Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1879: , Great changes have taken place!

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Liu Yiyi, Zhang Baokun, and Tang Yu raised their heads. When they saw the lively bazaar not far away, they were all dumbfounded, shocked by what they saw before them.

I saw that not far in front was a tall tower with a plaque hanging on it with the three vigorous and powerful characters of "Dongxiang City" written on it.

With the tower as the center, there are row upon row of houses on both sides, including tea shops, wine shops, butcher shops, temples, inns and so on.

Pedestrians on the street are one after another, there is a constant stream, three religions and nine streams, there are all kinds of people.

Cries, shouts, chats and laughs, one after another.

Zhang Baokun rubbed his big eyes vigorously, and muttered, "Did I pass through?!"

Not only Zhang Baokun, but Liu Yiyi and Tang Yu also felt this way.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it at all, that there was such an isolated place in Huaxia.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "The ancient martial arts world has always existed, but there are many people who haven't seen it, so I don't believe it."

"Mr. Ye is right."

Duan Linfeng nodded and said, "In addition, there are fewer and fewer people in the ancient martial world and people in the secular world. Therefore, there are more people who don't know the existence of the ancient martial world.

Moreover, if you want to enter the ancient martial world, you not only need to find the entrance, but also need to have a key, otherwise, ordinary people can't get in at all. "


Tang Yu was shocked, a little bit confused.

"Yes, for example, this is one of the keys to the ancient martial world."

Ye Fei took out the "star" necklace that Sister Lan gave him.

"This is also the key."

Duan Linfeng took out a token of Yunxia Valley.

Only then did Liu Yiyi, Tang Yu and Zhang Baokun react.

No wonder they can come in smoothly, because they have the key.

"Let's go, let's find an inn to settle down."

Ye Fei smiled, and then walked into the bazaar with Liu Yiyi and his group.

Because Liu Yiyi, Zhang Baokun, and Tang Yu were here for the first time, they thought everything here was very novel along the way.

"Brother Ye Fei, those hairpins are so beautiful, how can I buy them?" Liu Yiyi asked the shop selling hairpins.

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Here, Huaxia Coins are in circulation. Even if you don't have cash, you can still pay with your mobile phone."

"I'll go, there is this kind of operation?!"

When Tang Yu heard this, his mouth opened wide in surprise.

"It's interesting, I felt so when I first came here."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, then said: "Yiyi, what do you like, we will buy it."


Liu Yiyi nodded excitedly.

Later, Ye Fei helped Liu Yiyi buy a jade hairpin and some gadgets.

After walking around for a while, Ye Fei and his party came to the largest inn in this market, called "Wuzhou Inn".

Although it is night now, the inn is still very lively.

There is an endless stream of people eating, drinking, and staying in stores.

Some are just ordinary people, but some people carry sabers and swords with them, and they look like warriors.

Seeing so many warriors, Zhang Baokun's eyes lightened excitedly, and he rubbed his hands straight, "Okay, this is good, so many warriors, enough for me to have a good time!"

"Bao Kun, don't make trouble, we come from the secular world, and we still act low-key." Ye Fei said.

Zhang Baokun said "Oh", his head drooping like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Ye Fei smiled and shook his head, and said, "Go, let's go in."

With that, Ye Fei and his party walked directly into the inn.

"Several guest officials, do you want to eat or stay in a restaurant?"

As soon as Ye Fei and his party entered the door, a small second from an inn greeted him enthusiastically.

"Eat first, then stay in the store. Xiao Er, help us open six rooms." Ye Fei said.

"Okay, guest officer, please here!"

Xiao Er grinned, and brought Ye Fei and his party to a big empty table and sat down.

"What do you want to eat?" Xiao Er asked.

"Put all the signature dishes of your inn, and then serve a few pots of your good wine." Ye Fei said.


Xiao Eryi was stunned and said, "This guest officer, our restaurant has more than a dozen signature dishes. Have you finished eating?"

