Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1923: , Despair!

After the T-shirt outside was torn, Bai Ningbing had only one underwear left, and her white as snowy skin was exposed, shining brightly under the dim light.

Especially Bai Ningbing's hot body curve, exquisite and elegant, perfect without any blemishes.

At this scene, the eyes of the four men present were all staring.

They felt short of breath and swallowed.

"Beautiful, so beautiful, this girl is really the best!"

The man in the flower shirt swallowed his throat and rushed towards Bai Ningbing again.

Just when he was about to take the next step, Bai Ningbing used all his best as if going crazy, kicking the man in the flower shirt aside.

Because the man in the flower shirt was also drunk, he was almost kicked to the ground by Bai Ningbing.

"Damn, how come this girl still has so much strength!"

The man in the flower shirt shook his head, and then yelled at the three men on the side: "You three, don't come and help me, hold this girl down for me!"

"Yes Yes!!"

After the three men heard the order, Ban quickly stepped forward and pressed Bai Ningbing's hands and feet.

Originally, Bai Ningbing couldn't use her strength, plus being held down by these three men, she couldn't get rid of it at all. She could only watch the demon claws of the man in the flower shirt stretch out towards her.

this moment.

Bai Ningbing's eye sockets were moist, and a deep despair was born in her heart.

In this case, she can't do anything at all.

If you were really tarnished by these guys, then you might not be able to live anymore.

At this moment, a face emerged in her mind.

A nasty, nasty face.

When this face gradually became clear, tears in Bai Ningbing's eyes came out directly.

She exhausted all her strength, hers in grievances and angrily yelled: "Ye Fei!!! Bastard!!!"

As soon as her voice fell, only a loud "bang" was heard, and the door of the room was kicked open!

Hearing the sound, the four men were taken aback by surprise, and quickly got up.

As soon as they turned their heads, they saw Wu Jinsheng walking in.

When he heard the shout just now, Wu Jinsheng kicked the door madly.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, the whole person was struck by lightning, and he went stupid.

It's over, it's really over.

"Hey, who did I think it was, it turned out to be you, Angkor!"

The man in the flower shirt smiled and hurried up and said, "Angkor, you are also going to play this girl? We haven't moved this girl yet. Since Angkor is going to play, we will definitely be the first one... …"

"I played Nima next door!!"

Wu Jinsheng was furious at once, and slapped him severely on the face of the man in the flower shirt.

A crisp sound of "pop" sounded, and the man in the flower shirt was knocked to the ground by a slap.

Then, Wu Jinsheng's heart burned with anger, and he didn't relieve his qi at all.

"You stupid idiot! You **** want to die, don't get me! I kicked you to death! Kicked you idiot to death!!"

Wu Jinsheng rushed up, cursing, and kicking wildly at the man in the flower shirt.

Bang bang bang! !


The man in the flower shirt hugged his head. He was kicked by Wu Jinsheng, but he didn't dare to resist.

"Angkor, what are you doing, why do you want to beat Brother Leopard?" the man in the black vest asked.

"I not only want to fight this idiot, I also want to fight with you!!"

Wu Jinsheng roared and slapped the man in the black vest with a sudden slap on the face.

The man in the black vest was dumbfounded by this slap.

Bang bang ......

At this moment, Ye Fei walked in.

"Who the **** are you?!"

Seeing Ye Fei's eyesight, the black vest man yelled at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei ignored this guy, but looked at Bai Ningbing on the bed.

When he saw Bai Ningbing's miserable appearance, his heart couldn't help but twitch.

The woman's hair was messy, five clear finger prints appeared on her pale face, and blood spilled from the corners of her mouth.

Moreover, the woman's coat had been torn, and the blood stains on the shoulders and lower abdomen were so dazzling against the white skin.

Is this still Bai Ningbing he knows?

Is this still the brave and lively girl in his heart?

What kind of torture did she go through to become what she is now?

Ye Fei took a deep breath, and then slowly walked towards Bai Ningbing.

At this moment, Bai Ningbing's face was full of tears, and I felt pity.

She stared at the man walking towards her in a daze, the grievance and sadness in her heart burst out at this moment.

"Ye Fei..."

Bai Ningbing called out softly, tears streaming down like a broken pearl.

"Silly girl, don't talk, I'll take you out of here later..."

Ye Fei replied softly, then took off his shirt and put it on Bai Ningbing.

"Fuck! I'm the **** asking you, who the **** are you!!"

The black vest man saw Ye Fei not bird himself, he was blown up with anger.

He directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Fei's shoulder.

But Ye Fei suddenly turned around, sticking out his right hand, and directly buckled the throat of the man in the black vest.

Ye Fei's eyes fixed on this guy tightly.

His eyes were as cold as ten thousand years of ice, and crazy murderous intent rolled in his eyes.

Two groups of black and red flames also burned in his eyes, wishing to burn everything in front of him.

At this moment, his eyes were not what a human should have at all, but like the eyes of a demon, exuding a desolate and bloodthirsty intent to kill.


The man in the black vest wanted to talk, but when he was stared at by Ye Fei's eyes, he shuddered, and he couldn't let out a fart.


Ye Fei burst into a shout, his figure flashed, and the man in the black vest directly moved to the wall, and then slammed it towards a wall!

Boom! !

A loud noise!

The whole room shook, like an earthquake!

Click! !

There are crackling sounds!

Wu Jinsheng and the remaining three men turned their heads and looked at them. When they saw the scene in front of them, their souls trembled in shock!

They saw a scene of horror that they had never seen in their entire lives!

I saw that the man in the black vest was smashed into the wall!

There were many deep cracks in the wall, and it looked like it was about to collapse at any time!

If they just saw such a scene, they wouldn't be so scared.

But the point is that the man in the black vest who was smashed into the wall has become a headless corpse.

Therefore, the moment Ye Fei smashed it against the wall just now, the head of the man in the black vest exploded like a watermelon.

The red and white things were scattered on the ground, making Wu Jinsheng who were present feel disgusted.

As for the three drunk men, they were soberly scared.

"The devil... this is a **** devil!"

The man in the flower shirt shouted in horror: "Run! Run! Run!"

Hearing the shouts of the man in the flower shirt, the other two men immediately turned and prepared to run.

However, Ye Fei appeared behind the two men who ran to the door like a ghost.

"You did something wrong and want to run?"

Ye Fei said indifferently, and then put his hands out and clasped the necks of the two guys.

"Go to **** and confess!!"

The voice fell off.

Ye Fei used his arms to force, and directly slammed the heads of these two guys towards the middle!

boom! !

With a crackling sound, two more headless corpses suddenly appeared.

Later, Ye Fei threw the two headless bodies on the ground, and then walked towards the man in the flower shirt.

"You, don't come over! Don't come over!!!"

The man in the flower shirt was frightened mad.

He drew out the gun in a panic and pointed it at Ye Fei.

But Ye Fei stuck his right hand out, grasped the barrel tightly, and then gently moved upwards.

I saw that the barrel of the gun was stunned by Ye Fei's hand.


The man in the flower shirt screamed and was immediately frightened. He loosened his hands and softened his legs. With a "plop", he knelt towards Ye Fei.

"Big brother spare your life! Big brother spare your life!!"

The man in the flower shirt begged Ye Fei for mercy with his nose and tears.

But Ye Fei didn't say a word, his right leg suddenly kicked towards the crotch of the man in the flower shirt!


A popping sound rang!

The man in the flower shirt was directly kicked by Ye Fei to the eunuch!

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