Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1802: , Be a guilty conscience!

Gu Qingcheng glanced at Ye Fei silently, then shifted his gaze to the distance, and said indifferently, "Maybe...but I know that without you, Xiao Ran and I would not have seen our parents so soon.

So, Ye Fei, I thank you for everything you have done for our family... and I will always keep this gratitude in my heart, and I will never forget it.

Maybe I don’t say anything nice, and I don’t know how to express my gratitude with practical actions... But please believe me, I really appreciate you..."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Qingcheng, I know, I know you thank me, but you can't keep your gratitude on your lips. This will make me feel like an outsider..."


When Gu Qingcheng heard this, he smiled coquettishly, and said, "Ye Fei, what do you think we are now?"


Ye Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Yes, Ye Fei really didn't know. He had confided his feelings to Gu Qingcheng a few days ago, but Gu Qingcheng did not respond to him.

Therefore, Ye Fei also didn't know what the relationship between himself and Gu Qingcheng was.

Gu Qingcheng thought for a while, and replied: "To be precise, our current relationship belongs to friends. Lovers are not full..."

"Ah? The lovers are not full yet?" Ye Fei asked, curling his lips.

"Of course, I didn't promise you."

Gu Qingcheng glamorously turned Ye Fei's eyes, and said, "I've said that, I'm going to look at your performance."

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot."

Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "Qingcheng, what do you want me to do? Give me a hint!"

"are you a pig?"

Gu Qingcheng tilted his eyes and Ye Fei, "I want to go!"

Ye Fei was a little mad.

He suddenly thought of something, and said: "Qingcheng, don't you want my Yuer and the others to break up?"

"If I really hope, can you do it?"

Gu Qingcheng stared at Ye Fei closely and asked.

Ye Fei frowned slightly and said, "No."

Gu Qingcheng sighed lightly and said, "I also know you can't do it, so I didn't expect you to do it.

Moreover, even me, now I am beginning to waver... I used to think that you are just a big carrot, a scumbag, nothing is good.

But after getting along with you, I suddenly discovered that although you are bothered, you are very dedicated... Although this sounds a bit contradictory, the facts prove that you are.

Moreover, I finally understand why Xiao Lengyu, Liu Yiyi and others like you, because you have the responsibility, and are very capable, and treat the women you like very well.

It is precisely because of this that you will have a fatal attraction to those women...If you really want to describe you with one thing, you are poison...

Even if those women know that they are poisoned, it is difficult to abandon you..."


Ye Fei murmured, smiling faintly: "It's really quite accurate..."


Gu Qingcheng turned his head, stared straight into Ye Fei's eyes, and said, "Can you confess to me before I am ready to promise you?"

How many women do you have? "

"Do you really want to know?"

Ye Fei asked back.

"Yes, I don't want you to lie to me." Gu Qingcheng replied firmly.

Ye Fei thought for a while, if he wants to win Gu Qingcheng's heart, he really has to confess to her.

If after confession, the woman is willing to accept, that's fine.

If you don't want to, there is no way.

So Ye Fei took a deep breath and said, "Qin Menglan, Xiao Lengyu, Liu Yiyi, Li Shiyun."


Gu Qingcheng's expression changed and said, "Sister Lan is also your woman?!"

"Uh... yes."

Ye Fei smiled awkwardly and said, "It's been a long time ago."


Gu Qingcheng pointed at Ye Fei, but was speechless.

Although she had long guessed that Sister Lan was related to Ye Fei, when she heard it in person, she still couldn't believe it.

This **** hides so well, only he is kept in the dark like a fool.

Gu Qingcheng felt a little irritable inexplicably when he thought that Ye Fei had four women.

Seeing Gu Qingcheng's expression changing, Ye Fei could only remain silent.

After all, it is really difficult for ordinary women to accept such a self.

Moreover, Gu Qingcheng's reaction exceeded Ye Fei's expectations.

Ye Fei originally thought that Gu Qingcheng would blow his hair straight away, but now that he saw it, he didn't.

There was a full ten minutes of silence.

Gu Qingcheng stood up, turned around and was about to leave the pavilion.


Ye Fei shouted.

"Don't call me, I am a little hard to accept now, you let me slow down!"

Gu Qingcheng shook his jade hand and took a few deep breaths.

Then, after Gu Qingcheng walked a few steps forward, she suddenly stopped again. She turned around, her eyes were chilly, and her pretty face flushed: "Asshole, before I promise you, if I find you peeking again I, be careful, I just clicked you!"

After speaking, Gu Qingcheng made a scissor-hand gesture, then turned around, swaying gracefully, and walked into the wooden house.


Ye Fei was speechless immediately.

Oh dear, this woman has discovered it a long time ago?

It's no wonder why the woman didn't turn around at the time, as if she was deliberate.

Fortunately, I'm still like a fool, and I'm glad that I haven't been discovered.

But since it was discovered a long time ago, why didn't the woman go crazy on the spot?

Ye Fei smiled bitterly and scratched his head, and said to his heart, what is the situation with this woman?

A woman's heart is really elusive.

Ye Fei sat in the pavilion thinking for a long time, but did not think of a reason, so he stood up and left the pavilion.

No matter, let's take one step at a time. At least you have confessed, so let's go with the flow!


at the same time.

It was about half past six in the evening in Siberia.

The sky slowly started to darken.

Mercenary Tower, the ninety-ninth floor.

There was silence in the fighting arena.

Everyone stared blankly in the middle of the fighting arena, forgetting to cheer and shout.

I saw that in the middle of the fighting arena, the scarred Barr was standing proudly in place.

The Killing God was lying on all sides seven or eight meters away from Baal. Except for his chest, which was still undulating, he was still motionless in other places.

Killing God stared at the ceiling blankly, stupefied that he hadn't recovered yet.

He couldn't believe that he was defeated by Barr.

And it was a fiasco!

Baal stared at the Killing God not far away and shouted: "Killing God, are you still convinced? If you refuse, continue to stand up and fight!

Aren’t you going to kill me, ah, then get up! "

Hearing what Baal said, the **** of death bleeds and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

He wanted to stand up, but he was stunned to feel pain from the bones all over his body, and he couldn't get up at all.

Barr waited for a few minutes. Seeing that the Killing God was still motionless, he didn't pay attention to the Killing God any more.

At this moment, all the mercenaries on the stage are looking at Baal, with a strong enthusiasm and admiration in their eyes!


The Ninety-Nine Floor Killing God was also defeated!

It's too bad!

Such a powerful killer was also defeated!

Then who else can stop him? !

Can "The Doomsday" Gustav?

Although it is still unknown, many people are even thinking that maybe even Gustav will lose to Barr!

Although they think this idea is crazy, but they think so!

"Long live Barr! Long live Barr!!"

At this time, there was an exciting shout on the stage.

Everyone seemed to be awakened from a dream, waving their fists, and shouting loudly as if they had been beaten with blood.

"Barr! Barr! Barr!!!..."

The sound shook the sky and resounded throughout the fighting arena!

Hearing the cheers one after another, Barr turned his head and looked at the stand, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Barr's smile, everyone cheered louder, as if inspired.

Especially those female mercenaries, can't wait to pounce directly, and take care of Baal.

In the mercenary world, respect the strong!

A strong mercenary like Baal will naturally be respected and admired by everyone!

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