Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2018: , Are you interested?

After speaking, Gu Xiaoran got up, turned around and rushed into the villa.

Ye Fei stared blankly at the back of Gu Xiaoran leaving.

The three words "I hate you" still echoed in Ye Fei's ears, lingering.

These three words pierced Ye Fei's heart fiercely like a sharp knife, making Ye Fei feel a dull pain in his heart.

Ye Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a smile that didn't know whether he was crying or laughing, and said softly: "Girl...I would rather you hate me...I don't want you to make the wrong choice..."

At this moment, a pretty figure was standing on the balcony on the second floor.

Ye Fei lifted his eyes and looked over, and immediately met Gu Qingcheng on the balcony.

He knew that the conversation he had just now with Gu Xiaoran must have been all heard by the woman.

With a woman's cleverness and sensitivity, she wouldn't know that Gu Xiaoran was on her mind.

Maybe she had guessed that Gu Xiaoran's heart was because of herself.


Ye Feigang was about to call Gu Qingcheng.

But Gu Qingcheng just turned around and walked into the room.

Ye Fei laughed at himself, lit a cigarette, took a big mouthful, and then directly got into the car, started the car, and slammed on the accelerator.


With a roar, the car roared like a beast in the dark, pierced the darkness and left the villa.

After leaving the villa, Ye Fei raised the speed to the maximum and sprinted on the road.

The evening breeze from outside the window blew in and slapped Ye Fei's face coldly.

Ye Fei wanted to completely vent the depression and depression in his heart.

However, he felt as if his mind was not listening, always recalling the scenes he had experienced with Gu Xiaoran.

"Hello, my name is Ye Fei, I am glad to meet you!"

"I am very upset to know you, Tubao!"


"I swear to the moon, I have absolutely no intention of playing hooligans against you!"

"Hmph, I believe you are a ghost!"

"Hey, hey, Xiao Ran, this is the street, don't mess around! If my hand shakes and accidentally crashes, then the two of us will be dead!"

"If you are done, you will die, this lady will die with you!"


"What's wrong, is the girl scared?"

"Okay, okay..."

"Xiao Ran, I know you are scared. Anyone who sees so many people die in front of you will have instinctive fear...

So, that's why I don't accept your likes...Because my side is full of dangers, you will get hurt if you get close to me..."

"Brother Fei, stop talking! I won't listen, I won't listen!"


The past scenes were played back in Ye Fei's mind like a movie, how Ye Fei wished it was just a dream.

However, the past where there was crying, laughing, and playing and screaming have really happened, not dreams.

Although I told Gu Xiaoran that I only liked her brother for her sister, is this really the case?

If this is the case, why does my heart hurt?

Ye Fei's eye sockets were slightly red and moist.

Some feelings are destined to be fruitless.

Even though he had already had another kind of affection for Gu Xiaoran, he could only hold this kind of affection to the bottom of his heart.


Ye Fei snarled.

The roar of dragons and tigers roared intertwined with the roar of the car.

Ye Fei drove the car all the way, and soon arrived at a bar.

I raised my eyes and glanced at the LED lights of the bar, flashing the four characters "Worry Bar".

"Hehe, come here, maybe you can really forget your sorrow!"

Ye Fei said something softly, and then went straight into the bar.

Tonight, he just wants to get drunk.


at the same time.

On a main road in Ninghai, a black Audi drove gently on the road.

In the car, plus the drivers, there are a total of four men.

The looks and figures of these four men are different.

But the only thing they have in common is the look in their eyes.

Sharp as a dagger, cold as a knife.

"Lizard, are you here?"

Sitting in the back seat of the car, he was majestic and dressed in a black cloth. The middle-aged man, who was playing with a string of black Buddhist beads, looked at the man in the passenger seat faintly.

The man sitting in the passenger seat had a bald head and a bloodthirsty lizard tattooed on his head. Just looking at it made people feel panicked.

The man called the lizard took out his mobile phone and browsed it, coldly said: "Black Tiger, the nearest night club to us now is a nightclub called ‘Prince’."

"Is it the place of the Jagged Alliance?"

The man named Heihu asked indifferently.


The lizard nodded.


Heihu moved his neck, his eyes flashed fiercely, and said, "Let's go to this nightclub first."

"Canned wolf, go to the Monarch Club."

The lizard said something to the man driving.

The man was thin, with a sharp face, sharp eyes, and a long scar extending from the jaw to the neck, looking very hideous.

"Heihu, do you think it is necessary for Big Brother to do this?"

Can Wolf smiled contemptuously, and said: "We actually sent all four of us out. No matter how strong the kid is, it seems that we won't be able to use the four of us?"

At this moment, the man sitting next to the black tiger with a round head and a hooked nose said indifferently: "Can wolf, don’t forget, Mr. Wang can’t even catch that kid’s trick. This is enough to show how terrifying the strength of that kid...that's why Big Brother will send all four of us over."

"Chee, Liebao, in my opinion, that kid's strength is at best in the mid-innate period."

Can Wolf squinted his eyes and said: "With the strength of the four of us, let alone dealing with mid-innate masters, even if we encounter late-innate masters, we also have the strength to fight.

Therefore, wanting to kill that kid is completely trivial to us. "

"Before we fight against our opponents, we must not underestimate the enemy." Liebao said solemnly.

"Yes, yes, don't underestimate the enemy, don't underestimate the enemy."

Can Wolf curled his mouth and said nothing more, but continued to drive towards the Monarch Clubhouse.

After driving for about ten minutes, the car arrived at the Monarch Clubhouse.

After the car was parked, the Black Tiger, Leopard, Remnant Wolf and Lizard got out of the car and walked towards the clubhouse.

At this time, the door of the clubhouse was guarding a few Jagged Brothers.

When the four people approached, the younger brothers glanced at the four people, feeling something was wrong, and walked over.

"Wait, who are you? What are you doing here?" A little brother looked at the four and asked.

"It doesn't matter who we are."

Can Wolf grinned, showing a sullen smile, "The important thing is that we are here tonight to kill..."


When this little brother heard this, he immediately reacted, "Are you here to find fault?!"

"Congratulations, you got it."

Can Wolf smiled, then his right hand became claws, and he swung out abruptly.


A crackling sound rang!

This little brother was directly pierced in the throat!


This little brother covered his neck, opened his eyes in horror, wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word. Instead, he fell straight to the ground and died.

"Palsy! Brothers, come out, the troublemaker is here!!"

"Grass! Kill them!!"

The remaining little brothers yelled at the clubhouse, and then rushed towards the four cannibal wolf.

However, within three seconds.

Only a sound of "plops" was heard, and all the younger brothers of the Jagged Alliance fell to the ground.

The deaths of several younger brothers were quite tragic, some were beaten through their throats, and a few others had a hole in their hearts, and those who died could no longer die.


Can Wolf spit, shook off the blood from his hand, and then waved his hand, "Brothers, let's go in! Tonight, let the underground world of Ninghai boil! Hahaha..."

With a burst of laughter, the black tiger, the fierce leopard, the remnant wolf and the lizard strode into the clubhouse.

When the four people walked into the clubhouse, there were bursts of screams in the clubhouse.

The younger brothers of the Jagged Alliance in the club also learned that the four of them were not good.

Therefore, the moment these four people walked in, all the younger brothers of the Jagged Alliance brandished big knives and rushed towards the four people.

However, what made all the Juggernaut brothers desperate was that they couldn't get close to these four people at all, so they were killed.

Moreover, everyone died simply, and was killed by a single move...

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