Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1932: , Declare the return!

No words on the way, the car drove for 20 minutes before arriving at Allure International.

Ye Fei paid the money, got out of the car, and walked straight to the company.

On the way to the company, Ye Fei happened to run into Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong and Tang Yu who were patrolling.

"Brother Fei!!"

Zhang Baokun said hello and hurriedly greeted them.

"Brother Fei, why didn't you come this morning?" Zhang Baokun asked curiously.

"Hehe, something happened, so I just came now."

Ye Fei smiled and replied, and then asked, "Is nothing wrong with the company?"

"Don't worry, Brother Fei, if there are a few of us here, of course nothing will happen to the company." Zhang Baokun patted his chest and grinned.

"Well, not bad, hard work. Okay, let's go to work."

Ye Fei patted Zhang Baokun, then turned and walked into the company.

Entering the company, Ye Fei was about to take the elevator, and the company's receptionist stopped Ye Fei.

"Brother Fei, wait!"

"What's wrong, Xiaoxue, what's the matter?"

Ye Fei walked over.

Xiaoxue at the front desk blinked at Ye Fei and said, "Brother Fei, there was a beautiful woman looking for you just now!"

"The beauty is looking for me?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, curled his lips and said, "Which beauty?"

"I do not know either."

Xiaoxue shook her head and said, "I asked her what her name was, but she didn't say it. Moreover, I saw her coldly, so I didn't ask much."

"Then where is she now?" Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

"I told her the location of your office, and she will go to your office to wait for you." Xiaoxue replied.

"Okay, thanks."

Ye Fei responded, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

On the way upstairs by the elevator, Ye Fei's mind was full of doubts.

Which beauty is looking for herself?

If it is someone she knows, then she should call herself in advance.

Could it be someone you don’t know?

With full of doubts, Ye Fei strolled to his office.

At this moment, the door of his office was closed tightly, Ye Fei leaned over to the door and listened, but did not hear any sound.

So Ye Fei grabbed the handle directly, twisted, and opened the door.

I saw a woman sitting on the sofa, quietly looking at a magazine.

The woman is wearing a sleeveless, knee-length black dress by Donna Karan. The free and flexible design shows the figure of a woman to the fullest. The black skirt and the snow-white skin present a sharp contrast, giving people a fashionable, **** and **** look. Noble feeling.

The woman's slender swan-like jade neck, wearing an exquisite Cartier diamond necklace, completes her perfect neck line and beautiful collarbone.

Having not seen this woman for many days, Ye Fei felt that this woman seemed a bit more beautiful, mysterious and cold, and she was the best label for a woman.

Of course, Ye Fei also knew that this was just a woman's side.

"Shi Yun, come on when you come, and don't tell me to make a phone call if it's so mysterious."

Ye Fei closed the door and walked over with a smile.

Therefore, the woman sitting on the sofa is Li Shiyun who has not been seen for many days.

Li Shiyun put the magazine on the table, puffed up her mouth, looked at Ye Fei dissatisfied, and said, "Ye Fei, if I don't come to you, you won't take the initiative to come to me?

Humph, you men are like this, you don't cherish it if you get it. I don't know who confessed to me on the street that night. I still believed it at the time. I knew I would not believe your nonsense! "

Ye Fei was ashamed when she heard Li Shiyun's words.

He also knew that he was really busy and dizzy lately, so he ignored the feelings of several confidantes.

If you change to another man and have such a beautiful woman as a girlfriend, you will not be able to make a confession every day.

It's like myself, with several women, but I don't have time to accompany them.

As a man, Ye Fei really felt owed to these beautiful ladies.

So he hurried up, sat next to Li Shiyun, and coaxed: "Shiyun, listen to me, I've been really busy recently, so I don't have time to find you.

But, really, I actually plan to find you in the next few days..."

"Why are you always so busy? Are you busier than the leader of the country?" Li Shiyun said angrily.

