Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1867: , Looking forward to a miracle!

"You... how do you know me?"

Liu Yiyi was a little scared, because she didn't even know the man in front of her.

Hearing Liu Yiyi's words, Duan Linfeng finally showed a smile on his face, saying: "Fortunately, I caught up, I finally found you, Miss..."


Liu Yiyi was taken aback, a little dazed, and said: "What kind of lady, I am not your some kind of lady!"

"Miss, although you don't know me, I know you. You can't be wrong, you are the eldest lady, because you wear the Xuanwei jade pendant.

Although it has been more than two decades, I can still see how you looked when you were a kid..."

Duan Linfeng said slowly, she was really happy to see Missy again.

Especially when he learned that the eldest lady had grown up safely, a rock in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Liu Yiyi clutched Ye Fei's hand tightly and said, "Brother Ye Fei, what is going on, how can I not understand what he said!"

To be honest, Ye Fei still didn't understand it.

Why did someone suddenly pop up and call Miss Liu Yiyi when he came up?

However, he vaguely felt that the person in front of him might be related to Liu Yiyi's life experience.

Ye Fei glanced at Duan Linfeng. Seeing that this man didn't look like a bad person, he said, "Mr. Duan, if you have anything, let's go up and talk."

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

Duan Linfeng nodded.

However, when the three of Ye Fei were about to turn around and enter the unit building, Ye Fei suddenly stopped and frowned slightly.

"Mr. Ye, what's the matter?" Duan Linfeng asked strangely.

"someone is coming."

Ye Fei said lightly, then turned around and said, "Moreover, there is more than one person."

At this time, Duan Linfeng was also aware of it.

He was startled, and said solemnly: "They are here!"

"Who are they?" Ye Fei asked.

"They are the ones who hunted down my eldest and me."

Duan Linfeng replied, and then tensed, ready to fight, and said: "Mr. Ye, please take the lady out of here quickly, please be sure to protect the lady, these guys will be dealt with by me! "

"here you are?"

Ye Fei smiled, and said: "You can't protect yourself now, how can you deal with them? Although you are a warrior in the middle congenital period, now you are seriously injured, and your strength is not even better than the previous three.

With your current state, you may be able to deal with the acquired martial artist, but the people who came are not the acquired martial artist, but the twenty early congenital warriors..."

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Duan Linfeng's heart was shocked, and he looked at Ye Fei with a look of astonishment, and said: "Mr. Ye, can see my cultivation level at a glance?!"


Ye Fei nodded, and said faintly: "I have known it since you appeared just now."


Duan Linfeng's heart was even more shocked.

He clearly understands that the martial artist wants to see the opponent's cultivation base at a glance, unless the martial artist's cultivation base is at least one level higher than the opponent's.

Is this young man a late congenital warrior? !

However, this man looked like he was in his early twenties.

Such a young person can reach the realm of the late innate stage. Isn't that too bad for the sky?

Even the younger generation of geniuses in the ancient martial arts world, it is difficult to break through to the late innate strength at this age.

Of course, all this is just Duan Linfeng's guess.

If you let him know Ye Fei's true cultivation base, I'm afraid the jaw will drop in surprise.

At this moment, I saw a group of men wearing purple gowns with sabers on their waists swooping over from a distance, and stopped five or six meters away in front of Ye Fei's trio.

Leading Zheng Fangying and another leader Shen Lie.

The purpose of the nine people led by these two is to complete the task assigned by Liu Junming and to kill Duan Linfeng and Liu Yiyi.

"Hehe, Duan Linfeng, I didn't expect you guys to run very fast, and you arrived here early."

Fang Ying stood up with a smile, staring at Duan Linfeng closely, and sneered: "It's a pity, this time, if you want to run again, I'm afraid you won't have this chance..."

Duan Linfeng frowned, and stepped forward, shaking his voice: "Fang Ying, isn't your purpose to kill me? You want to kill me, yes, but I have a request!"

"What's the requirement? Let's hear it."

Fang Yingxie said with a smile.

In his opinion, no matter what today, Duan Linfeng will undoubtedly die.

As for Ye Fei next to him, he was completely ignored.

What's the use of a man in the world?

Duan Linfeng looked back at Liu Yiyi, and then Fang Ying said, "I hope you can let the eldest lady go after I die!"


Shen Lie stood up and said coldly: "The master has ordered, you two must die!"

"Have you heard, Duan Linfeng, we really can't agree to your request!" Fang Ying said with a smile.

"In that case, even if I fight for my life, I have to protect the eldest lady's thoroughness!"

A touch of decisiveness flashed in Duan Linfeng's eyes, and said: "Come on, fight if you want to fight!"

But at this moment, Ye Fei, who had not spoken, walked over and asked with a relaxed look: "Mr. Duan, you just said that these ants are here to kill Yiyi?"

"Yes, Mr. Ye."

Duan Linfeng nodded.

"Since this is the case..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Then I will send these ants to hell..."


Duan Linfeng was startled and said, "Mr. Ye, the cultivation bases of these twenty people are all in the early stage of innate state. How can you handle them alone?"

"Is it strong in the early congenital period?"

Ye Fei curled his lips and said with a smile: "Mr. Duan, you are here to protect Yiyi. When I kill these ants, we will go upstairs again, and then you will tell me everything, okay?"

Although Duan Linfeng felt that Ye Fei's strength should be stronger than himself, he still couldn't believe that with Ye Fei alone, he could defeat twenty cold-blooded guards.

However, when he saw Ye Fei's confident eyes, he suddenly felt that he should believe him.

Duan Linfeng took a deep breath, nodded solemnly, and said: "Okay, Mr. Ye, if we can survive today, I will tell you and Miss Ye everything!"

"That's right."

Ye Fei smiled and patted Duan Linfeng’s shoulder, then turned to stare at the twenty cold-blooded guards, and said indifferently, "Are you going one by one, or together? Of course, I personally recommend that you go together better. , At least this way you can live a little longer..."

"A kid in the world is so rampant, watch me take your life!!"

A cold-blooded guard with a hideous look, with a "swish", rushed towards Ye Fei!

At the moment of approaching Ye Fei, this cold-blooded guard swung a knife directly and slashed towards Ye Fei's head!


The cold light flashed, with a terrifying murderous intent!

It seemed that Ye Fei would fall to the ground in the next second!

As for Fang Ying and Shen Lie's group behind, they watched this scene with disdain.

In their view, Ye Fei was just looking for death.

Because they didn't even notice Ye Fei's cultivation base.

A worldly **** with no cultivation base, dare to be so arrogant, not seeking death, what is it?

However, at the moment when the cold-blooded guard hacked it down, Ye Fei didn't move, but just raised his hand gently, and grabbed the blade!


The cold-blooded guard was stunned.

Fang Ying, Shen Lie and others were even more stunned, unable to believe what they saw before them.

How can ordinary people casually catch a knife swung by a warrior in the early innate period?

As for Duan Linfeng behind Ye Fei, he was also stunned.

It turns out that this young man is really hidden!

At this time, the cold-blooded guard saw that the knife he swayed was caught, and he was immediately embarrassed into anger!


He yelled, his arms energized, and he wanted to continue swinging the knife down.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake Ye Fei half a minute.

"how is this possible?!"

The face of the cold-blooded guard changed drastically, "You...who are you?!"

"Who am I? It's up to you!"

Ye Fei let out a deep cry, lifted up all the muscle power and bone strength of his body, then suddenly raised his foot and kicked towards the chest of the cold-blooded guard!

Only heard a muffled sound, the cold-blooded guard did not react at all, and his body flew out like a cannonball!

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