Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1967: , Ranked in the top three!

I saw that where the **** tyrant was, a thick white smoke suddenly rose up!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was shocked!

Damn, this guy wants to run! !

Ye Fei's legs suddenly exerted force, and with a "swish", he leaped towards the stage!

However, when passing through the thick smoke, Ye Fei found that there was no figure of the **** tyrant under the high platform!

Ye Fei frowned, looked around, but still didn't see the half figure of the **** tyrant!


The tyrant of **** ran under everyone's eyelids!

Ye Fei suddenly wondered, the guy just now was also a long-established king, and he even ran away when he said he ran.

This is too spineless, right?

Ye Fei hadn't noticed the breath of a **** tyrant on the venue, indicating that this guy must have performed some ninjutsu, and instantly escaped.

At this time, the nine kings above the sky were also speechless.

Twenty years ago, the Hell Tyrant escaped under the siege of the Pope of Light and the King of Darkness. They thought they could kill the Hell Tyrant tonight.

But what they never expected was that the **** tyrant who was severely injured by Ye Fei ran away.

"The **** tyrant is really getting more and more cunning, knowing that he can't beat him, he ran away." Pope Guangming said solemnly.

"That guy really doesn't have a bit of spine, and he runs as long as he wants to. It's because he was a king more than twenty years ago." The Mosuo giant said with a curl of his mouth.

Several other kings are also not ashamed of the behavior of the **** tyrant.

"However, after this battle, no one should dare to challenge the Purgatory King anymore..."

The Wild Lord smiled and said: "The Purgatory King has proven himself to everyone with his absolute crushing strength."

"Hehe, this purgatory king is really interesting. I haven't seen him for a few years, but his strength has improved so much..."

The Dark Lord squinted his eyes and said, "I really want to fight him..."


The Mosuo giant squinted and said, "The King of Darkness, you want to go with me. Just now I saw the King of Purgatory playing so wonderfully, and I felt a little itchy.

However, Lord of Darkness, I will give you this opportunity..."

"Haha, good, then thank you!"

The Dark Lord laughed loudly.

"Lord of Darkness, are you serious?"

The savage lord was surprised and authentic.

Several other kings also looked at the dark king.

"Of course it's true, I've long wanted to compete with the purgatory king."

The Dark Lord nodded.

"Interesting and interesting, the contest between the two kings tonight will definitely detonate the audience!"

The Wild Lord Lang laughed and said: "Lord of Darkness, I am looking forward to your contest with the Purgatory King..."

The King of Darkness didn't have much, but jumped, jumped directly from the height of 20 meters, and landed on the high platform steadily.

At this moment, Ye Fei was walking back, and the host also came to the stage to announce the next link, but suddenly found that the King of Darkness had also jumped down.

Everyone in the stands also looked at the venue in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

"What the hell, why did the Lord of Darkness also jump down?"

"I don't know, the Lord of Darkness is the top three super strong among the top ten kings. Is it possible that he also wants to challenge the purgatory king?!"

"Eh, dear, isn't it? The two kings are fighting, then can this venue be able to withstand it?"

For a while, everyone in the stands was amazed.

At this moment, the host was stunned, and then hurried forward and said respectfully: "Lord of Darkness, what can I do for you?"

The darkness faintly said: "I want to discuss with the Purgatory King, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"Ah? You want to learn from the Purgatory King?!"

The host exclaimed, then wiped off his cold sweat, looked at Ye Fei, and said: "Purgatory King, the Dark King wants to discuss with you, I wonder what your intentions are?"

Ye Fei looked at the Lord of Darkness, smiled faintly, and asked, "Lord of Darkness, are you not satisfied with me too?"

"Do not."

The Dark Lord shook his head and said, "Prince of Purgatory, I naturally approve of your strength...After all, how can ordinary people beat the Tyrant of Hell.

I just saw that you played so well just now, so I wanted to discuss it with you. Of course, there is no deep hatred between us after all, just click and stop.

If you feel that your physical strength has dropped, then we can do it another day..."

"Lord of Darkness, you black-bellied fellow, you have said so, if I should not fight, wouldn't it be a joke by my brothers?"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, and then said: "Okay, anyway, I have already warmed up, so I can discuss it with you."

The host on the side listened and asked: "Purgatory King, do you mean to agree to the challenge of the Dark Lord?"

"Yeah, promise."

Ye Fei nodded.

"Okay, then I will announce the news to everyone now!"

The host became excited. He quickly picked up the microphone and said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, I must have enjoyed the two battles just now, and everyone was still a little unhappy.

So, now I announce an exciting news to everyone... that is, the Dark Lord challenged the Purgatory King, and the Purgatory King agreed!

Let us cheer and cheer for the two kings! ! "

The host's voice fell off.

Everyone present became a sensation.

"My God! I heard you right, the two kings really have to compete?!"

"It's great, the contest between the two kings is rarely seen!"

"Purgatory King!!"

"The King of Darkness!!"

Everyone present shouted loudly, and the atmosphere on the scene ushered in a climax again.

Amidst the cheers, the host quickly retreated to the stands, and those closer to the venue also quickly retreated far away.

After all, the destructive power caused by the contest between the two kings must be quite terrifying. In order not to hurt yourself, you should hurry up and stay away.

At this time, Ye Fei and the King of Darkness were five or six meters away, looking at each other, for a time, no one shot first.

"Lord of Darkness, come on, let me see your dark power..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and hooked his finger at the Lord of Darkness.

The King of Darkness didn't say a word, just raised his hands and let out a soft drink: "Power of Darkness! Dark Storm!!"

The voice fell.

I saw that a series of black terrifying, desolate, and killing black energy was released instantly, forming a huge black tornado in the entire venue!

The black tornado is getting bigger and bigger, soaring into the sky, even in this storm, there is still a lot of lightning!

Moreover, the stones, steel bars, dust and other things above the venue were all rolled up!

Shattering! !

Boom boom boom! !

The wind howls!

Thunder masterpiece!

The resulting momentum is particularly amazing!

After this black tornado stayed in front of the Dark King for a while, it swept directly towards Ye Fei!

As the black tornado moved, I saw that all the slates on the ground of the venue were lifted up, and then merged into this black storm!

Seeing this black tornado sweeping towards him, Ye Fei didn't go to carry it hard, but quickly backed away!

"Oh Maiga! You deserve to be the king, it's so horrible as soon as you make a shot!"

"Awesome! I don't know who is stronger, the Dark King or the Purgatory King?"

Exclaims, shouts, and suspicions rang one after another in the venue.

At this time, Ye Fei had been back ten meters, and then kicked on a steel bar on the ground.

Subsequently, Ye Fei held the steel bars with both hands, and then instantly raised the muscle strength and bone strength, and also raised the power of true energy!

Immediately, Ye Fei held the steel bar in both hands, slowly raised it, and then waved out toward this black tornado!

"Ancient swordsmanship! All beings punish!"

Huh! !

Boom! !

A sword slashed out, and a terrifying thunder broke out!

This great sword of light slashed directly towards the black tornado!

It was this sword that Ye Fei directly split this black tornado in half!

The torn black tornado vanished in an instant, and the terrifying coercion also dissipated!

Immediately, Ye Fei held the "sword" in one hand, and the wind was blowing under his feet. The whole person seemed to turn into a rush of electricity and swept toward the King of Darkness!

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