"Brother My Fei tells you to go, you go, I can eat it!"

Zhang Baokun yelled like thunder.

Xiao Er's smile froze. Seeing that Zhang Baokun was so tall, he didn't dare to say anything, so he nodded and said, "Okay, please wait for a few guests. The food and drinks will be here soon."

After speaking, Xiao Er slipped away like a flee.

"Bao Kun, your voice was so loud just now, you scared others." Ye Fei said funny.

"Brother Fei, that guy prevented me from eating, it would be good if I didn't beat him." Zhang Baokun muttered.

Hearing Zhang Baokun's words, Ye Fei burst into laughter.

However, at this moment, Ye Fei's eyes suddenly fell on a table not far away.

I saw a pile of beef, a plate of roast chicken, and a pot of wine on that table.

An old man dressed in gray-white patched clothes, gray hair with many pigtails, a gourd and a gray cloth bag hanging from his waist, was squatting on a chair gnawing chicken legs, and chicken bones were thrown all over the table.

Although it was just a figure from the back, Ye Fei's heart suddenly speeded up, and his breathing became rapid.

Excitement and excitement are beyond words.

Old beggar!

This old man is an old beggar!

I am absolutely right!

Ye Fei still remembered the old beggar's help to him.

If it weren't for an old beggar, his martial arts wouldn't be so diligent.

If it weren't for an old beggar, he wouldn't have escaped safely last time, and he could get to know the five strange old men and get a chance.

Therefore, in the bottom of my heart, Ye Fei is grateful to the old beggar, and has always wanted to repay the old beggar for his guidance and life-saving grace.

"Brother Ye Fei, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the change in Ye Fei's expression, Liu Yiyi asked softly.

Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong and others also looked at Ye Fei, wondering what happened to Ye Fei.

"You sit here for a while, and I will bring you an old man to meet you."

With that, Ye Fei couldn't wait to get up and walked towards the table where the old beggar was not far away.

And Liu Yiyi and others also looked over.

When he saw the old beggar's back, Duan Linfeng was shocked and said, "Why is this back so familiar..."

"Well, I think it's very familiar, but I can't remember who it is for a while."

Lu Qinghong also answered.

At this time, Ye Fei had already come behind the old beggar, and he heard the old beggar's muttering, as if complaining about something.

"Oh, how come this roast chicken is so small that it can't be eaten in two bites!"

As he said, the old beggar took out a few coins from his purse and shook his head helplessly, "Hey, no money!"

"Big brother has no money, I have money!"

Ye Fei smiled and answered.


The old beggar was shocked, then turned his head.

The moment he saw Ye Fei, the old beggar was stunned, and a chicken bone in his mouth fell off.

"Brother Ye!!"

The old beggar exclaimed, jumped down from the chair and said with a smile, "Oh my god, fate, it's fate, I can meet you brother Ye here!"

"Hehe, brother, it's been a long time."

Ye Fei also smiled happily.

He was really happy to see the old beggar again.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since we said goodbye."

The old beggar grinned, and then said: "By the way, Brother Ye, you just came here, just because I don't have money to pay for the old man, how about you come to treat this meal?"

"no problem!"

Ye Fei smiled, and then shouted to Xiao Er: "Xiao Er, the money on this table will be charged to my account!"


Xiaoer responded.

"Hahaha, good good, old man, I really didn't cross you brother!"

The old beggar laughed and patted Ye Fei.

"Big brother, you shouldn't have enough, right?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

The old beggar patted his stomach and said, "Yeah, there is not enough food for me at all!"

"Go, brother, I just ordered more than a dozen dishes, go to my side to eat."

"Good good!"

The old beggar smiled and nodded, then followed Ye Fei towards Liu Yiyi and the others.

However, when they saw that the incoming person was an old beggar, Lu Qinghong and Duan Linfeng were shocked and went stupid...

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