Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1744: , The king of beasts!

Anuo Chongshi Junze smiled and said, "Jayne, don't be afraid, they are all my good friends."

As he said, Arnold turned his head and said something to the beasts.

The beasts immediately understood Arnold's words, and they nodded obediently, and immediately all were in a relaxed state. They squatted down, and the tiger and lion squatted directly on the ground. The lazy state formed a sharp contrast with just now.

"Brother Fei, what did Arnold say?" Bai Fengtu asked curiously.

"Arnold was speaking in animal language, and I don't know what he meant by just now."

Ye Fei shook his head.

"Brother Ye Fei, I told them just now, you are all my friends, let them not hurt you." Arnold said with a grin.

"Isn't it?!"

Bai Fengtu's mouth twitched and said, "Brother Fei, can these beasts really understand what Arnold said?"

"If you don't believe me, you can let him try."

Ye Fei curled his lips, then said to Arnold: "Anuo, show him the proof."

"it is good!"

Anuo nodded, then jumped off Ye Fei, then walked to a gorilla, and said something.

When Arnold finished speaking, the chimpanzee patted his chest, barked a few times, and then walked towards Bai Fengtu with strides like a person.

Bai Fengtu was taken aback when he saw a chimpanzee coming towards him.

He stepped back and said, "Hey, hey, man, what do you want to do?"

But the chimpanzee didn't understand Bai Fengtu's words, so he continued to move forward.

"Stop! Stop!"

Bai Fengtu quickly yelled twice and made a pause gesture.

I saw the chimpanzee grinning, exposing a mouthful of big white teeth, and then shaking his huge body, stretched out his hand, Bai Fengtu didn't react for a moment, thinking that the orangutan was going to shake hands with him, he also stretched out his hand in a daze...

I saw the orangutan suddenly face down, grabbed his shoulder with one hand, and lifted it up with a "wheeze"!

Therefore, Bai Fengtu's body weighing more than one hundred catties was picked up by the gorilla, and it seemed to be very relaxed.

"My goodness! Man, don't do anything, let me down quickly!!"

Bai Fengtu thumped his hands and feet, yelling.

"Okay, Arnold, don't tease him, put him down." Ye Fei couldn't help but said in a jealous tone.

Arnold nodded, and then shouted at the chimpanzee in animal language, "Hei is strong, let him go."

When the chimp heard Arnold's command, he immediately let go of his hand, grinned again, and then turned around and walked to Arnold obediently.

At this moment, Bai Fengtu completely believed that Arnold would communicate with the Beast.

He glanced at Arnold in fear and thought, this little guy is absolutely unprovoking.

If he really provokes him, if he mobilizes tigers, lions or something, and runs after him, then he will not be finished?

Therefore, Bai Fengtu tried his best to keep a distance from Arnold, and he had put a label on Arnold in his heart, a dangerous man.

At this time, the other assassins, mercenaries and dragon soul fighters present were completely convinced by Arnold.

The child in front of him who seems harmless to humans and animals can not only talk to animals, but also mobilize these animals. This ability is simply incredible.

Now, everyone is not just treating Arnold as a child.

"Brother Ye Fei, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, Arnold raised his head, looked at Ye Fei, and asked curiously.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "We are here to save people at the base in the center of the forest."

"Save people?"

Arnold murmured, and then grinned: "Brother Ye Fei, can I help you?"

Ye Fei thought for a while, and said, "Arnuo, we don't know the internal situation of that base now. Can you help us investigate the situation of that base?"

Arnold rolled his eyes and said, "It's simple, I can let them inquire about intelligence."

As he said, Arnold pointed to the beasts around him.

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up.

Shi Junze smiled and clapped his hands: "Yes, if these animals are allowed to inquire about intelligence, it will definitely not attract the attention of those old men. This is a good way!"

"Well, this method is good."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Arnuo, I'll leave it to you to inquire about intelligence."


Arnold nodded with a smile, then called out the monkey and the squirrel, and explained it carefully with animal language and body language.

The monkeys and squirrels called out nodded after hearing what Arnold said.

"Okay, let's go now!"

With a wave of Arnold's small hand, a few monkeys and squirrels immediately turned around and rushed towards the depths of the forest.

After the monkey and squirrel left, Arnold put his hand to his mouth and whistled.

After a while, everyone saw an eagle flying down from the sky, and then landed on Arnold's wrist.

Seeing this scene, Bai Fengtu and the others were surprised.

"My god, can he even call an eagle?!"

Bai Fengtu couldn't help but exclaimed.

Others are also convinced by Arnold.

After Arnold called the eagle, he explained a few words to the eagle.

After listening to Arnold's words, the eagle flew into the air with huge wings, and then flew toward the depths of the forest.

"Brother Ye Fei, it's all done!" Arnold clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Arnuo, what did you say to them?" Ye Fei asked.

"I told them, let them go to that base to check for information. When they come back, tell me everything they see." Arnold grinned and said.

"Arnold is awesome!"

Ye Fei smiled and touched Arnold's head, and then said to Shi Junze and the others: "Everyone rests in place. After we get the information, we will act again!"


Everyone nodded.


at the same time.

The center of the forest.

This is an open area with a large area, at least the size of four or five football fields.

On this open ground, a number of factories have been built.

Even though it is late at night, here is still brightly lit.

There are military pickup trucks parked at the entrance of the plant, and some soldiers from the magnesium country are carrying wooden boxes or iron boxes up and down.

Moreover, around these factories, there are soldiers from the magnesium country with live ammunition.

These magnesium soldiers watched the surrounding movement vigilantly, walking around and patrolling.

Everyone who comes here has signed a non-disclosure agreement, guaranteeing that no matter what they see here, they can't talk to the outside world.

But at this moment, a few monkeys jumped out of the forest, and then jumped onto the roof of the factory building, making a little noise.


A black soldier shouted, holding a gun, and looking at the source of the sound.

"Haha, Ram, you are too vigilant too, just a few monkeys."

At this time, a white soldier came over with a laugh, and then handed the black soldier a cigarette.

The black soldier lit his cigarette, shrugged, and said, "No way, Ellen, this is so important here, we have to be more vigilant.

If something goes wrong here, our Secretary of Defense and the President will be angry. "

The white soldier curled his lips and said, "Ram, who do you think will come to us to make trouble? The number of soldiers here alone has exceeded 1,000.

Moreover, we are also guarded by the Delta Ace Troop, the Biochemical Transformation Team, and the Ability Team... With these masters guarding here, no matter who comes, there is only one dead end. "

"Hehe, Ellen, what you said is correct. It seems that I am indeed too vigilant."

The black soldier replied with a smile.

But when he finished speaking, an eagle flew up in the sky.

"Huh...what's going on today? Why are these beasts running here?" The black soldier asked in a puzzled manner.

"It's just a few beasts. It's probably attracted by the taste of some food. Let's just do our own job." The white soldier spread his hands and said.

"Well, you are right."

The black soldier nodded, and said nothing more.

Because there are often animals coming here, the soldiers here are used to it, and they don’t even think about it...

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