Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1823: , Heart is suffering!

The Wolf King glanced at Barr, who was in a coma, and said: "It seems that the only way to discuss countermeasures is when the group leader wakes up."

Everyone nodded, but their emotions were not very good, and their faces were full of sadness.

After the previous life and death battle, everyone felt exhausted physically and mentally.

The tiredness of the body is nothing.

Because everyone is a steel warrior, and their physical fitness is quite good.

But the heart is tired, it is really tired.

Not long ago, they watched their brother die tragically in front of them, but they were helpless.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Seeing that Zhan Xiong and the others were not in a high mood, the wolf king sighed and said: "Brothers, everyone has gone through two days of fighting, and the body is tired. Let's rest for a while. I will guard the captain. ."

"No, now I can't sleep at all."

Zhan Xiong shook his head and said sadly: "As soon as I close my eyes, I can see the faces of Blade, Thor, Fire Monkey, Flying Eagle and Monsters, and hear their heart-piercing screams.

They are my brothers, brothers who once accompanied me to live and die, and fight side by side!

However, this time, I can only choose to escape, but I can't save them!

I can't wait to rush out and chop up those bastards... You let me sleep now, but how can I sleep? "

"War Bear!!"

The Wolf King yelled, his eyes were red, and the blue veins on his neck were bulging, "Do you think you are the only one who is sad and sad? Do you think that you are the only one who wants revenge?

No, you are wrong! Blade, Thor, Flying Eagle, Fire Monkey and Monsters are also our brothers, brothers who live and die together!

They are dead, and we are also very sad, and our hearts are as painful as a knife.

However, now Bruce and Waukesha are staring at them, and they are not sure when they will find it here.

Therefore, we need to rest and recharge! Only in this way can we have the strength to meet the next challenge! ! "

Hearing what the Wolf King said, everyone fell silent.

Indeed, as the Wolf King said.

Now is not the time to be sad, sad, or angry.

The more at this time, the more composure everyone has to be.

The madman turned his head to look at War Bear, smiled reluctantly, and said: "War Bear, we haven't closed our eyes all day and night. Let's listen to the words of the Wolf King and rest for a while."

"Crazy man, if you want to sleep, go to sleep, I really can't sleep now."

Zhan Xiong calmed down for a while and said, "I'll guard the captain with the wolf king."

"Forget it, let's guard the captain together. Whoever gets tired at that time will sleep for a while." said the lunatic.

"Well, I agree with the madman's proposal."

Tianying took another sentence.

"Okay, let's guard the captain together."

The Wolf King also knew that they were forced to sleep at this time, and they couldn't sleep either, so he simply agreed.

In the ensuing time, the four wolf kings chatted about what happened in the past.

"Hey, Wolf King, Madman, Sky Shadow, do you remember the first time we joined'Purgatory'?" Zhan Xiong asked.

"Why don't you remember, that was the most impressive thing in my life."

The madman curled his lips and said, "It was relatively early when we joined'Purgatory'. At that time, we were just ordinary mercenaries, without any background, and were hunted down every day.

However, since we joined the "Purgatory" and after receiving the training of the group leader, we have also become different. Not only have our strength improved, but our status has also improved.

Later, no one can bully us anymore..."

"Yes, at that time, the two boys, Blade and Thor, weren't so stable, and had very impulsive tempers. They liked to be reckless.

Haha, but after they were beaten by the group leader for a few times, they became more honest..."

Tianying said with a smile, but tears flickered in her eyes.

"Yes, who knew that the two guys, Blade and Thor, later became so mature and stable, and became our leaders.

To be honest, although I have been against them, I really admire them because they do have strength and ability. "

Zhan Xiong twitched his mouth and said with a choking voice: "How I hope I hope Blade and Thor will come and shout at me again,'Bear, don't **** be lazy, train quickly'..."

While talking, Zhan Xiong also shed tears.

The four five-and-three-thin men were chatting, and their eyes were moist.

Who says that a man bleeds without tears?

It's not that the man doesn't cry, but he's not sad.

Everyone cried for a while, laughed for a while, and the past scenes clearly appeared in everyone's mind, lingering.

However, those beautiful pasts can only be kept in my mind.

The wolf king quietly looked out of the cave, raised his right hand and slammed his chest, and said, "Blade, Thor...brothers, I swear, my wolf king will avenge you!!"

Zhan Xiong, the lunatic, and Tianying also raised their right hands and thumped them on their chests, their eyes gleaming with determination...

As time passed, the sun also set, and the sky slowly dimmed.

at this time.

In the heart of the Konas Valley.

Twenty or so mercenaries in khaki and dark green camouflage uniforms were walking on the road, and everyone looked around, seeming to be looking for something.

And these people are members of the two mercenary groups "Viper" and "Hellhound".


Bruce lifted his hand, raised his wrist and glanced at the time, with an annoyed expression: "What the **** is going on, why are those guys disappearing?!

We obviously saw them running in here, but how come we can't find half of them? ! "

Waukesha frowned and said, "Not only that, we didn't even see their footprints and bloodstains."

"Someone should have cleaned up the blood stains and footprints."

Bruce glanced around and said, "These guys are all elite fighters of'Purgatory' after all, and their anti-hunting abilities are naturally nothing to say..."

"Then what shall we do now?"

Waksa looked at Bruce with an unhappy expression and said: "If we can't find them and kill them before tomorrow afternoon, then our consequences will be quite dangerous.

As long as they leave alive, the Mercenary Association will definitely not be able to tolerate us anymore, and we will be violently retaliated by the Purgatory Mercenary Group.

If it's just a purgatory mercenary group, it's okay to say that we can deal with it together. However, if this matter is known by the purgatory king, then we may not be able to survive.

Bruce, I think you should still remember the horrific killings that shocked the world...

Back then, because two of the Demon Kings under the Purgatory King were killed, the Purgatory King directly took the group of lunatics and wiped out all the four major organizations that were the culprits overnight!

One S-level organization, three A-level organizations, a total of more than 800 people... Overnight, no one left, all died...

Imagine how terrifying the purgatory king and his group of lunatics are? How cruel is their revenge? ! "

Bruce fell silent when he heard Waksa's words.

Indeed, as Waukesha said, he remembered the crazy revenge incident that year.

Bruce clenched his fist tightly and said: "Listen to everyone, no one is allowed to stop for me! Even if you go through all the mountains here, you must find Baal and the remnants of Purgatory! We must Destroy them!!"


Everyone present responded loudly.

Afterwards, Bruce and Waukesha led a group of people to search the mountains carefully.

However, just after Bruce and Waukesha walked away.

In one of the thick snowdrifts, there are two small holes, and two blue eyeballs are spinning behind the small holes.

After a few minutes, I only heard a "crash", the thick snowdrifts scattered, and a foreign man in a black camouflage uniform got up.

This man is in charge of the blood evil after breaking.

"Hehe, a bunch of idiots, they know to be afraid!"

Xue Sha curled his lips, then took out a special communication device, and quickly got in touch with the Wolf King.


A deep voice came.

"Wolf King, I am the Blood Fiend!" Xue Sha hurriedly replied.

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