Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1724: , Super rich!

Rex took Ye Fei and his group around the manor briefly, and then came to the hall of the manor.

The decoration of the hall is magnificent, with a large number of oil paintings hanging on the walls, and various exquisite sculptures, tapestries and many exquisite furniture.

The whole decoration of this hall is extremely luxurious and tasteful, so it should be designed by someone.

At this moment, I saw a white middle-aged man with white hair and a black tuxedo walking over with a group of male and female servants in uniforms, and then stood respectfully on both sides.

These servants were all beautiful white women with blond hair and blue eyes, with tall stature and outstanding temperament.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a model rather than a servant.

Especially this white middle-aged man, he is tall, with white hair and braids, and his gestures are full of aristocratic temperament.

At first glance, it is no ordinary person.

"Master, what service do you need?"

The white man bent over respectfully and asked.

"Daniel, these are my most distinguished guests. You immediately let Kitchen One make some snacks, and my guests and I want to have afternoon tea." Rex ordered.

"Yes, master."

Daniel nodded respectfully, and then left.

"Fat black man, the one named Daniel just now, shouldn't be an ordinary person?"

Ye Fei squinted at Rex and asked.

Bai Fengtu and others also looked at Rex, and they were also very puzzled.

Rex nodded and said, "This guy used to be the Marquis of Ying's royal family, but then he followed me and became the steward of my manor."


Bai Fengtu and others were speechless.

Hire members of Ying's royal family to be housekeepers... the rich will surely enjoy it!

"Well, brothers and sisters, let's sit down for a while. I will call some beautiful women to serve you!"

Rex chuckled, then walked towards the backyard.

When Bai Fengtu and the others heard it, his eyes lit up.

This is great, there is even a beauty service!

Everyone was really tired after sitting on the plane for more than ten hours, so they all sat down.

After sitting down, Bai Fengtu touched the sofa, it was delicate and soft, and it felt great.

As a young man from the Bai family in Beijing, he naturally knows what material the sofa is made of.

I don't think that 100% of this sofa is made of pure crocodile leather.

As soon as Ye Fei and the others were seated, several servants brought drinks.

Bai Fengtu took a glass of red wine that he couldn't even recognize, drank it, and sighed, "Mr. Rex is so rich! The point is, Mr. Rex is too special to enjoy it." !

I used to think that those so-called big and young are rich enough to enjoy them. But comparing with Mr. Rex is nothing short of a horror, there is no comparison at all! "

Ye Fei sighed lightly, lit a cigarette, vomited a smoke ring, and slowly said: "This fat black guy is doing this now because he was really poor and scared before..."

"Afraid of being poor?"

Bai Fengtu was taken aback for a moment, and said incredibly, "Mr. Rex was also very poor?"

Yan Zilong and the others were also very surprised. They felt that Rex should have always been so rich.

"The boss is right."

Shi Junze nodded, and said: "Before, Rex told us about his life experience... He is indeed scared of poverty..."

Ye Fei flicked the soot and said: "Rex grew up in the slums of Magnesium when he was a child...there is full of violence, crime, discrimination, and poverty.

The people living there, especially the black people there, live in dire straits every day, eating but not eating...there are countless people who just starve to death every day...

Rex grew up in such an environment since he was a child...Sometimes I just thought, it was a miracle that he could grow up there..."

Bai Fengtu and others just listened quietly, without making a sound.

It is hard for them to imagine that the super-rich Rex they see now has such a miserable past.

Shi Junze also sighed lightly and said: "Once, Rex told us...when he was nine years old, he knelt down to others in order to ask for a piece of sesame seed for his seriously ill mother.

However, in order to tease Rex, the white man even let Rex go under his crotch... But in order to fill his mother's stomach, he resolutely went under the white man's crotch.

After all, the white man gave the sesame seed cake to him, but when it was given to him, it was thrown on the ground and crushed a few times with his feet...

Although Rex obtained biscuits for his mother, he also settled for food and clothing... But in the end, he watched his mother starve to death before his eyes..."


Ye Fei took a long breath of smoke, took the stubbornly, and continued: "Rex told me that from that moment on, he secretly swears in his heart.

In this life, he must become rich, with countless money... He will step on the feet of people who have abused him, scolded him, hurt him, and despised him..."

Hearing what Ye Fei and Shi Junze said, Bai Fengtu and others felt a tremor, and they were all dumbfounded in shock.

It's hard to imagine what Rex has experienced.

They can't imagine, they can't imagine...

"Then how did Mr. Rex rise up later?" Bai Fengtu asked in a deep voice.

Ye Fei recalled the past for a while, and said lightly: "I still remember that six or seven years ago, when I was working in Magnesium Country, I happened to pass through the slums of Magnesium Country.

When I saw Rex for the first time, he was beaten to death by someone for stealing something and became dying...

At that time, I asked him, do you want to stand out? Do you want to be a master?

He told me, he thought, he wanted to get ahead, he wanted to get out of the slum, he wanted to be rich...

At that time, although he was dying, his voice and eyes were unusually firm...a person, as long as he has dreams and ambitions in his heart, he will definitely do a career and achieve an extraordinary , I took him away.

Sure enough, later, I discovered that this guy is very good at judging the situation and has a good business mind... and he is bold and cautious. What makes money and what to do!

For a person like this, he is no longer a person, but a hungry wolf! Once he was given a chance, he would cling to it!

Because, for such a person, he is eager to change and succeed more than anyone else! Therefore, there will be today's Rex!

In fact, in the final analysis, I just gave Rex a chance, a springboard...To this day, to fight for the current career, in fact, it is all on himself!

Because the help of others is only temporary, you can only rely on yourself if you want to really become stronger! Only if you are strong can you be truly strong! ! "

Hearing what Ye Fei said, everyone present felt shocked!

Ye Fei's remarks not only revealed Rex's life experience, but also revealed the true meaning of how men should gain a foothold in this world!

"Brother Fei said well! He is a man, and he should work hard for his dreams! Fight for change! Fight for strength!"

Bai Fengtu howled impassionedly, then raised his glass, "Brothers, cheers!"



Everyone raised their glasses, clinked them, and drank.

"Hey hey hey, brothers, you are too interesting, why don't you wait for me to drink!"

At this time, Rex's loud voice came.

When everyone turned their heads and looked around, they saw Rex walking by with a large group of blonde hot girls with big waves, hips and long legs in bikinis of various colors!

Seeing the arrival of so many beauties, the eyes of Bai Fengtu and others looked straight!

Let me go, beauties, heaven on earth!

Rex waved his hand and said: "Beauty, go, these are my brothers! Serve them well, a great reward!"

"Yes, master!"

A group of hot girls responded sweetly, and then walked towards Ye Fei and the others.

Soon, these hot girls began to pinch their shoulders, massage, beat their legs, serve wine and feed fruits for Ye Fei and the others.

It is simply an emperor's enjoyment.

Being served by so many beauties, Bai Fengtu and others felt embarrassed, especially Yan Zilong and Liu Jiahao, all of them blushed...

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