Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1768: , Saw the world!

Next second.

Boom! !

There was a loud noise throughout the forest!

It's as if the violent thunder in the sky exploded in your ears!

Click! !

There were crazily crackling sounds!

The huge sword in Ye Fei's hand directly cut the big tree in front of him in half!

Moreover, this violent sword intent, at the moment of landing, directly cleaved a ravine of more than ten meters into the ground!


Accompanied by a heart-piercing scream, Thaktor, who was standing in the crowd, was directly split in half!

And the soldiers standing around Thaktor were all cut in half by this devastating sword intent!

Immediately afterwards, I heard a series of "pupupu" sounds!

The other fighters who weren't split in half were sieved by the golden sword shadows that were all shot out!

The soldiers whose bodies were penetrated looked at Ye Fei with horror, and then fell to the ground one by one!

When all the soldiers fell, the ground was stained red with blood, as if several buckets of red paint had been spilled!

Under Ye Fei's fury, all Citigroup fighters were beheaded with just one sword!

Even if this sword consumes a lot of physical strength and true energy, Ye Fei has no regrets!

To avenge his brother, no matter what the price is paid, he is willing!

The strong smell of blood permeated the air, stimulating Ye Fei's sense of smell.

However, Ye Fei's face was expressionless, and there was only a sense of joy that the depressed emotions were vented in his heart.


Ye Fei let out a sigh of relief, and threw the broken branch in his hand to the ground.

But at this moment, I only heard the sound of "Da Da Da" coming from a distance.

Ye Fei was startled and looked up at the sky, frowning suddenly.

No, Citigroup’s reinforcements are here!

There is no doubt that it was the sound of the Citigroup gunship just now!

Must leave as soon as possible!

Algernon and Shi Junze have just left, if they don't leave quickly, then no one can leave by then!

After all, this is the territory of Citigroup, and they can continuously mobilize their troops!

But I can't wait for people, because I and others are limited in number and equipment, so I can't compete with the Citigroup.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei didn't stay any longer, but quickly turned around and rushed towards the outside of the forest!


at the same time.

Outside the forest, corpses were also everywhere, filled with blood, like purgatory.

When Algernon and Shi Junze came out, they happened to meet the Citigroup soldiers who were guarding outside.

These Citigroup fighters wanted to keep Shi Junze and them, but Shi Junze, Algernon and others had already been filled with anger.

Therefore, with a strong anger, everyone quickly wiped out all the soldiers of Citigroup.

At this time, ten George Patton armored off-road vehicles were parked one kilometer away from the forest.

Shi Junze, Algernon and others were standing in front of the car waiting for Ye Fei.

Although Ye Fei asked them to go first, none of them wanted to go first. Everyone wanted to wait for Ye Fei to come back, and then everyone left together.

"Instructor, why hasn't Fei yet come back?"

Bai Fengtu took a cigarette in his mouth, took a deep breath, and said, "Couldn't Fei be in trouble, right?"

Before Shi Junze could speak, Yan Zilong took the lead and said, "Fengtu, you have a crow's mouth! Fei's strength is so powerful, even if you are in trouble, Fei can easily solve those problems!

Those ordinary Citigroup fighters are a fart in Fei's eyes! "

"That's what I said... But after all, there are still a lot of chasers behind!"

Bai Fengtu frowned, then threw his cigarette **** away, and said, "No, I can't leave Fei Ge in the forest alone, I'm going to save Fei Ge!"

As he said, Bai Fengtu's brain became hot, and he picked up the gun, ready to rush towards the forest.

"Fengtu, you **** stop me!!"

Shi Junze directly reached out and grabbed Bai Fengtu's arm.

"Instructor! Don't hold me, let me find Brother Fei! If it wasn't Brother Fei, how could we run out so easily!

No, I can't just watch Fei Ge trapped in the forest! ! "

Bai Fengtu retorted emotionally and was about to break free of Shi Junze's hand.

boom! !

Shi Junze directly hit Bai Fengtu's face with a punch, and shouted: "Asshole, you **** calm me down! Do you think you are the only one worried about the safety of the boss?

You ask all the brothers and sisters present, who is not worried about the boss? ! However, in this emergency situation, we have to wait!

If we rush in now, it is definitely not what the boss wants to see! The boss hopes that all of us can escape here safely, instead of confessing here! "

"Ahhhhh! This is not good, that is not good, then what are we going to do?!"

Bai Fengtu grabbed his hair and yelled a few times, venting the suppressed emotions in his heart.

The exhaustion of the body and the blow of the spirit have almost collapsed everyone, especially Bai Fengtu.

All the people present were calm, clenched their fists, and stared closely at the direction of the forest.

But at this moment, there was the sound of the propeller turning from a distance, and the sound was getting closer.

"No, the air reinforcements from Citigroup are here!"

Algernon looked at the source of the sound and said in a deep voice.

"Palsy! These guys came so fast!"

Yan Luo cursed angrily.

"Not only have their air reinforcements arrived, but their land reinforcements have also arrived!"

Shi Junze raised his eyes and looked into the distance, frowning tightly.

Everyone looked up and saw dark green armored vehicles coming towards them.

Moreover, everyone felt a slight vibration from the ground.

Although it is still far away, the armored vehicles will arrive in six or seven minutes at most!

As for the armed helicopters in the air, they will arrive within three or four minutes at most!

"Instructor, Citigroup’s reinforcements have arrived! We can't wait any longer, we must go and bring Fei Ge out as soon as possible!"

Bai Fengtu made another request to Shi Junze.

"Instructor, let's help Fei Ge! If you don't go, Fei may not be able to get out!"

Yan Zilong also said something.

The other dragon soul fighters on the scene also looked at Shi Junze.

"To go together, I will never leave the boss and leave by myself."

Algernon took out the gun in his hand and said lightly that he was ready to fight to the death.

Yan Luo and other mercenaries and Arnold also nodded, agreeing with Algernon's words, and they all picked up their guns.

Shi Junze took a deep breath, and then said to the two dragon soul fighters: "Mountain Eagle, Sharp Blade, you two quickly **** Professor Gu and Professor Feng into the car!

Later, you will drive away directly, the farther you can escape, the better! "

"Instructor, what about you?"

The dragon soul warrior Shanying hurriedly asked.

"We are ready to fight side by side with the boss!"

Shi Junze replied with a trembling voice.

"Instructor, Libian can **** the two professors. I will stay and fight with everyone!" Shan Ying said.

"Shanying, you **** the two professors away, let me stay!"

Sharp blade also rushed and said: "Shanying, you are only good at sniping. In this situation, it is not appropriate for you to stay!"

"Who said I'm only good at sniping? I'm almighty, alright?" Shan Ying retorted.


Shi Junze shouted, "Don't fight! You two will leave for me, no one is allowed to stay!!"


Shanying and Sharp Blade were immediately anxious.

"Brother Ye Fei is out!!"

At this moment, Arnold, who had the most sensitive reaction, yelled in surprise.

"What, the boss came out?!"

Shi Junze was taken aback, and quickly raised his eyes.

The others also raised their eyes and looked over.

as predicted.

I saw that not far away, a figure was rushing towards them, fast as lightning, and getting closer and closer!

And this figure is exactly the Ye Fei they are waiting for!

"Brother Fei!!"


Everyone waved at Ye Fei excitedly.

Ye Fei ran very fast, and within a few minutes, he rushed over.

"Brother Fei, you finally came back, if you don't come back, we are all going to find you!"

Bai Fengtu grinned at Ye Fei and said something.

When the others saw Ye Fei come back safely, all smiles appeared on their faces, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief...

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