Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1847: , Fight side by side!

Ye Fei clapped his hands and was about to move on.

Suddenly, he felt a trace of coldness behind him.

He frowned, turned around quickly, stuck out his right hand, and directly clasped a wrist with a saber.

Moreover, the blade of this saber was black, and it was known to be poisoned at first glance.

"It's worthy of the Venom Bee Mercenary Corps. Even the methods are so fierce that you still smear poison on the knife... No wonder your'Poison Bee' hasn't made any progress for so many years.

You always think about some crooked ways, but you are not really improving your own strength. Even if another hundred years pass, your mercenary group can only be C-rank! "

Ye Fei looked at the wasp indifferently, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The wasp looked at Ye Fei blankly, his eyes full of horror.

He clearly knows that if he is fighting head-on, his strength is indeed not very good.

However, what I do best is sneak attacks.

He can control his breath and the sound of his footsteps, so he can kill the enemy silently.

However, the sneak attack tactics that he has always been proud of have not been able to affect this kid even a little bit.

Worthy of being a super strong purgatory king, such agility and reflexes are really scary.

The hornet stared at Ye Fei fiercely, and said angrily: "The reason why our mercenary group is called'poisonous bees', of course, has nothing to do with poison!

Even if you are the king of purgatory, you will definitely die today! ! "

As he said, the hornet roared "Ah", and the right hand holding the knife suddenly exerted force, wanting to pierce the general knife into Ye Fei's heart.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake Ye Fei at all.


The wasp looked at Ye Fei, his eyes filled with consternation.

He felt that his wrist was severely clamped by iron tongs, unable to move forward or break free.

"Is this all your methods?"

Ye Fei looked at the wasp contemptuously, and asked with a smile.

"You are less arrogant!!"

The hornet screamed, his left foot stepped on the ground, and his right foot suddenly lifted, driving a violent wind, sweeping towards Ye Fei's waist!


A sound of breaking through the sky sounded!

At the moment when the Hornet kicked it out, only a "puff" sound was heard, and a thin and long black metal spike unexpectedly popped up on his toe!

There is no doubt that this black spike is also smeared with poison!

Really like the sting of a wasp!

If you are stabbed by this spike, you will definitely die!

However, when the hornet kicked out, Ye Fei moved his left hand down and blocked the hornet's attack!

Immediately, Ye Fei reached out with his left hand, and directly clamped the black spike with his **** and index finger!

"You... what do you want to do?!"

The hornet was taken aback for a moment, and didn't understand what Ye Fei wanted to do.

"So this is the poisonous stinger hidden by your Venomous Bee Mercenary Group..."

Ye Fei said lightly, and then vibrated: "Don't you like to use poison, then I will pull out your thorn!"

The voice fell off.

Hearing a "click", Ye Fei directly pulled out the black spike with two fingers!

After pulling out this thorn, Ye Fei slammed his left hand!

With a "pouch", this spike pierced directly into the abdomen of the wasp!


The Hornet snorted, then smiled coldly, and said, "Prince of Purgatory, since I am good at using poison, am I not good at detoxification?

Everyone in our Venomous Bee Mercenary Group will take the antidote before using the poison. If you want to use our poison to poison us, it is simply impossible! "


Ye Fei smiled and said, "Who said I would use poison to poison you?"

"and you……"

The Hornets were taken aback for a moment, and didn't understand what Ye Fei meant.

However, without waiting for him to think about it, Ye Fei's hand squeezing the hornet's wrist suddenly exerted force!


A cracked bone sounded!


The hornet screamed, and the wrist bones were directly crushed by Ye Fei!

The piercing pain caused the Hortou Bee to sweat in cold sweat, and his face became pale!

"Do you think you are smart? Actually, you are just a clown in my eyes..."

Ye Fei smiled coldly, his eyes flashed murderously, and he shouted loudly!


With a word falling, Ye Fei raised a kick suddenly, and kicked hard towards the chest of the wasp!


A seemingly ordinary kick, but with extremely terrifying power, like a volcanic eruption, it swept towards the wasp!

The hornet was shocked, and quickly raised his arm to block it!

boom! !

Accompanied by the sound of muffled thunder, the wasp's body was kicked and flew out!

After flying for more than 20 meters, the hornet fell heavily to the ground!

Moreover, at the moment of landing, a series of "click" bone cracks sounded!

Ye Fei's kick just now not only kicked the hornet's arm, but also kicked off all the hornet's sternum!

His chest collapsed, and the blood from his mouth kept pouring out, staining his clothes and the ground.

He opened his eyes wide, looking at the sky gradually lighting up.

It wasn't until the moment of his death that he understood how strong the legendary king was.


The mercenaries of the Venomous Bee Mercenary Group yelled one by one when they saw the wasps lying on the ground.

Immediately, these mercenaries ran to the hornet.

However, the hornet has already died of breath, and can't die anymore.

"The head is dead... the head is dead!!"

A mercenary screamed in horror.

"We want to avenge the team leader!"

"Yes, we must take revenge!"

A group of mercenaries shouted.

Afterwards, a dozen of the mercenaries of the Venomous Bee Mercenary Group turned their heads and looked at Ye Fei viciously.

Although they were terrified of Ye Fei in their hearts, at this juncture, they couldn't take care of that much.

I can't escape anyway, so I might as well fight for it.

"Brothers, no matter what kind of king he is! No matter how strong he is, he is a person, not a god! As long as we work together, we will definitely be able to kill him!"

A leading mercenary shouted loudly.

"Yes! Whoever he is, let's kill him!"

"Take a horse! I still don't believe it, so many of us can't kill him alone!"

A group of mercenaries shouted a few times, and then rushed towards Ye Fei not far away.

Ye Fei just raised his head and glanced at the group of mercenaries, his mouth twitched, and his body moved!

Only heard a "swish", Ye Fei's figure has disappeared from the place!

When Ye Fei appeared again, he had already arrived in front of the mercenaries of the Venomous Bee Mercenary Group more than twenty meters away!

The time spent is almost only a few tenths of a second!


"This... is this kid a man or a ghost?!"

Seeing Ye Fei's sudden appearance, the mercenaries who had only run a few steps were shocked and exclaimed.

Because Ye Fei's speed has completely exceeded their cognition.

Ye Fei looked at these mercenaries in front of him, and said indifferently: "The ants are just ants after all, no matter how many, what can they change?"

The voice fell off.

Ye Fei's figure was like a ghost, rushing into this group of mercenaries!

Next, almost can only see an afterimage flashing back and forth among these mercenaries!

Moreover, in the process of flashing, you can only hear the muffled thunder sound of "bang-bang-bang"!

After just two or three seconds, Ye Fei's figure reappeared where he stood just now, as if he had never moved.


Ye Fei lit a cigarette and ignored these people anymore, but turned around and walked towards the other mercenaries.

The moment Ye Fei turned around, the "boom boom boom" sound rang continuously.

I saw that the mercenaries who were still standing, one after another, all fell to the ground.

A total of eighteen people, not one left, no one standing anymore.

And in their hearts, all of them appeared a sunken fist mark.

Therefore, in just two or three seconds, Ye Fei punched the hearts of all the eighteen mercenaries.

Simply neat, without the slightest sloppy.

Absolutely kill!

Many of the mercenaries who were fighting Bulletmark and Shaying on the side witnessed this shocking scene.

They were completely frightened, their faces turned pale, and they couldn't stop shaking...

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