Ye Fei thought, it seemed that Number One was not busy with herself.

However, at this time, Ye Fei also knew that this kind of big truth really couldn't be said.

Ye Fei grinned and said, "Alright, Shi Yun, don't be angry, I will definitely spend more time with you in the future, okay?"

"Huh, I don't believe it."

Li Shiyun turned her head and said, "Well, since you said you've been busy lately, then tell me, what have you been up to lately. You must not lie to me, if you lie to me, I will ignore you."

"Okay, I promise not to lie to you."

Ye Fei picked up the cup Li Shiyun had drunk, took a sip of tea, and then told Li Shiyun about the recent events.

This lecture took a full hour.

This is still Ye Fei's compressed, compressed and then compressed version, otherwise, three days and three nights can't be finished.

After listening to Ye Fei's narration, Li Shiyun opened her small mouth in surprise.

She didn't think about how long it was for this guy to run around and do so many things.

Li Shiyun sighed softly, patted Ye Fei's shoulder, and said: "Well, I believe what you said. I didn't expect you to be so busy during this time, and it's really hard for you."

Ye Fei gave a wry smile and said, "What can I do? Some things are beyond my expectation."

"However, I am very happy that Sister Yiyi is able to reunite with her biological parents."

Li Shiyun smiled softly and said, "It seems that you are not in vain."

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and said, "What is white busy? I'm busy doing serious things, okay?"

"Yes, yes, serious business."

Li Shiyun smiled and nodded.

Ye Fei suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, Shi Yun, I originally planned to see you these few days because I wanted to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Li Shiyun asked.

"Shi Yun, do you want to practice Guwu?" Ye Fei asked seriously.

Li Shiyun was taken aback, and asked in surprise: "Can I also practice ancient martial arts now? I heard that to practice ancient martial arts, don't you have to start from an early age?"

"I told you, I'm really ignorant."

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Isn't it about age but talent to cultivate ancient martial arts? If you don't have the talent to cultivate ancient martial arts, then even if you start to cultivate since childhood, your cultivation level will not be much higher.

On the contrary, if your talent is very high, then even if you are old and cultivate, you can still reach a very high level of cultivation. The height that can be achieved by practicing ancient martial arts depends on talent, diligence, and cultivation techniques. "

Li Shiyun surprised and said: "Ye Fei, as long as I practice ancient martial arts, in the future, I will be able to fly over the wall like the one in the martial arts TV series, hahahahahaha become a generation of heroines?!"


Ye Fei smiled awkwardly, and said to his heart, I didn't see it, it turns out that this Nizi also has a martial arts dream?

It seems that the martial arts novels written by Mr. Jin, Mr. Gu, and others have really affected many people.

"Isn't it? Say it quickly, if I can, then I will practice!" Li Shiyun was eager to try.

Ye Fei smashed his lips and said, "Shi Yun, if your cultivation base is high enough, it's all trivial to fly over the walls."


Li Shiyun's eyes lit up and said, "Well, I will learn, I will learn, and teach me quickly! By the way, is it necessary to open up the Rendu Channel or something first? Or direct transmission? Wouldn't it be faster? ?"


Ye Fei looked at Li Shiyun and was speechless.

Isn't this Nizi stunned?

"What are you looking at me? Hurry up and teach me!" Li Shiyun said with big beautiful eyes.

Ye Fei shook his head dumbfoundedly and said, "Shiyun, let's do it step by step, okay? First, I will teach you to recognize acupoints, and then I will give you a mental method and teach you how to operate the mental method..."

"Okay, well, let's start!"

Li Shiyun nodded.

In the following time, Ye Fei first taught Li Shiyun to understand the acupoints and meridians on the human body.

Li Shiyun was quite clever, and within half an hour she had memorized all the acupuncture points and meridians on the body.

Then, Ye Fei took a piece of A4 paper and pen from the table, and began to silently write a technique suitable for Li Shiyun's practice...

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