Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1773: , The whole country shakes!

The others in the car also gave Rex thumbs up.

After all, the soldiers from Citigroup just glanced at them, and didn't dare to examine them carefully.

Moreover, the middle-aged white man carried a star on his shoulder, and his status was definitely not low.

But even so, the white man was still respectful to Rex, with a smile on his face.

This is enough to prove that Rex's weight in Citi is not low, even if the chief of the military in Citi has given him three points.

Seeing that everyone in the car gave himself a thumbs up, Rex lit a cigar with his diamond-encrusted lighter, took a sip, and looked like he was pulling.

He smiled and said: "Brothers, it's not me who blows it. Even if the old man at the top of Citigroup sees me, he must be polite!"

"That is, these days, all of us have seen your energy, Mr. Rex!"

Bai Fengtu smiled and slapped flattery, with a thumb up, and said, "It's definitely this!"

"That's not bad, boy, I like to listen to you, and it's comfortable to listen to you!"

Rex grinned and patted Bai Fengtu on the shoulder.

"After that, can I still come here to play?"

Bai Fengtu grinned and asked.

"No problem, when the limelight is over, come here whenever you want!"

Rex spit out his cigarette, patted his chest, and said, "When the time comes, you will come here to play, eat, drink and have fun, I'll have it all!"

"Haha, Mr. Rex is really bold!"

Bai Fengtu smiled happily.

Ye Fei on the side really couldn't stand it anymore. These two teased, one touted and the other to praise. What is this for, talking about cross talk?

"Okay, fat black man, don't brag, there is another level ahead, hurry up and deal with it."

Ye Fei pointed to a checkpoint at the intersection ahead and said something.

"No problem, wrap it on me!"

Rex clapped and snapped his fingers.

When the car stopped at the checkpoint, Rex swaggered down with a cigar in his mouth.

After a while, Rex returned to the car.

"Fat black, what do those guys say?" Ye Fei asked.

"Those guys said that someone had greeted them, so there is no need to check."

Rex waved his hand, and then said to the driver: "Let's go!"

Soon, the second level passed.

In the following time, Ye Fei and his team encountered a few more levels, but because Rex was there, everyone passed without any hindrance.

"Boss, once this checkpoint has passed, there will be no checkpoints ahead. After about half an hour, I will arrive at my private airport." Rex said with a smile.

"that's OK."

Ye Fei nodded.

The other people in the car were also happy when they heard it.

Finally, I can leave.

At this moment, Ye Fei turned his head, looked at the Gu family, and said with a smile: "Professor Gu, Professor Feng, we will be able to board the plane soon.

After flying for more than ten hours, we can return to China. "

"Young man, thank you so much for this journey!"

With an excited smile on his face, Gu Mingyu thanked Ye Fei repeatedly.

"Thank you, thank you, boy...thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you very much..."

Feng Xueqin on the side also thanked Ye Fei and the others again and again.

Her eyes were red, and her tears were rolling.

They have been imprisoned in Citigroup for so many years, and every day and night they think about one day they can return to China.

Now that this wish can be realized immediately, how can they be unhappy and not excited?

Seeing how excited the Gu family were, Shi Junze and Bai Fengtu and other dragon soul fighters were also full of emotion.

Nowadays, there are too many well-known scholars and experts who never want to return to China after going abroad.

Because foreign countries have given them superior living conditions, and also given them a lofty identity and status, it also made them forget that they are a Chinese.

But the Gu family is different. As China and even the world's top scientists, Citigroup must have done everything possible to keep them both.

However, the two of them stick to their hearts, thinking about their country in their hearts.

They have never forgotten that they are a Chinese, no matter how generous the material conditions are given to them by foreign countries, they have not lost their heart and self.

Because they always remember that their roots are in China, and they just want to serve their country.

"Professor Gu and Professor Feng, you two are our esteemed scientists. Since No.1 and Dragon Lord have confessed that we must bring them back to China safely, we will naturally do our best to complete the tasks explained above. So, thank you, etc., Don't say more about the two." Shi Junze said with a smile.

Bai Fengtu and Yan Zilong also smiled and nodded.

"Good, good, you are all good guys, all of China's pillars, hahaha..."

Gu Mingyu said something and laughed happily.

"Young man, I still don't know what your name is." Feng Xueqin looked at Ye Fei and said.

"Professor Feng, my name is Ye Fei. One Ye knows autumn's'Ye' and one soars'Fly'." Ye Fei replied with a smile.

"Well, good, good name."

Feng Xueqin smiled and continued to ask: "By the way, Xiaoye, do you know my two daughters?"

"Yes, know."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "I and Qingcheng are friends, and I also regard Xiao Ran as my sister. We have known each other for almost a year!"

"Xiaoye, then you can tell me, how did you meet?" Feng Xueqin hurriedly asked.

"Well, Professor Feng, let me tell you..."

"Xiao Ye, call me Auntie from now on, don't call me the old professor, everyone is your own." Feng Xueqin hurriedly corrected.

"Uh... well, auntie."

Ye Fei nodded and didn't think much about it. He planned to tell the Gu family and his wife how he met the Gu Qingcheng sisters.

But at this moment, Rex's roar came from the side.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? Why is my private airport also checked?!"

Hearing Rex's voice, everyone turned their heads and looked over, and saw that Rex was making a call, with a chubby black face gloomy.

Rex stared and said angrily: "Filler, didn't you tell them, is this my Rex's private airport?!"

"Boss, I have already said, but they said that no matter whether it is a national airport or a private airport, it must be inspected... and..."

There was a male voice on the other end of the phone.

"And what? Say!"

Rex snarled.

"Furthermore, boss, the leader of the opponent is not low, and he carries two stars on his shoulders..."

"I'm paralyzed! I don't care who it is, I dare to check Laozi's airport, I must kill them!"

Rex yelled fiercely, and then hung up the phone.

"Fat black man, what happened?"

Seeing Rex hung up the phone, Ye Fei asked.

Rex said with a sullen face, "Boss, those guys are leading people to check my airport, and they have sent someone to guard there..."

Ye Fei frowned and said, "It seems that wanting to go abroad safely is really not that simple..."

The faces of the others in the car changed.

They thought they could leave soon, but now it seems that it is not so easy.

"Boss, I will go over now, I want to see, who dares to investigate! If you dare to make trouble with me, I will kill him directly!"

With that, Rex was ready to order to go to his airport quickly.

"Fat black, don't be impulsive!"

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "After all, this is Citigroup. You live here. You don't have to be too stiff with them. It's not good for you..."

"Boss, I can't control that much! They dare to check my airport, it's obviously not giving me face!

If they don't give me face, then why should I give them a good face? ! Yelled Rex.

"Fat black, calm down, since they want to check, let them check."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said indifferently, "As long as we are prepared, even if they want to check, they won't be able to find out anything."

"Yes, fat black man, just listen to the boss, don't be so aggressive." Shi Junze also persuaded.

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