Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2009: ,Progressing well!

"Brady, you **** robbed our goods at sea before, do you remember?!"

The leader of an organization screamed viciously at Brady of the "Whalers" pirate organization.

Brady just squinted his eyes and said, "Who told you that the ‘hot storm’ passed through our waters? Who can be blamed if you are robbed?"

"Damn! Brady, don't think that we are afraid of you during the ‘hot storm’! You’d better return the things to us, or else we’ll never end the ‘whalers’ with you!"

"Hehe, do you think we'whalers' are afraid of you? If you have the ability, come and grab it, if you don't have the ability, just shut up the fuck!"


Soon, not only the leaders of the "Whalers" and the "Heat Storm" quarreled, but the leaders of several other organizations also quarreled.

The leader of each organization is very strong, and no one is convinced.

Seeing that these guys were so noisy, Robert frowned, "slap", slammed the table, and shook his voice: "Enough! What noisy!"

As soon as the sound fell, the guys in the video finally became quiet.

Robert glanced at everyone and said solemnly: "Everyone, since everyone has chosen to participate in our'God Slaughter Plan', please let go of your past grudges.

If everyone can't let go of the grudges and grievances of the past, and continue to fight and quarrel, then this plan won't need to go on.

If we don’t even have the most basic cohesion, then even if we attack the temple at that time, we will be easily wiped out by the people of the temple..."

"Hey, Mr. Robert, don't be angry. This plan is still going on. We are still waiting for you to make us rich!" The leader of an organization said with a smile.

"Mr. Robert, I am willing to let go of grievances for the time being. As for whether this fellow Brady is willing or not, then I don't know."

The leader of the "Heat Storm" organization Kelton said blankly.

"Hehe, as long as you don't fight with me, then I am willing to temporarily let go of grievances. After all, encircling the temple is the big thing..."

Brady, the leader of the "Whalers", also responded with a smile.

For a time, the leaders of other organizations also expressed their attitudes and were willing to temporarily let go of their grievances.

Robert nodded and said, "I am very pleased to see that everyone can let go of their grievances and work together with each other.

Everyone, you have to understand that as long as we can defeat the temple and eliminate the purgatory king, all the resources controlled by the temple will be ours.

At that time, you will find that the interest you are fighting for is nothing at all... I can assure you that as long as the plan is successful, your organizational strength will rise to several steps! "

Hearing Robert's words, the leaders of the eighteen organizations all nodded and agreed with Robert's words.

After all, they would not agree to participate in the "God Slaughter Project" without a very attractive remuneration.

"Mr. Robert, when shall we start?"

The leader of an organization asked with a smile.

Robert thought for a moment and said: "Don't worry, everyone, these days, we will discuss the plan carefully to ensure that the plan can be implemented smoothly.

When the time comes, we will start to act..."

"Okay, no problem, we are willing to follow Mr. Robert's dispatch!!"

The leaders of all organizations responded.

"Okay, next, let's assign a combat mission first. Everyone knows that there are eight great demon kings under the seat of the purgatory king.

Of course, although there is a demon king who has disappeared over the years and can't find his whereabouts, but the other seven demon kings are not simple roles.

Therefore, if you want to crush the temple and kill the purgatory king, you must first eradicate the purgatory king's right-hand man, that is, destroy the seven demon kings..." Robert slowly said.

When everyone heard it, they nodded.

After all, the names of the Seven Demon Kings currently active on the world stage are too loud, and their strength is so strong that they have to pay attention to them.

Afterwards, Robert glanced at the crowd and continued: "Who is willing to fight the'Sea Demon' led by Auston?"

The voice fell off.

Everyone fell silent.

"The Devil of the Sea" has just been rated as an A-level organization, and its strength is not to be underestimated.

A few minutes later.

"We'whalers' are willing to fight against the'sea lord'!"

"Our ‘Sea Shark’ is also willing to fight the ‘Sea Demon’!"

"To deal with the Sea Demon, of course we are indispensable as the Eagle Dog..."

The leaders of several organizations joined in one after another.

And these leaders are almost all pirate organizations, and they have forged enmity with the "Sea Demon" on weekdays, so they are willing to fight against the "Sea Demon".

"very good."

Robert nodded and continued: "Then who wants to fight the'fallen angels'?"

"The task of fighting against the'fallen angels' is left to us'dark dragon'."

The "Thunder Dragon" Barford, who had not spoken, said lightly.

"Barford, the task of dealing with the'fallen angels' can't just be handed to you'dark dragons', we'black hawks' are also willing to compete with the'fallen angels'..."

A white man smiled and said, "Isn't Algernon known as the "King of Killers"? I want to see how much he weighs."

"very good."

Robert nodded and said with a smile: "The two assassin organizations led by the two are well-known in the world assassin circles. You two deal with the'fallen angels', that would be great...

Okay, let's continue to assign tasks..."


at the same time.

China, Ninghai City.

It was just after 12 o'clock noon in China time, which was just after 12 o'clock in the evening in China time.

After Ye Fei and Li Shiyun left the hotel, they returned to Shangdu Community.

Originally, after returning home, Ye Fei wanted to have a good time with Li Shiyun.

However, the woman refused to agree, and said that she must let Ye Fei talk about who she was, where she came from, and what she had done before.

Ye Fei didn't know anything about women, so he could only tell the women little by little.

This lecture took a few hours.

However, Ye Fei didn't elaborate, just briefly talked about it.

If you really want to talk carefully, then you don't need to sleep tonight.

"Well, Shi Yun I have said everything I should say, now we can sleep?" Ye Fei glanced at the woman leaning on his chest and said.

Because Ye Fei talked about too many people and facts, Li Shiyun couldn't digest it at all for a while.

Until Ye Fei finished speaking, Li Shiyun was in a daze, and she hadn't recovered.

"Poetry rhyme, poetry rhyme..."

Ye Fei yelled a few times and shook his hand before Li Shiyun's eyes.

Li Shiyun's thoughts were then pulled back.

She hurriedly straightened up, turned her head to look at Ye Fei, blinked her eyes wide, and said suspiciously: "Ye Fei, what you just said is true? Are you sure you are not making a story?"

When Ye Fei heard this, he was a little bit dumbfounded: "Shi Yun, of course what I said is true. If it is really making up a story, would it have such a vivid image?"


Li Shiyun looked at Ye Fei half-believingly, and said, "What temples are you talking about, "Sea Devil", "Fallen Angels", "Purgatory Mercenary Group" and so on, do they really exist?

Also, do the people you mentioned really exist? "

"Of course it exists."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Shi Yun, I will take you to see those places in the future, and I will also take you to meet those people. When you see them, you will find that everything I say is true. of."

"Then if everything you say is true, doesn't it prove that you are great?" Li Shiyun asked hurriedly.

"Of course." Ye Fei shrugged and replied.

"Cut, I don't believe it."

Li Shiyun rolled her eyes at Ye Fei, and said, "If you are so good in the world, why do you want to come back and still be willing to go to work in sister Gu's company?"

"You don't understand this."

Ye Fei grinned, "It is better to chase after the city flowers... When you are used to living a **** life, you will want to live a peaceful and comfortable life. This is to enjoy life..."

With that said, Ye Fei turned over and directly pressed Li Shiyun under him, and his hands began to walk on the soft body of the woman...

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