Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1699: , Guwulai people!


Luo Wentao stared at Ji Tianling and Qin Wu in a daze. Seeing the two men's aggressive appearance, his face was flushed with anger, and he couldn't say a word.

He wanted to refute, but he didn't dare.

No way, the Ji family and the Qin family are ancient martial arts families. Although their Luo family is a Tianzi family in the secular world, compared with the ancient martial arts family that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, they are not even a fart.

If the Luo family dares to oppose the ancient martial family, then what is waiting for the Luo family will be destruction!

Therefore, even if Luo Wentao didn't dare, he was very angry, but he didn't dare to say much.

As for Number One, seeing this scene, he did not stand up and speak.

After all, in his heart, he still prefers Ye Fei.

The advantages of Huaxia and Ye Fei's friendship and the temple's friendship outweigh the disadvantages.

And he did it for the sake of China's overall situation.

As the number one today, he thinks more about things. He can't help Luo Wentao to avenge his personal revenge without taking into account the overall situation of the country and causing national turmoil, right?

Therefore, when I saw Luo Wentao being crushed by Ji Tianling and Qin Wu, my heart was quite relieved.

This old man of the Luo family is becoming more and more unruly now, so he should give him a hard hit.

However, at this time, seeing that no one dared to speak out, Li Yunyang, the number one of the previous generation, smiled and said, "Elder Ji, Elder Qin, let me be fair.

Even if the Luo family really made a mistake, but no matter how he said it, he wouldn't be guilty of death, right?

The two maintain and favor Ye Fei, maybe it's a bit wrong, right? "

"Lao Li makes sense!"

Deng Weimin also accompanied a smiling face and said, "Elder Ji and Elder Qin, although Ye Fei's kid is closely related to the Ji family and the Qin family, Ye Fei killed someone after all.

Since he killed someone, according to the laws of our secular world, Ye Fei should be punished accordingly.

Therefore, Deng hopes that the two elders can handle this matter fairly and impartially... If Ye Fei kills people but is not punished at all, it will chill everyone's hearts..."


Qin Wu sneered, looked straight at Li Yunyang and Deng Weimin, and said, "Why, listening to what you two said, it seems that you are not convinced?"

Li Yunyang smiled faintly, and said: "If the two of you really want to deal with things like this, then it's not just me and Deng who are unconvinced. I'm afraid everyone will be unconvinced, right?

If we kill people in the future, it depends on the relationship and background, then our laws will be useless? "

"Interesting, just rely on you, dare not to be convinced?"

Qin Wu was too lazy to talk nonsense, his face sank, and a force of coercion was directly released from his body, covering the entire office!

In an instant, the temperature in the entire office seemed to drop to zero, and even the air seemed to stop flowing!

This coercive horror was terrifying, and everyone present felt a strong sense of oppression, and they were almost out of breath!

Qin Wu glanced like a torch, glanced at everyone present, and shouted in a loud voice: "If anyone refuses to accept it, stand up for Laozi now!!"

This scream was like a thunder and exploded, and everyone was shocked to tremble!

All the bigwigs present understand that Elder Qin is already angry!

The big guys who were going to speak for Luo Wentao closed their mouths one after another, not daring to say a word.

There is a good saying, the gun shot the bird.

Stand out at this time, isn't it looking for death?

Seeing that no one came forward, Qin Wu sneered, and said faintly: "You guys, are your wings hardened now? You don't even listen to what we say in the ancient martial arts world?

It seems that we have been in the ancient martial world for too long, and we have lost our prestige, right? If this is the case, then it seems that we old men should come out and walk a bit more often..."

Hearing Qin Wu's words, Luo Wentao and others at the scene couldn't help but shudder.

Qin Wu's words are undoubtedly the biggest warning and threat to them.

At this time, Ji Tianling also raised his eyes to look at Luo Wentao and the others, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care whether you accept it or not...In short, if you dare to move Ye Fei, then you can't live with our Ji family...

You should be very clear in your heart, what are the consequences that you should bear if you provoke our Ji family..."

