Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1881: , Highly respected!

"Brother Ye, I know what you are thinking. However, I have other things. I can't accompany you this time."

The old beggar waved his hand and said, "Those guys in Yunxia Valley are all embroidered pillows, which are not useful. You can handle them!"


As Yunxia Valley's Duan Linfeng, he was speechless when he heard the old beggar's words.

They Yunxia Valley can be regarded as masters, it seems not so unbearable, right?

However, when he thought of the unfathomable strength of the old beggar, he was speechless.

In the eyes of the old beggar, the so-called masters of Yunxiagu were really nothing.

"All right, brother, since you have something, then I won't force it."

Ye Fei nodded, then grinned and said, "Big Brother, are you leaving for dinner tonight?"

"Don't go, I'm going to rest here for one night, and I'll be on my way tomorrow."

The old beggar replied, then smiled and said, "Brother Ye, are you making any bad ideas again?"

Ye Fei was just about to speak, but unexpectedly, a shout came over.

"Guests, here are the wine and food!"

I saw that a few small two came over with wine and food.

Soon, dozens of delicious dishes with meat and vegetables and a few jars of aged wine were put on the table.

"Come on, brother, eat first, drink first."

Ye Fei enthusiastically served the old beggar with vegetables and poured wine.

Seeing Ye Fei's weird behavior, Liu Yiyi was stunned.

After all, Ye Fei is not like this normally.

The old beggar saw that Ye Fei kept picking vegetables for himself, stroked his beard, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, if you have anything to say, just say it. You are suddenly so attentive. Old man, I dare not eat or drink. !"

"Hey, I know I can't hide anything from you, big brother."

Ye Fei curled his mouth, rolled his eyes, and said, "Brother, you will leave tomorrow anyway, so I want to ask you one thing."

"What's the matter?"

The old beggar squinted Ye Fei and asked.

Ye Fei pointed at Lu Qinghong and Zhang Baokun, grinning and said, "Big brother, can you give me some pointers to my brothers?

They have encountered difficulties in cultivation, so I would like to ask you brother for help..."

When Lu Qinghong and Duan Linfeng heard this, they became excited.

They know that the martial arts of the old beggars are quite powerful, and their understanding of martial arts is more thorough than many people.

If you can really get advice from the old beggar, it would be a great opportunity.

However, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu didn't react much because they didn't understand the old beggar.

To them, the old beggar looked like an ordinary old man, and he didn't look like a master.

Is it really useful to let this old man give pointers?

The two of them were very skeptical.

"You kid, I knew you didn't have any good ideas."

The old beggar smiled and pointed at Ye Fei, then glanced at Zhang Baokun, his eyes lit up slightly, and said, "Well, the qualifications of the boys are pretty good.

Although their current cultivation base is not high-level, there is plenty of room for future development. It’s not impossible for me to point them..."

"Brother, do you mean to agree?"

Ye Fei laughed when he heard it.

"Promise, you have said so, how can I not agree?"

The old beggar curled his lips, took a sip from the wine glass, and smashed his mouth, "But, even if I want to give pointers, I have to finish the meal first, right?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Well, big brother, let's eat first. If it's not enough, let's order again."

"Haha, well, what I want is your sentence."

When the old beggar heard it, he laughed.

In the following time, Ye Fei and his party were chatting while eating. During the chat, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu also briefly introduced themselves.

The meal was not finished until around nine o'clock in the evening.

"Is everyone full?"

Ye Fei looked at Liu Yiyi and others and asked.

Liu Yiyi and others nodded.

Even the big stomach king Zhang Baokun nodded for the first time and said that he was full.

After all, seven people ate a large table full of dishes, and every dish was eaten up. If this was not enough, it would be really surprising.

"Brother, are you full?" Ye Fei looked at the old beggar and asked with a smile.

The old beggar patted his bulging belly and said, "If you are full, your belly will burst after eating."

Ye Fei nodded, and then shouted: "Little Er, check out!"


Hearing Ye Fei's voice, Xiao Er ran over with a smile.

When Xiao Er saw that a table full of vegetables was eaten up by Ye Fei's group, he opened his mouth wide in surprise, enough to stuff a few eggs.

This is the appetite of more than a dozen people!

He thought that Ye Fei and his party couldn't finish eating at all, but he didn't know that the group of people ate so cleanly.

After closing the bill, Ye Fei said to Xiaoer again: "Xiaoer, open another room."


Xiao Er nodded, and then left.

When Xiao Er left, the old beggar stood up and said, "Brother Ye, let's go!"

"Big brother, where are we going?" Ye Fei asked.

The old beggar rolled his eyes and said, "Didn't you ask me to give pointers to these guys? Of course you are going outside to give pointers. Is it possible to be here? What if someone else’s shop is demolished?"

Ye Fei smiled and scratched his head, and said, "Well, well, let's go!"

Afterwards, Ye Fei and his party followed the old beggar and left the inn and walked out of the bazaar.

"Hey, Bao Kun, do you think this old beggar has martial arts?"

Tang Yu followed Zhang Baokun and asked.

"There should be, I don't know."

Zhang Baokun scratched his head and said: "I don't feel any cultivation in this old beggar, just like an ordinary person."

"I thought I felt this way alone."

Tang Yu curled his lips and said, "This old beggar looks so ordinary, can he really point us?"

"I don't know, I'll watch it again then." Zhang Baokun replied.

"Tang Yu, Bao Kun, don't underestimate the old man..."

Lu Qinghong glanced at the old beggar's back, with a respectful expression on his face: "The martial arts of the old man is unfathomable, but it is not what we can imagine..."

"Is that so mysterious?"

Tang Yu still didn't believe it.

"If the old man's martial arts is not strong, do you think Fei will let the old man point us?"

Lu Qinghong said lightly, and then followed up without saying much.

Tang Yu touched his chin and said, "That's right, if the old beggar is not good, Fei will not take this effort at all."

Afterwards, Tang Yu and Zhang Baokun didn't talk any more, and with doubts and expectations, they followed the old beggar's footsteps.

Ye Fei and his party walked for about twenty minutes before they came to a forest a few kilometers away from the market.

It's already night, and there are no people nearby, so even if something happens, it won't affect other people.

After walking into the woods, Ye Fei and his team came to a clearing in the middle of the woods and stopped.

The old beggar walked to the clearing and said indifferently: "Who wants to accept instructions first, come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud voice rang.

"Old man, I will come first!"

With that said, Zhang Baokun walked out and looked at the old beggar.

"Your name is Zhang Baokun, right?"

The old beggar smiled and asked.

"Yes, my name is Zhang Baokun!"

Zhang Baokun nodded in response.

"Well, he looks pretty strong, but I don't know how martial arts..."

The old beggar smiled, then beckoned, and said, "Come on, boy, use your strongest combat power and attack me!"


Zhang Baokun was taken aback for a moment, scratching his head and said: "Old man, my strength is a little bit strong, I'm afraid that if I use too much force, I accidentally hurt you."


When the old beggar heard this, he burst out laughing and said: "Boy, if you can hurt me, then I admire you.

Well, you don’t need to worry, even if you do your best to attack me, if you really hurt me, I won’t blame you. "

"Well, old man, then you be careful!"

Zhang Baokun is also not hypocritical.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Baokun suddenly raised his right foot and stepped heavily on the ground with a "boom".

This foot stepped down, and the solid soil on the ground cracked several deep cracks.

Immediately, Zhang Baokun swiftly ran his mind, and the power of true qi was instantly lifted...

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