Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1951: ,Lose everything!

Frank, Bernard and others just stood there quietly, watching Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng leave respectfully, and no one dared to bother them.

Seeing Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng leave, Frank looked at Bernard and asked curiously: "Bernard, who is the purgatory king, Miss Gu?"

Others also wanted to know the answer, so they all looked at Bernard.

Bernard just smiled faintly and said: "I heard the King of Purgatory say last night that he likes Miss Gu."

"Could it be that Miss Gu will be the queen of the future?!" Frank asked in surprise.


Bernard nodded and said, "After all, I see that the Purgatory King is really good to Miss Gu. Moreover, wherever Miss Gu goes, the Purgatory King will accompany her all the way."

"so it is……"

Frank nodded, rolled his eyes, and asked, "Bernard, where do the Purgatory King and Miss Gu live now?"

When Bernard heard it, he immediately reacted.

He squinted his eyes and said, "Mr. Frank, don't you want to cheat Miss Gu?"

"Bernard, what are you talking about? I just want to make friends with the future queen." Frank shrugged and said.

"Haha, yes yes yes, make friends, I know, I know."

Bernard smiled and nodded, and said, "The Purgatory King and Miss Gu live in the Four Seasons Hotel. If you want to be friends with Miss Gu, you have to hurry up."

"Hehe, that's natural."

Frank and Bernard looked at each other and then both laughed.

After leaving the hotel, Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng stopped a taxi and drove towards the hotel.

Along the way, both Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng remained silent. Both of them stared out the window in a daze, and neither spoke the first word.

It took a few minutes.

"Ye Fei..."

Gu Qingcheng turned his head to look at Ye Fei and yelled softly.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Ye Fei turned his head and looked at Gu Qingcheng.

"Why did Mr. Frank call you the King of Purgatory?"

Gu Qingcheng stared at Ye Fei closely, and asked, "What the **** is the King of Purgatory?"


Ye Fei froze, scratched his head, and said, "Well, it's hard to say. Anyway, you can just use it as a name."

Gu Qingcheng just glanced at Ye Fei deeply, and didn't ask any more.

She knew that even if she asked more, Ye Fei would not answer her own question properly.

It's better to get to know yourself slowly than if you ask and don't get the answer.

"Qingcheng, are you okay?"

Ye Fei asked.

After all, Mark called him not long ago and told him that Gu Qingcheng was ridiculed by Edward and others.

Therefore, he was very worried, so he greeted Elena and Barr and hurried over.

Gu Qingcheng twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm not that vulnerable yet."

Ye Fei gave a "um" and said, "Qingcheng, don't take those guys' words to heart."

Gu Qingcheng sighed softly, looked at the night view outside the window, and said faintly, "Although those people are hateful, there is one thing they are right.

Indeed, the current Allure International is really too weak to make it onto the stage at all. Therefore, it is normal to be looked down upon by them..."


Ye Fei yelled softly, trying to comfort Gu Qingcheng, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

"I've said it all, I'm fine, you don't need to comfort me."

Gu Qingcheng sniffed and said, "Didn't you say that this morning, every company has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, and from ordinary to outstanding.

Allure International is now weak and ordinary. This is an indisputable fact... However, I am confident that in the future, Allure International will enter the world stage and let everyone know..."

Having said this, Gu Qingcheng's eyes became firmer than ever.

Hearing Gu Qingcheng's words, the corners of Ye Fei's mouth rose, revealing a soft smile.

He thought that after this incident, Gu Qingcheng would be devastated.

Unexpectedly, the psychological quality of a woman surpassed his imagination.

"I believe you, Qingcheng, you will do it."

Ye Fei responded softly.

"Well, it will!"

Gu Qingcheng also nodded vigorously.

After driving for half an hour, we arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel.

After getting out of the car, Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng walked into the hotel, took the elevator upstairs, and returned to the room that Bernard had booked for them.

After returning to the room, Ye Fei looked at Gu Qingcheng and said with a smile: "I have been tired for the day too, so rest early, good night."

With that, Ye Fei walked over to the sofa in the living room.

However, when Ye Fei sat on the sofa, he looked up, only to find that Gu Qingcheng did not enter the room, but stood there, as if hesitating and struggling.

Ye Fei felt very strange and asked, "What's wrong, Qingcheng, is there anything else?"

Gu Qingcheng pursed his mouth and struggled for a while before he seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Bring the quilt and pillow into the room."


Ye Fei was taken aback, with a wry smile on his face, and said: "No, Qingcheng, you let me sleep on the sofa, don't you even leave me a quilt and pillow?"

"That was not what I meant!"

Gu Qingcheng stared at Ye Fei angrily, and said, "I mean, you can come to sleep in the room tonight!"

After speaking, Gu Qingcheng turned his head and ran into the room.

"Huh? Can I sleep in the room?!"

Ye Fei murmured, and his heart was overjoyed.

Oh Maiga, I finally saw the moon and the moon, and the revolution saw the fire of hope!

Ye Fei smiled happily, then hugged the quilt and pillow and rushed into the room like a gust of wind.

As soon as he entered the room, Ye Fei saw Gu Qingcheng sitting on the bed, his face was hot, and his hands pinched the corners of the skirt, a little nervous.

To be honest, it was the first time she slept in the same room with Ye Fei, and it was the first time she slept in the same room with a man.

"Hey, Qingcheng, I know you are the best."

Ye Fei grinned, then put the cup and sheets on the bed.

"You...what are you doing?!"

Gu Qingcheng seemed to be frightened, and quickly stood up.

"Of course it's sleeping."

Ye Fei was also shocked by the woman's response.

"I, I... I mean, I sleep on the bed, you sleep on the ground!" Gu Qingcheng hurriedly explained.

"Ah? Why?"

Ye Fei was speechless at once, "Qingcheng, you let me go back to my room, don't you let me sleep in bed?"

"Of course not!"

Gu Qingcheng shook his head resolutely, and said, "We are not boyfriends and girlfriends, so how can we sleep on the same bed? No, no, no!

If you must sleep in bed, then I will go to the living room to sleep! "


Ye Fei sighed helplessly, then picked up the quilt and pillow, put it on the ground, and said: "Well, just do as you say, you sleep on the bed, I sleep on the ground, is this all right?"

"Huh, it's almost the same!"

Gu Qingcheng snorted softly, then took out a set of nightdresses and a change of personal clothes from the suitcase, and walked towards the bathroom.

However, before entering the bathroom, Gu Qingcheng suddenly thought of something, turned his head, and said: "Major rascal, don't take a peek. If you dare to peek, I'll click you!"

With that said, Gu Qingcheng also made a scissor hand gesture.

After all, the last time I lived in the farmhouse, I was peeked by this guy.

Therefore, she must always watch out for this big gangster.

Ye Fei felt a cold underneath, and quickly clamped his legs, and said, "Don't worry, I promise not to peek."


Gu Qingcheng gestured to Ye Fei again, then walked into the bathroom and locked the door with a "click".

After a while, there was a splash of water in the bathroom.

Ye Fei was originally planning to play with his cell phone for a while, but when he heard the sound of running water, he felt agitated unconsciously when he thought of seeing a woman taking a bath last time, like a scratching heart.

He threw the phone aside and looked at the bathroom.

However, although this bathroom has a glass door, the glass door is not transparent.

Across the door, you can only see the vague shadow of the woman, and a little bit of body curve, and nothing else.

Ye Fei couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Is there something wrong with the designer of this hotel? Since you don't want others to look at it, don't install glass doors in the bathroom!"

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