When Luo Wentao, Li Yunyang, Deng Weimin and others heard Ji Tianling's words, they swallowed their throats and dared not let go of a fart.

Although they were not reconciled and felt that Ji Tianling and Qin Wu were too domineering, they could only choose to shut up.

No way, who called the family strength too strong?

Qin Wu smiled disdainfully, glanced at Luo Wentao and others, and said, "Now, who else is not convinced?"

A group of people shook their heads, and no one dared not accept it.

"Hehe, now that you have taken it, let's leave quickly.

Meetings are held all day long, and the trivial matters are also held. I think you are really idle and have nothing to do.

Walk around, don't stand here in the eye! "

Qin Wu waved his hand impatiently.

A gloomy color flashed in the eyes of Luo Wentao and others, and then he waved his hand and hurriedly left the office.

After leaving the office, Luo Wentao and others went downstairs.

Come downstairs.

Li Yunyang sighed heavily and said to Luo Wentao: "Luo Luo, Deng and I can only help you here.

There is no way, after all, the Ji family and the Qin family are too powerful. It seems...this tone, you can only bear it..."

"Lao Luo, it's like being blinded by hatred. We must put the overall situation of your Luo family first!"

Deng Weimin also persuaded Luo Wentao, and then left by car with Li Yunyang.

At this time, Song Baichuan saw the others leave, and said to Luo Wentao: "Old Luo, if you really want to attack Ye Fei, then you don't need to do it yourself.

Sometimes, to get rid of an enemy, you can use the hands of other people..."

"What's the meaning?"

Luo Wentao clenched his fists tightly, looked up at Song Baichuan, his eyes were bloodshot.

Song Baichuan smiled gloomily, leaned to Luo Wentao's ear, and whispered softly: "It's very simple, that is, borrow a knife to kill..."

After speaking, Song Baichuan patted Luo Wentao on the shoulder, and then left with a smile.

"Knife to kill..."

Luo Wentao frowned slightly and murmured.

He looked up into the distance, was silent for a while, then turned around and got into the car and left Zhongnanhe.

At this time, on a main road leading to Song's house, a black Mercedes-Benz bulletproof sedan was driving smoothly.

Song Baichuan sat in the back seat, expressionless, as if thinking about something.

At this time, an old man sitting in the passenger seat asked aloud: "Patriarch, what did you say to Luo Lao just now?"

Song Baichuan squinted his eyes and said, "Now that the old man of the Luo family has been dazzled by hatred, it's this time that he still wants to deal with Ye Fei.

Haha, behind Ye Fei's kid, there are two giants, the Ji family and the Qin family, so easy to deal with?

However, since he must deal with Ye Fei, no one can persuade him, so I gave him an idea and asked him to borrow a knife to kill people..."

Hearing Song Baichuan's words, the old man was startled, and looked back at Song Baichuan and said, "Patriarch, if you do this, it is very likely that Luo Lao and even the entire Luo family will be pushed into the abyss..."

Song Baichuan smiled gloomily and said, "What I want is that the Luo family fall into the abyss...If the Luo family doesn't fall, how can my Song family rise?"


When the old man heard this, he was stunned to speak.

No wonder people often say that Song Baichuan is an old fox, now that it is true.

Song Baichuan raised his eyes and looked out the window, and said faintly: "Maybe this old Luo family has no time to attack Ye Fei, he will be suppressed..."


at this time.

Office One.

After Luo Wentao and others left, Bai Zhongshan, Liu Taiyan and others saw that Ye Fei was fine, so they greeted them and left.

When everyone left, there were only Number One, Dragon Lord, Ji Tianling and Qin Wu left in the office.

Ji Tianling picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, then looked at No.1 and said indifferently: "No.1, Luo Wentao seems to be very restless now.

Not only did he not listen to you, but he also brought so many people over to pressure you... Isn't he a bit too much to do this? "

"Well, I think it's too much!"

Qin Wu nodded, and said: "When that guy saw it, it was not a good thing, it was completely bad. The descendants he educated are just like him!"

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