tear the wound, and the severe pain caused his whole body to curl up.

There is only one thought in his mind now, and that is to run, run as fast as possible, the farther the better.

He didn't want to face Ye Fei again, he didn't want to die.

So Luo Xinghe tried his best to crawl towards the door.

At this time, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan on the side saw Luo Xinghe's miserable appearance, and they couldn't bear to look at them.

Seeing that Luo Xinghe wanted to escape, Ye Fei walked over and stood in front of Luo Xinghe.

"I said Master Luo, do you think you can run away today?"

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a devilish smile.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Ye Fei's mouth, Luo Xinghe was so frightened that his scalp was numb, and his soul was about to fly.

Ye Fei stared at Luo Xinghe and asked with a smile, "Master Luo, do you want to die now?"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Luo Xinghe shook his head vigorously, "Please, don't kill me, I don't want to die!"

"Okay, since you don't want to die, then I won't let you die for the time being..."

Ye Fei said lightly.

At this moment, Luo Xinghe was stunned for a moment when he heard what Ye Fei said, and was overjoyed.

What, is it possible that this kid was scared by his family power, so he didn't dare to kill himself?

Even Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan on the side looked puzzled.

In their opinion, Ye Fei was not so kind when dealing with the enemy.

But at this moment, Ye Fei suddenly took out a black cloth bag from his pocket, and then drew out a bright black stone needle.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Luo Xinghe looked at Ye Fei with horror.

Ye Fei raised his brows and said, "Didn't you say you don't want to die? Then let's play a fun game..."

play games?

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan were stunned, and they didn't understand what trick Ye Fei wanted to play.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Luo Xinghe swallowed, not understanding what Ye Fei wanted to do to him.

"Master Luo, haven't you been a special soldier before? You should have undergone a lot of training, right?"

Ye Fei smiled and continued: "I will administer the needle on you later. As long as you can withstand the six needles without making a sound, I will spare your life, how about?"

"You... can you take this seriously?"

When Luo Xinghe's eyes rolled, he seemed to see alive hope.

"Really, naturally take it seriously."

Once Ye Fei finished speaking, he waved his right hand directly!

call out!

Heimang flashed!

A Bianstone needle directly pierced into a pain point on Luo Xinghe's body!

After the first needle penetrated, Luo Xinghe was stunned to feel a burst of pain in his body.

But he had also been a special soldier anyway, so he withstood the needle without making a sound.

Ye Fei jokingly smiled, "It's not bad, it's not the same after being a special soldier and being trained! Then, next is the second shot!"

With that said, Ye Fei took out another needle, threw it out with a "shoo", and pierced Luo Xinghe's second pain point!

This time, Luo Xinghe felt that his pain had increased several times, and his whole body was like being bitten by thousands of ants!


But Luo Xinghe gritted his teeth and took it again.

"Tsk tut, not bad, not bad, next is the third stitch!"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and threw out the third Bianstone needle!

After the third Bianstone needle was pierced, Luo Xinghe felt his pain increased several times!

He felt as if someone was holding a hammer and beating everywhere on him!


Luo Xinghe was panting, with cold sweat on his face and trembling body, desperately enduring this unimaginable pain.

"Fourth stitch!!"

Ye Fei's face sank, he drew out the fourth needle, and threw it out!

However, when the fourth needle pierced the pain point, Luo Xinghe trembled violently, and the pain in his heart made his eyes pop out.

He endured, endured desperately!

He even bit his tongue out of blood, but after all he couldn't hold it back...


Luo Xinghe screamed, his whole body seemed to collapse, and he rolled frantically on the ground.


Unimaginable, unspeakable pain! !

But Ye Fei's hand didn't stop, and he threw out two stitches again!

All of the six pain points on Luo Xinghe's body were inserted with Bianstone needles!


Luo Xinghe's whole body has completely collapsed, tears and nose are constantly flowing out, and the whole body rolls on the ground, shouting, beating, and even hitting the ground with his head!

Seeing Luo Xinghe as if going crazy, Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan were completely shocked!

They knew that Ye Fei was a doctor, and the Bianstone needle in his hand could save people, but they didn't expect that the Bianstone needle still had this effect!

Although they couldn't feel the pain, they all trembled and panicked just by looking at it.

However, when Ye Fei was about to apply the seventh needle, only a sweet voice came in from outside!

"Ye Fei! Stop it!!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Fei, Gu Qingcheng, and Qin Menglan all turned their heads and looked around, and they saw that Bai Ningbing rushed in with a large group of policemen, and all the guns in his hand were pointed at Ye Fei.

"Beauty Bai, what a coincidence, let's meet again."

Ye Fei smiled and said hello.

"You...what did you do?!!!"

Bai Ningbing saw a piece of blood in the private room, the camel that had died tragically, and the Luo Xinghe who was going crazy.

"Ye Fei, stop it! You killed the people of the Luo family, do you still want to kill Luo Xinghe? She is a young and old of the Luo family!!"

"What happened when I killed Luo's family? He was Luo's family, so what's wrong?"

Ye Fei looked at Bai Ningbing coldly, and said, "Since he wants to provoke me, then he should be punished! I don't care who he is! Lao Zi Ye Fei, you can't kill him!!"

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