Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2023: , Bao Kun is injured!

As a result, Can Wolf didn't give up and continued to attack. Instead, he quickly drew back and avoided its sharp edge!

The first sword under Lu Qinghong's stabbing failed!

He only heard a loud "boom", and a deep hole was directly pierced by this sword where the Can Wolf stood before!

It's as if this solid concrete floor is a piece of tofu!

Can Lang's heart was shocked, and he was glad that he didn't face Lu Qinghong head-on just now!

However, just when Can Wolf thought that the sword was over, he saw that Lu Qinghong performed light work, his body was parallel to the ground, and the sword in his hand seemed to have spirituality, and he continued to chase the Can Wolf and stab him!


Can Wolf was shocked, apparently he didn't expect Lu Qinghong's sword to be over yet!

His face sank, his hands claws, and he lifted up suddenly!

The yin to evil black true energy formed a circle to resist the sword that Lu Qinghong continued to pierce!

laugh! !

Lu Qinghong's sword stabbed fiercely on the black infuriating energy gathered by the remnant wolf!

The vigorous strength of infuriating energy gathered by the remnant wolf impressively blocked Lu Qinghong's sword!

Jian Qi and Zhen Qi had a fierce collision!

Because of the strength, the Qinglian sword in Lu Qinghong's hand made a "buzzing" sound!

The sword's body trembled slightly, and it was slightly bent!


Can Wolf snorted coldly and said with an arrogant expression: "Lu Qinghong, no matter how good your swordsmanship is, you can't beat me!"

"Is it?"

Lu Qinghong's face became cold, and then he suddenly lifted all the strength of his body!

"Break it for me!!"


I saw that the power of the sword in Lu Qinghong's hand increased sharply, and he continued to move forward!


Can Wolf's face changed drastically.

He suddenly felt that the power of Lu Qinghong's sword seemed to have increased many times!

Next second.

Only heard a sound of "pop", the true energy condensed by the remnant wolf's claws was smashed by Lu Qinghong's sword!

The zhenqi collapsed, and there was no obstacle, the Qinglian sword in Lu Qinghong's hand went unimpeded, and continued to pierce Can Wolf's heart!

Can Lang's heart condensed, without any hesitation, at the moment the sword pierced, his body slammed to the side!


There was a cracking sound!

Although avoiding the vital part of the heart, the arm of Can Wolf was cut open by this sword!


Can Lang let out a painful cry, staggered back a few steps, but blood was dripping from the sword wound on his left arm.

The blood dripped on the ground, and a coquettish blood flower bloomed, which was particularly dazzling under the night sky.


The Can Wolf roared a few times, and because of his injuries, he directly angered him completely.

I saw that the aura on his body changed drastically and became even more sinister.

Clouds of black innocence rushed out of his body, as if the temperature had dropped several degrees.

Eerie, cold, and biting.

The remnant wolf at this moment was like a ghost crawling out of hell, full of terrifying murderous aura.

If this murderous intent had any substance, it seemed to tear Lu Qinghong to pieces.

Lu Qinghong obviously did not expect that the strength of the remnant wolf could increase at this time.

He furrowed his brows, holding the Qinglian Sword, maintaining absolute vigilance.

Moreover, Lu Qinghong didn't keep it anymore, instead he lifted up all his true energy and prepared to fight the remnant wolf.

"Wan Keng Gong! A sea of ​​blood is all over the sky!!"

Can Lang's face was savage, raised his claws, and then slammed it down in Lu Qinghong's direction!

Swish! !

As soon as the two claws of the remnant wolf were swung down, the masses of black innocence suddenly formed two huge black blood claws, crushing them towards Lu Qinghong!

The two claws attacked, carrying a desolate and **** murderous aura, like the devil claws protruding from the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain!

"Qinglian Sword Song!!"

"There will be times when riding the wind and breaking the waves, and hang the sails directly into the sea!!"

Lu Qinghong stood on the spot with his feet moving on the spot, but the Qinglian sword in his hand was carrying the afterimage of the remnant wolf, facing the attack of the remnant wolf!

Boom boom boom! !

