Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1805: , Extraordinary!


Barr also showed no signs of weakness, shouted, with firm eyes in his eyes, shaking his strong and powerful legs, and rushed toward the end!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The movement speed of Baal and Doom is almost to the extreme!

In almost an instant, the figures of the two of them had disappeared from the same place!

Some weaker mercenaries can't see the trajectory and figure of the two people at all!

Even the more powerful mercenaries can barely see two shadows passing by!

"Quick! Too fast!"

A strong mercenary frightened and said: "Barr and Doom, just in terms of speed, have already thrown off a lot of mercenaries!"

"That's not the case. After all, these two people are fighting for the position of the king of mercenaries, how can they be measured by the strength of ordinary mercenaries..." another older mercenary said fearfully.

As for the other mercenaries present, they looked towards the center of the field and trembled involuntarily.

I don't know whether it is excitement or fear...Perhaps, it has both.

At this time, in the fighting arena.

The moment when Dangdang Baal and Doom approached, almost at the same time, they waved the saber in their hands and cut towards each other's throat!

Huh! Huh!

This is their own self-made mercenary fighting technique, simple and direct, without any fancy moves, as soon as they come up to take the deadly land of the opponent!

It's just that the speed of the two moves is almost the same!

Moreover, even the trajectory of the knife and the degree of trickery are very similar!

They are all known for being fast, accurate and ruthless!

The two sabers slashed through the two white light blades in the air, and then slammed together with a "clang"!

Fierce sparks shot out directly!

Seeing a miss, Baal and Doom turned their wrists, and at the same time they stabbed at each other's heart!

Swish! !

Two cold lights flashed out directly, cold and full of terrifying killing intent!

However, this time, the two are still on the same level in speed, strength and angle!

The blades of the two sabers collided again!

Sparks are everywhere, shining people's eyes!

After the second move, Baal and Doom started to change their moves!

It was just a test just now, and now they have used the moves they learned in battle!

Swish! !

Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, the two sabers are unparalleled, cutting the air time and time again!

The two of you come and go, both offensive and defensive, fighting in full swing!

After fighting for dozens of strokes, the two still did not know the outcome!

Moreover, although there were some small wounds between the two, none of them was fatal!

This is also enough to show that the reflexes and agility of the two are top-notch, so they can avoid the important places again and again!

When Baal and Doom were bounced away, the sabers in their hands were gaped in the fierce collision just now!

Everyone on the stage was shocked!

The saber used by these two men is the number one "mad dog" in the world's top ten sabers. Its blade is smooth and hard. It is impossible for ordinary people to destroy it!

For ordinary mercenaries, a "mad dog" is enough for them to use them for several years!

However, this "mad dog" seems to have become less rigid in the hands of Baal and Doom!

At this time, Baal and Doom both adjusted their breathing slightly, and then stared at each other closely, slowly adjusted their angles, and prepared to seize the other's loopholes before launching an attack again!

However, Baal and Doom are both top players with both offensive and defensive capabilities. It is very difficult to catch each other's loopholes!


Barr let out a sigh of relief, and then took a step back with his left foot...

It's now!


The doomsday shouted loudly, and the body was like a violent storm, and with a "swish", it rushed towards Baal!

At the moment of approaching Baal, everyone in the doomsday jumped, like a leaping mountain, rolling down towards Baal!

Moreover, at the moment it was crushed, Doom swung the saber in his hand and pierced Barr's shoulder!

If it is stabbed, the muscles and veins will be cut open, and Barr's arm is useless!

A master who has abolished his arm, although he is still a master, his strength will definitely be greatly reduced!

However, at this moment, Barr's body suddenly withdrew a half step to the side, avoiding the vital parts!

Immediately, Baal did not dodge, but flipped his wrist, flashed a cold light, and pierced towards the abdomen of the end!

Obviously Doomsday did not expect Barr to adopt this crazy fighting method!

He was shocked, and it was impossible to get away from him!

So, Doomsday forced a twist of his waist, trying to avoid the key!

But it's still a little bit slower!

laugh! !

A blood arrow shot out!

After Baal avoided the Doomsday's attack, the saber in his hand cut the Doomsday's waist with blood!


With a roar of the doomsday, the saber in his hand went from the bottom up and slashed towards Barr's chest!

Barr's expression changed, and at the same time he withdrew a step back, he lifted his saber up!

Only heard the fragility of "Qiang", the two sabers collided with each other and broke into two pieces directly!

Doom directly threw the half saber in his hand, then twisted a punch, and blasted towards Baal's front door!

The attack came very swift and violent, and it was impossible to guard against!

boom! !

With a punch, it drove the fierce wind, and the sharp power suddenly broke out, just like a cannonball ejected!

But Barr quickly set up his arms to block!

With a muffled "bang", Barr blocked the punch of the doomsday!

However, seeing that this fist was blocked at the end of the day, he immediately raised another fist and blasted it towards Baal's chest!

This coherent attack is ingenious and natural. If you don't have rich combat experience, you can't do it at all!

Seeing the punch of the doomsday came, Baal's face sank and he did not dodge anymore, but directly twisted his punch, and blasted toward the chest of the doomsday!

boom! boom!

Accompanied by two terrifying sounds of muffled thunder, both Baal and Doom slammed their fists on each other's chest!

The fist strength of the two of them is quite terrifying. After being punched by the other side, their bodies suddenly retreated back!

The bodies of Baal and Doom retreated three or four meters at the same time, and then they stopped!

The throats of the two slid at the same time, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths!

Obviously, under the punch just now, both of them were traumatized!

At this moment, everyone in the stands was shocked when they saw this scene!

"My God, these two people are too crazy, they use this suicidal style of play?!"

"The Doomsday wants to defend his glory, and Baal wants to be crowned the king of mercenaries... It seems that these two people have already done everything they have to deal with this battle..."

"I don't know who will win in the end, it's really exciting!"

Just as everyone was discussing, Baal and Doom went into a fierce battle again!

Moreover, this time, the two of them started a frantic battle. There was no evasion, no retreat, just pure hand-to-hand combat!

You punch me, and I give you a punch, so repeatedly!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

For a time, only bursts of explosions like spring thunder could be heard on the court!

Fist to the flesh, really thrilling!

Moreover, although the bodies of the two are of abnormal level, the strength of the two is not weak. After dozens of punches in a row, their bodies have been traumatized to varying degrees!

boom! ! !

Under the last heavy blow, the bodies of Baal and Doom both flew upside down, hitting the floor with two "booms"!

Moreover, the places where the two smashed were all sunken, and the impact naturally had nothing to say.

At this moment, the audience fell silent.

Everyone stared at the two people lying on the ground blankly, and even their breathing stopped.

Everyone is waiting, waiting to see who can stand up first.

It took a few minutes.

Barr's body moved.

He took a few breaths and got up from the ground with difficulty.

It's just that because of his serious injury, his figure is a bit shaky...


"Your Excellency Barr!!"

Seeing Barr at this time, the mercenaries of "Purgatory" and other mercenaries shouted.

Being able to stand up even after withstanding such a fierce attack is no longer a matter of physical strength alone.

More, it depends on strong willpower!

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