Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2014: , Low status!

Su Yuechen looked at Ye Fei with a smile, and said, "Boy, your explosive power is not bad. It seems that you should be a little stronger than ordinary people.

However, having said that, if you are just a little stronger and stronger than ordinary people, and you want to defeat me, then you will be disappointed..."


Ye Fei smiled and said, "Uncle, if I will be disappointed, Bibi will know."

"Okay, then let's compare!"

Su Yuechen looked at Ye Fei and said loudly, "The first trick, you have to pick it up!"

The moment the voice fell.

Su Yuechen lifted his right hand, and an innate late-stage true energy suddenly lifted up!

The vigorous innate true energy blew the black Tang suit on his body, hunting and hunting!

Immediately afterwards, I only heard the sound of water flowing slowly!

I saw that the originally calm river suddenly rolled over!

No wind and waves!

Waves slapped on the hull, shaking the whole ship violently!

However, Su Yuechen and Ye Fei, who stood at the bow and stern of the ship, remained motionless, as stable as Mount Tai!

"Giant Spirit Palm! The waves are surging!!"

Accompanied by a shocking drink, Su Yuechen's figure jumped and slapped Ye Fei with a palm!

Huh! !

With one palm shot, the violent winds driven by it, raging crazily, and the air roars!

The tumbling river water soared into the sky, covering Ye Fei like a huge crystal curtain!

However, Ye Fei stood steadily at the stern, sounding like a rock, motionless.

It feels like being scared.

"Ye Fei, avoid it!"

Seeing this scene, Su Luoyan on the second floor of the tea house yelled at Ye Fei.

She clearly knew how terrifying the power of the giant spirit **** palm displayed by her father was.

Otherwise, my father would not defeat many Donghaimen masters in one fell swoop and take the position of the master.

At this moment, Ye Fei just looked at Su Yuechen quietly, his face was calm, his heart was calm, and he didn't mean to dodge.

It is rumored that the Donghaimen went up to the head and down to the disciples, and each possessed unique skills.

Good at three stunts: palm, sword and dart.

Among them, palm technique ranks first.

And Su Yuechen's "Giant Spirit Palm" should be Donghaimen's number one stunt.

Seeing Su Yuechen's palm, Ye Fei just slowly raised his palm, instantly raised his muscle strength and bone strength, and then greeted him!

Ye Fei's movement out of the palm was very slow, and it felt like there was no deterrent!

The warriors who stood in front of the tea house window couldn't bear to watch again.

They believed 100% that Ye Fei could not bear this hand.

However, at this moment, the palms of Ye Fei and Su Yuechen slammed into each other.

boom! !

A blast resounded like thunder!

Moreover, because the power of the two palms is too fierce, the river water around the entire wooden ship directly rises into the sky like a column of water!

The water column soaring into the sky, under the sunlight, exudes colorful rays, like a few rainbows!

At the moment when Su Yuechen and Ye Fei's palms collided, everyone thought that Ye Fei would definitely be beaten out and fall into the river.

But, the next moment.

What surprised everyone was that after the two palms hit, Su Yuechen's body seemed uncontrollable, and he flew upside down, and he was about to fly out of the bow and fall into the water!

"What?! This... how is this possible?!"

"Head Su was beaten into the air? Am I right?!"

"Could it be that Su Master left his hand?!"

In the exclamation of everyone, Su Yuechen frowned, and when his body was about to fly out of the bow, his right foot slammed toward the bow!

With a sound of "pop", Su Yuechen's body, which was originally parallel to the surface of the river, stood upright and stood firmly on the bow again!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the tea house was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what they saw before them.

Especially Su Luoyan, the excited little deer bumped, his heartbeat quickened, and his pretty face blushed.


so amazing!

She didn't expect that Ye Fei not only took over her father's first move, but also got the upper hand!


Really incredible!

Su Yuechen stared at Ye Fei tightly, shook the lightly trembling right hand, feeling extremely shocked in his heart.

Although he only used 30% of his strength, this 30% of his strength was difficult even for the warriors under the innate early stage.

However, the boy in front of him not only carried it down, but also shook himself up, which shocked him very much.

It seems that although this kid has no real energy fluctuations on his body, his strength should be a warrior who has already surpassed the peak of the post-acquired later period.

Su Yuechen squinted his eyes and said, "Boy, I didn't expect that I really underestimated your strength... Next, I'm going to be serious..."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Uncle, don't keep your hands. Even if you make a move, I can hold it."

"Really, hehe, then I have to see how you can hold my second palm!"

Su Yuechen shouted, his figure flashed again, and he appeared in front of Ye Fei again in the blink of an eye!

"The palm of the giant spirit! The day is dwindling to the west!!"

The voice fell.

Su Yuechen slapped Ye Fei's chest with a palm suddenly!

Huh! !

The power of this palm is many times stronger than the power of the first palm just now!

Therefore, Su Yuechen used at least 60% of his strength!

The wind was violent, and the river rolled up, like throwing a few torpedoes in the river, bursts of dull muffled thunders erupted!

Seeing this, Ye Fei lifted a palm again to meet Su Yuechen's palm!

Although this palm still looked very ordinary, the moment Ye Fei slapped it, the muscles on his right arm squirmed, transmitting a wave of violent power to his palm!

Seeing Ye Fei's palm shoot out, Su Yuechen's eyes shrank, and his heart shuddered!

He clearly felt that the power of Ye Fei's palm was many times stronger than that of the palm just now!

What's happening here? !

Could it be said that the strength of this kid surpassed his innate early stage? !

boom! !

However, without waiting for Su Yuechen to think about it, the second palms of the two hit together again, just like two solid steel plates hit together, making a dull sound!

Although Su Yuechen used 60 to 70% of his power with this palm, Ye Fei also increased his physical strength. Therefore, Su Yuechen's body still flew out without control!

This time, Su Yuechen's body flew directly out of the bow and fell into the river!

Moreover, after falling into the river water, Su Yuechen's feet were on the river water, and his body was still uncontrollable, and he continued to slide more than ten meters back before he stopped!

"Eh, dear, what did I see?! Head Su was beaten away again?!!!"

"This kid is too horrible, the head of Su has increased his strength, and he has also increased his strength?!"

"Head of Su's debut for so many years, seems to be beaten so embarrassed for the first time, right?!"

Everyone was amazed.

At this time, after Su Yuechen glided more than ten meters above the river, there was no anger in his eyes, but there was a hint of excitement and fighting spirit in his eyes!

Interesting, really interesting!

It's been a long time since he met a strong opponent!

The key is that the other party is still such a young young man!

This reawakened his fighting spirit that had disappeared for a long time!

He slammed his foot onto the river!


The sole of the foot stepped in the river water, and a circular ripple was shaken!

And Su Yuechen's body suddenly jumped up, leaping five or six meters into the air!

"Giant spirit dart!! The tide is rising!"

Su Yuechen directly lifted up all the power of ten percent true energy!

He raised his hands, and the river water rolled up like it was being hauled!

Immediately, Su Yuechen's hands that gathered the cyan innocent energy suddenly turned up!

I saw that the tumbling river water instantly condensed into shape and turned into countless water-shaped darts!

There are hundreds of thousands of water-shaped darts, all floating in the air!


Su Yuechen gave a soft drink.

Hundreds of water-shaped darts shot at Ye Fei all at once!

The densely packed darts came over the sky and blocked all Ye Fei's escape routes!

Only resistance can not dodge!


Ye Fei screamed, lifting all the muscle strength and bone strength, and then slammed two punches, hitting the dense darts...

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