When the Qinglian Sword touched those two huge blood claws, it seemed to have lost a few grenades, roaring!

The concrete floor on the ground has all been destroyed, the rocks and stone chips are flying up, and the dust is all over the sky!

The vehicles parked around were shaken by these two violent waves!

When the roar gradually ceased, Lu Qinghong and Can Wolf still stood there unmoved, but the two of them gasped for breath because they had consumed too much true energy, and their breathing became unsatisfactory. NS!



However, Lu Qinghong and Can Lang did not stay for a while, both roared, and attacked each other again!

Lu Qinghong and Can Lang’s offensive entered a state of intense anxiety, and Tang Yu and Liebao on the other side also played hard to distinguish, unable to tell the winner!

At this moment.

Tang Yu and Liebao's bodies were bounced away, they panted violently, both of them were injured.

Liebao's wounds were all wounded by Tang Yu's magical hidden weapon, but Tang Yu's wounds were wounded by Liebao's fist.

Tang Yu stared at Liebao and said, "No wonder you dare to provoke our Jagged Alliance with just four people. I didn't expect your strength to be really strong..."


Liebao smiled coldly and said, "Tang Yu, I only know now, isn't it too late? Don't worry, Tang Yu, I will kill you tonight..."

"Want to kill me?"

Tang Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Then try it!"

The voice fell off.

Tang Yu flipped his hands, and there were already several silver flying knives!

"Eight stars break the sun!!"

Tang Yu gave a soft drink and waved his hands!

Whoosh whoosh! !

Four silver knives pierced the void and shot towards the vital part of Liebao's body!

"Good job!"

Liebao gave a grinning laugh, and suddenly raised his calloused fists, and blasted them towards the hidden weapon shot by Tang Yu!

"Sky Leopard Fist! Golden Leopard is out of the cage!!"

Boom! !

Two fists blasted out, fierce and terrifying power rushed out, that strong infuriating energy seemed to transform a glaring leopard shadow, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and slaughtered the past in the direction of Tang Yu!

Next second.

Clang Clang! !

Four crisp impact sounds sounded!

I saw that the four flying knives fell on the ground before they got close to Liebao!

Liebao snorted and said, "Could this be the legendary Tang Sect hidden weapon? Haha, that's all!"

However, just as Liebao said this sentence.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Four consecutive flying knives joined the city in a straight line, and shot towards Liebao!

Liebao had confronted Tang Yu's "Eight Star Breaking the Sun" just now, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the form of the Eight Star Breaking Sun that Tang Yu used this time had changed!


Liebao's face sank, and he punched again without saying anything!

"Dang Cang" rang, and the first flying knife was smashed to the ground!

However, the second, third, and fourth throwing knives were added, and they continued to shoot at Liebao!


Liebao snorted disdainfully, then slammed a few punches in succession, and then shot down the flying knives that Tang Yu had shot!

"Rainbow pear flower needle!!"

Seeing that the flying knife was shot down, Tang Yu leaped, without saying anything, and threw out the silver needles all over the sky at Liebao again!

The silver light flickered, as if intertwined into a large silver net covering the sky and the sun, as if to swallow the fierce leopard!


Seeing the silver needles flying in the sky, Liebao stood on the spot, slammed his right foot on the ground, and the violent force rushed out, directly knocking down the large pieces of silver needles to the ground!

However, there are too many silver needles, too dense, so even if Liebao shakes a large area, there are still a few silver needles shot into Liebao's body!


Liebao endured the pain, pulled out the silver needles one after another, and attacked Tang Yu again!

Time passed slowly, and ten minutes passed quickly.

Jiang Chao and the others on the side looked thrilling, and they didn't dare to show the atmosphere.

They thought that Zhang Baokun and three of them would be able to eliminate the four of Heihu, but this is not the case.

In an earth-shattering battle, Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong, and Tang Yu were all injured.

Especially Zhang Baokun, with bloodstains all over his body, seemed to be injured the most.

Can't wait any longer.

If you wait any longer, the three of Zhang Baokun will be really in danger.

Jiang Chao took out his mobile phone, opened the address book, hesitated for a while, and finally dialed a number...

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