Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1809: , Embarrassed!

Nine p.m.


The city of mercenaries, Plaza Mordor.

This square is spacious and vast, with a large area, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

At this time, in the center of the square, there were already full of people, and all the mercenaries gathered here on time.

A total of forty-six mercenary regiments came to participate in the mercenary conference, plus a team temporarily formed by independent mercenaries, and totaled fifty-eight mercenary regiments.

All mercenaries stand in their own camp, waiting for the mercenary association to distribute supplies and honor badges.

Standing in front of the square, President Galore looked at the time, then glanced at everyone present, and said loudly, "Everyone should be here, right?"

"It's all here!!"

All the mercenaries shook their voices in response, and their momentum went straight into the sky.

"Very well, it seems that everyone should be fully prepared for this three-day and two-night event. Then, I will now briefly announce the rules again.

This time the glory badge collection battle is about teamwork ability. Therefore, I hope that you will not fight alone, but can cooperate with the team.

Secondly, this event will be three days and two nights in total, starting tomorrow as the first day. This event will not only test your teamwork ability, but also test your survivability in the snow field.

Therefore, I don’t want to see mutual killings. You can challenge the mercenary group you encounter, but you are definitely not allowed to kill. Do you understand? "Galole said loudly.


Everyone responded in unison again.

Galore smiled and continued: "Well, since everyone has understood the rules, now I will distribute materials and honor badges to each team.

Everyone can rest assured that the materials I distribute to each team are the same, and I will not deliberately favor any team..."

"Haha, President, we can naturally trust you, so please stop Lori!"

"Yeah, hurry up and send the supplies, I can't wait to collect badges!"

Everyone laughed and yelled.

Galore nodded, did not say anything, but waved at the deacon and staff of the Mercenary Association.

Soon, the deacon and staff of the association removed the supplies from the truck, and then distributed them to each team one by one.

The materials are all common necessities for survival in the wild, such as tents, ropes, fire tools, torches, knives, communication tools, etc., everything.

At this time, in the back corner of the crowd.

The members of the "Viper" and "Hellhound" mercenary group were standing there.

Bruce and Waukesha, who had a cast on his left arm, were standing in front of the team, chatting.

"Bruce, are you sure that Deacon Oyev will agree to your request?" Waksa asked with a frown.

Bruce smiled and said: "Of course he will agree. I just asked him to tell me the specific addresses of all the teams. By the way, if necessary, cut off the power of aviation monitoring. One hour is enough.

Moreover, I didn't tell him that the person we were going to deal with was Barr. In his opinion, my purpose this time is just to get the first place in this event...

Besides, he only needs to do such a thing to get 300 million US dollars, don't you think he will agree? "

"Well, since Deacon Oyev is willing to help, it will be easier."

Waukesha nodded.

"Don't worry, Vaksa, this time we two will be able to kill Baal without knowing it!"

Bruce stared closely at Barr's back and said coldly.

At this moment, a thin white man with long blond hair and a thin body came over with mercenaries carrying supplies.

"Deacon Oyev, good evening."

Bruce looked at the man and greeted him with a smile.

"Hehe, good evening."

Oyev smiled, and then said: "Bruce, these are your team's supplies, please take them."


Bruce nodded, and then asked his men to take the supplies.

Afterwards, Oyev glanced around, saw no one noticed here, and whispered: "Bruce, everything you want is in the bag.

Also, when you want to cut off the power of aviation monitoring, you can contact me directly. "

Bruce smiled and nodded, and said, "I have already sent half of the money to your account. Remember to check it."

"Hehe, okay, okay! Then I wish you "Viper" in advance to win the first place in this event!"

Oyev smiled and patted Bruce on the shoulder, and then left with someone.

the other side.

The camp of the Purgatory Mercenary Corps.

"Head, just now I found that Bruce and Waksa were whispering something, aren't these two guys making any bad ideas?" The blade glanced at Bruce's side and said.

"These two guys always like to count others, don't care about them, just do our own thing." Barr said.

"Yes, head!"

The blade nodded in response.

In the following time, people from the Mercenary Association distributed materials and honor badges to each team.

There are a total of fifty-eight mercenary groups, which is fifty-eight badges of glory.

"Guys, are you all ready?" Galore asked loudly.


The crowd responded with shock.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Galore shouted and waved.

After that, each mercenary group took a multi-seat transport helicopter.

After the doors of the cabin were closed, the helicopter's propeller made a "da da da" sound.

After a while, the helicopters took off one by one, flying towards the distance...

Around ten o'clock in the evening.

A helicopter numbered "seven" stopped on a flat ground in the snow.

And it was Barr and his party sitting in this helicopter.

The helicopter pilot glanced at the radar, and then said to Barr and his party: "Your Excellency Barr, guys, your destination is here, please get off the plane!"

"Well, thank you." Barr said to the driver.

The driver smiled heartily and said: "No thanks, I wish you'Purgatory' can achieve good results in this event!"

"Haha, borrow your good words!"

Barr smiled, then waved: "Brothers, go, let's go down!"

The ten mercenaries nodded, then opened the cabin and followed Barr off the plane.

It was freezing cold outside, and it was covered with heavy snow everywhere, as if everything was covered with a white blanket.

As soon as I got off the plane, a cold wind blew over, like a knife cut across my face.

Fortunately, Barr and his party can adapt to all kinds of harsh environments, so they didn't feel any influence.

After Barr and his party got off the plane, the helicopter flew away.

Barr took out his flashlight and scanned the surroundings, then took out the map, looked at it carefully for a while, and said: "This is Kuzbass Mountain. The mountain area is huge. If we want to leave here tonight, horror is impossible.

Brothers, let's go, let's find a cave to rest for the night, and then rush to collect the badge tomorrow. "

"Yes, head!"

The ten mercenaries nodded in response.

Afterwards, Barr and his party walked towards Kuzbass Mountain.

Everyone was wearing thick-soled leather boots, stepping on the thick snow, making a "crunchy" sound, leaving long footprints on the snow.

On the way to Kuzbass Mountain, Barr's group gathered some dry wood along the way.

Barr and his party walked for about 20 minutes before they found a relatively spacious cave.

After entering the cave, the mercenaries of ‘Purgatory’ immediately started a fire.

Soon, the flames of dry wood lit up the cave.

"Head, I'll go to the door and guard!" Dao Feng suggested.

"No need, it's too cold outside. Let's rest in the cave. Get your spirits up and go on the road tomorrow." Barr shook his head and said.

"OK then."

The blade nodded, then looked at Barr, and said, "Commander, does your injury matter?"

The others looked at Barr worriedly.

After all, Barr fought for a day from morning to night today, and his body was wounded everywhere.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Barr shook his head, and then said: "Brothers, since we have chosen to participate in this event, our only purpose is to win the first place!

As for the second and third place, let others fight for it! "

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