Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1693: , Surround the company!

The man with the national character face is named Jiang Fenghui. He is from the Jiang family and Jiang Yichen's uncle.

Although his military rank is the first rank than Zhao Jianyu, he is also a large colonel anyway, and he is considered a high-ranking officer.

On weekdays, whoever sees him is polite, and no one dares to contradict him.

But now, a few small security guards of a company dare to block his way, which makes him very unhappy.

But Zhang Baokun doesn't matter how big the ranks of these two guys are, in his heart, he only listens to Ye Fei, and the others, who they love.

"Are you deaf, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear?!"

Jiang Fenghui was directly angry when Zhang Baokun and others refused to give way.

"Lao Jiang, what can you do with them? Just go in and arrest someone!" Zhao Jianyu said impatiently.

Jiang Fenghui nodded, then waved his hand, and said, "Everyone listens to the order and rushes in directly!"

Give an order.

More than a dozen soldiers are holding guns and are about to rush.

"Whoever dares to catch Brother Fei, then pass this level of mine first!"

Zhang Baokun shouted and took a step forward, his body like a hill directly blocked the group of soldiers.

Seeing Zhang Baokun's huge body and well-developed muscles, this group of soldiers was frightened and took a few steps back.

On the horse, what did this kid grow up on, just like an upright black bear.

Although they have guns in their hands, they are still a little scared.

Didn't you see this guy's hand? It's the same as a bear paw. It's shot, but it must be shot internally.

In particular, Zhao Jianyu and Jiang Fenghui were even more scared and quickly retreated behind the group of soldiers.

"Boy, what do you want to do, is it possible that you still want to do it?!"

Jiang Fenghui hid behind a group of soldiers and yelled.

"If you dare to take a step here, I will beat you up!"

Zhang Baokun's beast-like eyes glared, and the sound of thunder resounded, deafening.

"Oh, kid, you're so courageous!"

Jiang Fenghui stared at Zhang Baokun coldly, and said cruelly: "We have so many people and so many guns. I want to see how you can stop us!"

"Why, you have a lot of people and it is great to have a gun? In this broad daylight, is it possible that you still dare to kill?" Lu Qinghong said with a cold gaze.

"that is!"

Tang Yu sneered, and said, "There are so many people watching now, if you dare to do something, the matter becomes a big deal, I see how you end up!"

Although a group of security guards were very scared, because Zhang Baokun took the lead, they became more courageous, and they all yelled and started to roar.

" think you are so bold!"

Jiang Fenghui pointed to Zhang Baokun and the others, and suddenly became furious.

He was very angry, after all, they came this time just to catch Ye Fei, and they really didn't dare to hurt ordinary people.

If this really hurts ordinary people, then they really can't eat it.

At this time, Zhao Jianyu reached Jiang Fenghui's ear and whispered: "Lao Jiang, although we can't actually shoot, it's always okay to scare them.

Didn’t they give way? Just point your gun at them, and you see they give way..."

"Well, it makes sense."

Jiang Fenghui nodded knowingly, and then said loudly: "Everyone listens to the order, if anyone dares to block the way, he will be killed on the spot!"

Hear Jiang Fenghui's order.

Klang Klang!

All the soldiers took up their guns, loaded the bullets, and assumed shooting positions.

A group of security guards saw this group of soldiers turned out to be real. They were so frightened that they sweated, and their calves began to tremble.

Nima, this group of soldiers is really playing, if this gun goes off, then you really have to go to see the king.

"His grandma, do you really dare to shoot?!"

Zhang Baokun rushed forward, Pu Shan's big right hand stretched out and directly grabbed Jiang Fenghui's collar.

Immediately, he clenched the large left fist of the casserole, and roared at Jiang Fenghui: "If you have the ability, you will shoot! Believe it or not, I will blow your head with one fist now!"

This thunderous roar made Jiang Fenghui's ears hum.

Especially when he saw Zhang Baokun's murderous gaze, his body couldn't help but tremble, and he almost was scared to pee.

"Don't move!"

"Boy, let go of Colonel Jiang!"

"If you don't let go, we will shoot!"

A group of soldiers were also taken aback. They shouted and aimed their guns at Zhang Baokun.

Jiang Fenghui swallowed, staring at Zhang Baokun, and said: "Boy, I... I advise you not to mess around... If you dare to do something, my people can beat you into a sieve in the next second!"

"Bao Kun, stop!"

Lu Qinghong hurriedly shouted at Zhang Baokun.

He is Zhang Baokun's temper. If this silly boy really gets angry, this big colonel will really be killed.

But in this case, obviously you can't do it.

If this is done, things will go worse.

However, Zhang Baokun was already angry, so he couldn't listen to Lu Qinghong's words at all.

Just when the two parties were in a state of anxiety, a loud and energetic voice came over.

"Bao Kun, let him go!"

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads and saw Ye Fei and his party walking out of the hall.

"Brother Fei, this guy is going to catch you, I can't let go of him!" Zhang Baokun said angrily.

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, as long as I don't leave, no one here can take me away!"

Zhang Baokun nodded, then let go of Jiang Fenghui with a loose hand.

When Zhang Baokun released his hand, Jiang Fenghui gasped for a few times. He secretly glanced at Zhang Baokun, still feeling lingering fears.

If Ye Fei hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid this big guy would really kill him.

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Zhao Jianyu and Jiang Fenghui, and said with no anger and majesty: "You two, who brought so many soldiers here in broad daylight, what do you want to do? Do you want to fight?!"

Zhao Jianyu and Jiang Fenghui knew Ye Fei's identity, so they naturally did not dare to entrust them.

"Mr. Ye, the reason why we are here, I think you should also know..."

Zhao Jianyu said with a smile, "So, please cooperate with us, Mr. Ye, come with us!"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Then I would like to ask, who made you arrest me?"

Jiang Fenghui straightened his collar and said: "We are naturally on the orders of our superiors..."

"Then which superior ordered it?"

Ye Fei interrupted Jiang Fenghui's words directly, and said indifferently: "Since you two are members of the military, you must also know who I am.

In China, apart from No. 1, no one seems to be able to send someone to arrest me directly... right? "

"We are coming to arrest people on the order of Father Luo!" Jiang Fenghui said vigorously.

"Master Luo?"

Ye Fei snorted and said, "Is Mr. Luo more powerful than Number One?"


When Jiang Fenghui heard this, he didn't know how to answer this.

In China, the one in power is now the number one.

But Father Luo's background is not low. With the support of the previous two generations of No. 1, even the current No. 1 must be courteous to Mr. Luo by three points.

Therefore, it is hard to say who is more powerful.

Ye Fei glanced at Jiang Fenghui and Zhao Jianyu, and said, "Since you didn't come to arrest me on the order of No. 1, please come back!"

Zhao Jianyu frowned, feeling a little annoyed, and said: "Mr. Ye, although we did not receive the order from Number One, you killed several people last night... already committed a felony!

As the saying goes, the emperor commits the same crime as the common people, even if you are China’s protector of the country, you can’t disobey!

Moreover, I think that No.1 just doesn't understand what happened now...When No.1 knows the truth of the matter, it must be that No.1 will send someone to arrest you! "

"Is it?"

Ye Fei spread his hands and said, "Then wait until the order of number one comes down!"


Zhao Jianyu was furious.

Ye Fei's killing of his own Zhao family has made him extremely angry, and Luo Lao gave the death order, and he must catch Ye Fei.

Therefore, he will take Ye Fei away anyway today.

He clenched his fists and said angrily: "Mr. Ye, do you really dare to disobey Luo Lao's order and not follow us?!"

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